“overlap” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “overlap”:

– These interactions are often neglected if the spatial overlap of the electron wavefunctions is low.

– Nevertheless, the ranges of shrew opossums and insectivores overlap broadly.

– A starling, for example, has laterally placed eyes to cover a wide field of view, but can also move them together to point to the front so their fields overlap giving stereopsis.

– Every place in the universe has its own observable universe, which may or may not overlap with the one centered on Earth.

– There are a large variety of colleges in the SUNY system with some overlap in specialties from site to site.

overlap example in sentences
overlap example in sentences

Example sentences of “overlap”:

– As the two atoms become closer together, their atomic orbitals overlap to produce areas of high electron density.

– There is considerable overlap between the specific branches of microbiology with each other and with other disciplines.

– Home ranges overlap extensively,

– It is the overlap of p-orbitals both above and below the ring that produces the pi clouds.

– Although there is some overlap in content between current releases in different markets, there are also differences such as the inclusion of local hits, and the single-CD format of the U.S.

– Also, determine callnames, identifying any ambiguities or overlap between designations.

– When these edges overlap in a light spectrum, green results; when they overlap in a dark spectrum, magenta results.

– This can be difficult because autism has symptoms that can overlap with other disorders, such as OCD, that may have appeared by adulthood.

– Quantum mechanics says this is because the orbital paths are parallel so there is much less overlap between the p-orbitals.

– This, and the faunas’ overlap in time, makes it unlikely that they represent evolutionary stages.

– This appears to be related to the patchier, more dispersed distribution of food resources in Central America and the fact that there is less dietary overlap between the Central American squirrel monkey and the white-headed capuchin than between their South American counterparts.

– Some of these overlap those in the canonical gospels and some are not part of the Bible.

– In terms of bent bond theory, this preference is explained by assuming favorable orbital overlap between the filled cyclopropane bent bonds and the empty p-orbital.

– In order to get the most orbital overlap the bond distances are much shorter than expected.

- As the two atoms become closer together, their atomic orbitals overlap to produce areas of high electron density.

- There is considerable overlap between the specific branches of microbiology with each other and with other disciplines.

More in-sentence examples of “overlap”:

- Conjugation is the overlap of one p-orbital with another across a sigma bond that is in between.

- These scutes overlap the seams between the shell bones and add strength to the shell.
- In some species, the leaves are narrow and shaped like a lance, barely overlapping each other, in others they are broad and flat, and overlap broadly.

– Conjugation is the overlap of one p-orbital with another across a sigma bond that is in between.

– These scutes overlap the seams between the shell bones and add strength to the shell.

– In some species, the leaves are narrow and shaped like a lance, barely overlapping each other, in others they are broad and flat, and overlap broadly.

– I’m afraid that Simple’s article on Carson lacks a lot of information that are on the enWiki and because of this, all of the subsections are small and pictures overlap them causing a lack of flow.

– It is a semi-empirical quantum chemistry method that is a development of the CNDO/2complete neglect of differential overlap method developed by John Pople.

– Due to overlap with the Gather feature and related community concerns, this part was put on hold.

– The nucleophile attacks the carbon at 180° to the leaving group, since this provides the best overlap between the nucleophile’s lone pair and the C-X σ* antibonding orbital.

– By the west, from Swansea westwards, local people would probably say that they lived in both South Wales and West Wales because of the overlap in the artificial boundaries.

– In August 2012, a study suggested that the DNA overlap is a remnant of a common ancestor of both Neanderthals and modern humans.

– ILP allows the compiler and the processor to overlap the execution of multiple instructions or even to change the order in which instructions are executed.

– However, there is quite a bit of overlap between these two fields.

– In the latter case, flags with an aspect ratio greater than 2.2 may extend beyond the invisible box and overlap the country link at certain sizes, as seen in the table below.

– Like CNDO/2 it uses zero-differential overlap for the two-electron integrals.

– There is considerable time overlap in early prehistoric stone-working industries.

– The Long-tailed Sylph is almost the same in color but does not overlap in range.

– In the modern day, many of these titles overlap or are held by the same person.

– They only partly overlap and sometimes seem contradictory.

– While our wiki is relatively small compared to many our overlap with En gives us more then our fair share of vandals and troublemakers unfortunately making Oversight and Checkuser more helpful and necessary then it normally would be on a wiki our size.

– The spectrum with green in the middle arises only where the blue-violet edges overlap the yellow-red edges.

– Some overlap is between the two regions; deer, antelope, bears, wolves, pigs, and many rodent species can all be found in China’s environments.

– As it is, i’ve decided to let it run it’s course as doing anything else would not be fair imo, and furthermore unlike GA there will be no overlap of multiple articles at voting – i.e.

– This is because only in these cases would maximum orbital overlap occur in the transition state.

– These interactions come from the overlap between two atomic orbitals.

– Humans and penguins are bipedal, and hence are in the orange circle, but since they cannot fly, they appear in the left part of the orange circle, where it does not overlap with the blue circle.

– US 250 intersects and forms a short concurrency overlap with its parent US 50 west of Pruntytown, West Virginia.

– With modern media content retrieval and output technology, there is much overlap between visual communications.

– BS-replace templates are supplementary to the BS-startCollapsible row template that they replace, or more accurately, overlap over, the original BS-sc row template after expansion.

– The scales overlap each other.

– This innovative icon system is much easier to handle, since it does not overlap existing icons; rather, it places itself automatically so it would fit next to the icon itself.

– Only a disrotatory mode, in which symmetry about a reflection plane is maintained throughout the reaction, would result in maximum orbital overlap in the transition state.

– There is some uncertainty as the artwork that has survived is damaged and they show some overlap with meditative Buddha-related artwork, but the presence of Shiva’s trident and phallic symbolism in this art suggests it was likely Shiva.

– In Ireland, the accidental introduction of the Bank vole in the 1950s has led to a major shift in the Barn Owl’s diet: where their ranges overlap the vole is now by far the largest prey item.

– These also overlap in a head to tail direction, producing a tough outer layer.

– These grow in concentric circles and overlap in a head to tail direction like roof tiles.

– Because of these language and format possibilities, a large city may have a dozen or more Christian stations without much overlap in their programming.

– They all have different skills and preferences, but she used a Venn diagram to overlap their interests.

– There is some overlap between desktop publishing and what is known as Hypermedia publishing i.e.

– There are two areas of overlap as the paths overlap on both lobes.

– The overlap at the front of the robe was longer, the collar was wider, and the robe was shorter as well.

– The home ranges of different groups of animals often overlap, and in the overlap areas, the groups tend to avoid each other.

– The overlap on left-aligned tables had been a frequent problem when other boxes nearby were set to “float:right”.

– A clear disadvantage to SEC is with short retention times the peaks overlap and little information could be extracted from such data.

– Their wing coupling is usually done by simple overlap of wing edges.

– Many articles about National Register of Historic Places listings may overlap with other categories.

– A moderate overlap test allows more of the front of the car to hit the barrier.

– During that time, the males have a blue color on their sides but not too much to overlap their white-black-spotted flank.

– If the timestamps on any of the local edits were made more recently than the imported edits, it causes an overlap and a break in continuity.

– Three Julian calendar dates in the overlap period, 29 February in the years 1700, 1800, and 1900, will cause this error message because those years are not leap years in the Gregorian calendar.

– They have two rows of teeth in the upper jaw overlap one row on the lower jaw.

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