“ourselves” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “ourselves”:

– Peace with ourselves and the people around us, peace with our ecosystem, and peace amongst peoples and nations.

– You know, we often get down on ourselves here at simple about the state of the site, the mission parameters, the goals we have/have not/should have achieved.

– That’s not to say top-down initiatives should not be done, but they need to meet problems that we ourselves decide are important.

– This is a positioning system, an “inner GPS” in the brain that makes it possible to orient ourselves in space.

– Antoine de Saint-Exupery stated: “The earth teaches us more about ourselves than all the books.

– We are limiting ourselves way too much – I suppose if a bureaucrat even makes a formatting fix on an RFA, that makes them involved too now? It really is getting to silly levels – we need to trust our bureaucrats more.

– It might help to compare ourselves to employees of a publishing company — if you work for a company, you write the way the company wants things written.

– Cameron said: “the Na’vi represent our higher selves, or our aspirational selves…” and the humans represent “the parts of ourselves that are trashing our world and maybe condemning ourselves to a grim future”.

ourselves use in sentences
ourselves use in sentences

Example sentences of “ourselves”:

- According to Martin Luther, "I shall never be a heretic; I may err in dispute, but I do not wish to decide anything finally; on the other hand, I am not bound by the opinions of men." So if we consider ourselves to be wise individuals, our concern should be to find the truth not to submit to opinions.

- I believe we are getting ahead of ourselves here.
- By "will" he means a wanting and craving like that which we know in ourselves as our "will." It is the source of immense amounts of suffering in the world.

– According to Martin Luther, “I shall never be a heretic; I may err in dispute, but I do not wish to decide anything finally; on the other hand, I am not bound by the opinions of men.” So if we consider ourselves to be wise individuals, our concern should be to find the truth not to submit to opinions.

– I believe we are getting ahead of ourselves here.

– By “will” he means a wanting and craving like that which we know in ourselves as our “will.” It is the source of immense amounts of suffering in the world.

– Actor Amanda Mealing said: “We pride ourselves on being realistic.

– Finally, the facts that technology grow fast every year have an impacts on; relationships between friends and familly, trust in technology more than ourselves and makes us develop lazy habits.The technology makes us lose our intellectuel abilities and we can say that it makes us idiots in certain ways.

– Because Screwtape sees the world in reverse, we ought always to ask ourselves the questions which Wormwood must never let the patient ask, or to carefully consider the things which the patient must never think.

– Thoughts cannot be formed outside our known reality because we are the reality that halt ourselves from thinking externally.

– I think we should not let ourselves distract by the drama we have seen in recent days.

– Rather than quick-deleting it again, I would like to poropose we go through regular deletion: If after a week, the lcosing admin decides to delte, we can have something to base ourselves on.

– This is why epidemiology takes a huge part in understanding how to protect ourselves against viruses, toxins and bacteria.

– For this reason, there is nothing we could base ourselves on.

– We now find ourselves on the receiving end.

– We ourselves assume that others have consciousness, but this is notoriously difficult to prove.

– You must needs go along with us; we will wait for you, we will lend you our help, we will deny ourselves of some things, both opinionative and practical, for your sake; we will not enter into doubtful disputations before you, we will be made all things to you, rather than you shall be left behind.

– So, can we all take a moment after reading this and pat ourselves on the back and realise just WHAT has been acomplished? We’ve survived multiple closure attempts and we are ALL still contributing to simple in our own little ways and we continue to have more articles and to grow faster than many wikis based upon national languages.

– With regard to these underlying comparisons she says: “On another level we are struck by the permanent verbal mix of the ape-like and the human, a combination which leaves us pensive and asks the legitimate question where we, who consider ourselves sapiens in a double sense, should finally classify man.”.

– We comfort ourselves in the knowledge that this is true for him, too.

– On 22 March 2015, Stuart told a meeting of his Democratic Labour Party : “We cannot pat ourselves on the shoulder at having gone into independence; having decolonized our Politics; we cannot pat ourselves on the shoulders at having decolonised our jurisprudence by delinking from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and explain to anybody why we continue to have a monarchical system.

– This means that we find ourselves existing in the world, and then we give ourselves meaning, or ‘essence’.

– He once wrote, “Let us unfetter ourselves of our historical associations and find a pure standard in the idea of man.” Emerson, Ralph Waldo.

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