“outside” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “outside”:

+ They do not meet the public, they examine letters and parcels which have been sent from outside the country, to make sure nothing illegal is being brought into the country.

+ The polar night is when it stays dark outside for more than twenty four hours.

+ This belief also has an impact outside of religion.

+ It is a group of four-storey Art Deco style apartment blocks, shops, and markets outside the city center.

+ The humeral part is done by macromolecules outside the cells.

+ Linux distributions started to form after the Linux kernel was starting to be used by people outside the original Linux programmers.

+ Due to the language barrier, the Lollipops are largely unheard of outside the German-speaking world.

outside how to use?
outside how to use?

Example sentences of “outside”:

+ Once the opera gained favor with audiences it quickly spread outside France.

+ An 1898 definition refers to men who stood outside courthouses with a straw in their shoe in order to indicate their willingness to be hired to give evidence in a court trial.
+ The film also received a limited theatrical release outside of Canada, including a screening at the Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur in September 2012 and a brief run in Los Angeles in December of that year in an unsuccessful attempt to garner an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Feature.

+ Once the opera gained favor with audiences it quickly spread outside France.

+ An 1898 definition refers to men who stood outside courthouses with a straw in their shoe in order to indicate their willingness to be hired to give evidence in a court trial.

+ The film also received a limited theatrical release outside of Canada, including a screening at the Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur in September 2012 and a brief run in Los Angeles in December of that year in an unsuccessful attempt to garner an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Feature.

+ In the fall of 1906, he tried to fly his biplane, the “Santos-Dumont 14-bis” in a field outside Paris.

+ He was in the dentistry industry outside of politics.

+ He played as an outside forward.

+ Also, the strength of any gravitational field slows the passage of time for an object “as seen by an observer outside the field”.

+ Due to the nature of the times, and the Spanish Court’s hatred of the young French princess, there were even riots outside the Palace in Madrid where she resided.

+ No message could come inside the city, or go outside the city.

+ Alice is a young girl who, while falling asleep outside on a golden afternoon, sees a white rabbit and follows it into a rabbit hole.

+ Tocowa is a Ghost town located just outside Batesville, MississippiBatesville in Panola County, Mississippi, United States.

+ Important races outside the US include Longchamp near Paris, the Dubai Dubai Gold CupGold Cup and the Melbourne Cup, held every year in Australia on the second Tuesday of November.

+ Many people, including pet owners, have placed bullfrogs outside of their native area.

+ They also realized that other galaxies exist outside it, as far as we can see.

+ Meeting with Nobel prize winners Amartya Sen and Kenneth Arrow, and reading the work of John Rawls, whom he met during that year, gave Professor Phelps an interest to research outside of macroeconomics.

More in-sentence examples of “outside”:

+ In 1991, she left the company to work in the mayor’s office as an Assistant to the Mayor, then she pursued various jobs outside the city including executive director, associate dean and executive vice president.

+ The Soviet Union had also some puppet states outside Europe, such as Mongolia.

+ Four months later the “Cowmobile” burned down outside Cleveland.

+ On November 20, 2013 he was Executionexecuted at 8:30am with Propofol, a lethal drug, for killing a Jewish man outside a synagogue.

+ Whoever in the camp, at work, in the barracks, in kitchens and workshops, lavatories and rest areas, for the purpose of agitating, politicizes, gives provocative speeches, meets with others for this purpose, forms cliques, or gads about, gathers true or untrue news to further the goals of the opposition’s atrocity-propaganda about the concentration camp or its institutions, receives, buries, passes along to foreign visitors or others, smuggles outside the camp using a secret message or other means, in writing or verbally gives released or transferred, hides in articles of clothing or other items, using rocks, etc.

+ These vocal works are not so well known outside Finland because the language is not familiar abroad, but there are some very good songs, especially “Luonnotar”.

+ The fort was located outside Wilmington, North Carolina.

+ Leading 0 is dialed both within and from outside Italy, just because it is now part of the actual number and no longer the trunk prefix.

+ By late 1991 he had almost no influence outside of Moscow.

+ So the tails come together in the centre of the double layer, and the heads on the outside are surrounded by water.

+ Milgrom claims that MOND correctly accounts for the dynamics of galaxies outside of galaxy clusters, and even in clusters such as the Bullet Cluster it removes the need for most dark matter, leaving only a factor of two which Milgrom expects to be simply unseen ordinary matter rather than cold dark matter.

+ At the time of his sudden death in December 1942, Sir Sikandar was honoured by the people of Lahore and granted burial outside the old Badshahi Mosque there, on the other side from Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the poet.

+ This keeps the Na+ ions outside of the cell membrane, and keeps the K+ ions on the inside of the cell membrane.

+ The Etruscan haruspices thought a temple of Vulcan should be outside the city, and the Volcanal may originally have been on or outside the city limits before they expanded to include the Capitoline Hill.

+ Within a template, the nesting can be reduced by moving each if-expression to be outside another if-expression, or by combining the logic into compound conditions, such as “#ifexpr:a=b and c=d…” rather than have a #ifexpr nested inside an outer #ifexpr.

+ The Kellogg brothers first used cardboard cartons to hold their flaked corn cereal, and later when they began marketing it to the general public a heat-sealed waxed bag of “Waxtite” was wrapped around the outside of the box and printed with their brand name.

+ It is outside of the American Embassy in Grosvenor Square.

+ Until the early 1920s, apprentice geisha used to put their hands in iceicy water, and then go outside in cold bled.

+ The word “tram” is used mainly outside North America, while within North America these vehicles are called “streetcars” or “trolleys” as they run mainly on streets.

+ After the adoption of the euro, policy changed to linking currencies of EU countries outside the eurozone to the euro.

+ Coorte was probably not well known to the people who lived at the same time, outside the city of Middelburg.

+ The Swahili have played a vital role as middle man between east, central and South Africa, and the outside world.

+ They bleed both inside and outside their bodies.

+ Spenserian stanza remained a typical English form and it was never much popular outside England.

+ In 1991, she left the company to work in the mayor's office as an Assistant to the Mayor, then she pursued various jobs outside the city including executive director, associate dean and executive vice president.

+ The Soviet Union had also some puppet states outside Europe, such as Mongolia.
+ Four months later the “Cowmobile” burned down outside Cleveland.

+ Mika Pohjola lived in Vantaa, Finland, outside Helsinki until 1987.

+ For artists that have participated in other forms of entertainment, outside of music, these occupations can be included if notable.

+ Otherwise it places punctuation outside the closing quotation marks.

+ It says that the number of radians in an angle is equal to the length of the outside of the circle, or the ‘arc length’, that is covered by an angle, divided by the radius, or distance from the point in the center of a circle to anywhere on the outside.

+ The Medici Villa di Spedaletto is located outside the city in direction of Lajatico.

+ Binalong was outside the legal limits of European settlement in New South Wales.

+ She went to London, and started her studies in a girls’ boarding school at Allenswood, outside London.

+ The first railway line in Azerbaijan was laid in 1878 and was opened in 1880 in the suburbs outside Baku.

+ This means that the testicles have to be held outside of the body in most male mammals.

+ To distinguish players of different nations, a flag is placed beside players born outside of Canada; the Canadian flag will not be shown next to Canadian players in order to avoid clutter.

+ It lies just outside Buchs.

+ The British Museum Department of the Middle East has the largest collection of Mesopotamian art in the world, outside Iraq.

+ The building was the largest skyscraper outside New York for a long time.

+ The Heart of Wales lineHeart of Wales railway line joins the Welsh Marches line just outside the town’s station.

+ And he must be allowed to take a long brush and paint everything outside within arm’s reach, so that it will be visible from afar to everyone in the street that someone lives there who is different from the imprisoned, enslaved, standardised man who lives next door.

+ There is also a big mine called Cadia and a big fun lake located outside of the town.

+ Since the formation of an international protective society in 1932, their numbers have been growing, but they are no longer found outside zoos or reserves.

+ The remote areas were outside its borders.

+ Willie Dixon, who played the bass and produced for Chess Records, wrote a lot of his hits from this time. Muddy Waters also played outside the USA.

+ The third rail is usually located outside the two running rails, but occasionally between them.

+ On June 4, 2019, a decomposing body was found in a blanket outside Collins-Smith’s home in Pocahontas, with a gunshot wound.

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