“ottoman” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “ottoman”:

+ In November 1914, the Ottoman Empire joined World War I on the side of the Central Powers.

+ This resulted in demands that Ottoman Turkey initiate reforms in the six “Armenian vilayets”.

+ Britain had defeated the Ottoman forces in 1917, and occupied the territory.

+ It was the first Jewish football club in Ottoman Palestine.

+ As a result of the Ottoman administration for almost 500 years, Bosnian food is closely related to Turkish, Greek, and other former Ottoman and Mediterranean cuisines.

ottoman in sentences?
ottoman in sentences?

Example sentences of “ottoman”:

+ It was given to the British as part of the surrender arrangements when French forces were caught in Alexandria by the Battle of the Nile and a larger force of British and Ottoman troops.

+ He died of dysentery in Jaffa, Ottoman Syria.

+ The Ottoman Empire controlled Turkey and the Middle East from the 16th century onwards.

+ This is the list of Grand Viziers of the Ottoman Empire.

+ It was originally written in the Ottoman Turkish alphabet, which uses the Arabic script.

+ In 1830, France took control of Algeria from the Ottoman Empire.

+ On April 24, 1915, Armenian intellectuals were arrested by Ottoman authorities and, with the Tehcir Law, eventually a large proportion of Armenians living in Anatolia died in what has become known as the Armenian Genocide.

+ It was given to the British as part of the surrender arrangements when French forces were caught in Alexandria by the Battle of the Nile and a larger force of British and Ottoman troops.

+ He died of dysentery in Jaffa, Ottoman Syria.

+ At the end of 16th century, the south-western part of Georgia was occupied by the Ottoman Empire.

+ He also bought modern weapons for the Ottoman Army and expanded it.

+ The Ottoman Empire expanded into southeastern Europe; it conquered large parts of the Byzantine Empire in the 14th and 15th centuries.

+ Muhammed Ali was born in the Ottoman Empire, in the area which is now the Greek province of Macedonia.

More in-sentence examples of “ottoman”:

+ Russia sent an army to take part of Ottoman Romania, so the allied British and French sent an army and navy to stop that.

+ In 1460 it came under Ottoman EmpireTurkish rule and it was liberated in 1830, after the Greek War of Independence.

+ Ibrahim Pasha was the biggest vizier of the Ottoman Empire.

+ From 1915-1917, in the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman government tried to get rid of some Armenian people in the Empire.

+ As Muhammad Ali was expanding his authority into Africa, the Ottoman Empire faced ethnic rebellions in its European territories.

+ After the war the German Empire, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and Austria-HungaryAustrian Empire ended and France and Britain got weaker.

+ He was born in Sapanca, Ottoman Empire.

+ It is also applied on groups who developed in part under the influence of Turkish culture and traditions while converting to Islam, especially during Ottoman times, such as Albanians, Bosniaks and other smaller ethnic groups around Balkans during the period of Ottoman rule.

+ The Ottoman Empire was originally a small city-state in Turkey.

+ The origin of the city starts with a fortress built by the Cossacks in order to defend imperial borders and claim Russian ownership over Circassia, which was contested by Ottoman Turkey.

+ Vlad’s father was pressured by the Ottoman sultan.

+ ShawStanford Jay Shaw in his history of the Ottoman empire dates it in the 14th century.

+ In response to this, the Ottoman DynastySultan Mehmed II headed towards Wallachia with an army of 60,000 men in the spring of 1462.

+ He made the first Ottoman map to show parts of the Americas, the Piri Reis map, in 1513.

+ The Ottoman Empire responded to the Arab Congress by punishing Arab nationalists.

+ A thousand years later, the Ottoman Empire conquered the Eastern Roman, or Byzantine Empire.

+ The Allies of World War IAllies, the French forces, were fighting the Ottoman Empire.

+ Following Ottoman rule, Qatar became a British protectorate in the early 20th century until gaining independence in 1971.

+ It was destroyed and then rebuilt several times, in the Christian, Muslim, Mamluk and Ottoman periods in Jerusalem.

+ Likewise, Greece had been part of the Ottoman Empire for several centuries.

+ Christians that noticeably migrated from the Ottoman EmpireOttoman-held territory into the Dalmatian cities converted from Orthodoxy to Catholicism.

+ On November 30 1853, Nakhimov defeated the Ottoman EmpireOttoman troops in the Battle of Sinope.

+ One year after, on October 20 1827, he and the crew of Azov fought in the Battle of Navarino and with the help of the British and French naval forces, they defeated the Ottoman naval forces.

+ Bulgaria remained a vassal of the Ottoman Empire.

+ In 1463 the town became part of the Ottoman Empire and Islam was to become the dominant religion of the region.

+ This flag has been used since 1822, when the young Greek state was fighting for its independence from the Ottoman Empire during the Greek War of Independence.

+ The Dardanelles Gun was built in the Ottoman Empire in 1464 by Munir Ali.

+ An Athens XI lost to a team representing Smyrna, then part of the Ottoman Empire.

+ Their rulers received a degree of independence and autonomy from the Ottoman Empire, but they had to pay more money to the sultan.

+ His activities were concentrated at the link between Ottoman Empire to Azerbaijan Democratic Republic at Karabakh, Zanghezur and Nakhichevan.

+ It was important for not having any Ottoman attacks.

+ The ethnic conflict in Mandatory Palestine was also a result of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which created tension over the division and ownership of the land.

+ INBN 0-8109-1525-1 and a 17-carat diamond given to Queen Victoria by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in 1856.

+ By the eve of the First World War, the Ottoman state, despite its weakness vis-à-vis Europe, represented the largest and most powerful independent Islamic political entity.

+ Before World War I, the “Near East” meant relatively nearby lands of the Ottoman Empire, “Middle East” northwestern South Asia and Central Asia, and “Far East” countries along the western Pacific Ocean and countries along the eastern Indian Ocean.

+ After World War I, the Ottoman Empire had been defeated.

+ They also say that the Ottoman government never, in an organized way, tried to commit genocide against the Armenian people.

+ Mastic ice cream was first invented in Turkey during the Ottoman Empire and was called: “Dondurma” and it has been around for 300 years when its recipe was kept secret for many years.

+ During the war, 500,000 Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were massacred in the so-called Armenian Genocide.

+ In 1705, Tunisia became virtually independent during the Hussein dynasty, but still had to follow orders from the Ottoman Empire.

+ Mehmed was removed from the throne when the Ottoman sultanate was abolished in 1922.

+ During the Middle Ages and the Ottoman Empire, the peninsula was known as the Morea.

+ Mehmed II or Mehmed the conqueror was Sultan of the Ottoman Empire for a short time from 1444 to 1446, and later from 1451 to 1481.

+ He was a leader of the German military to help the Ottoman Empire in 1913.

+ In wars against the Ottoman Empire and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth she conquered much land in the west and south.

+ Gibran was born in Lebanon when it was part of the Ottoman Empire.

+ Russia sent an army to take part of Ottoman Romania, so the allied British and French sent an army and navy to stop that.

+ In 1460 it came under Ottoman EmpireTurkish rule and it was liberated in 1830, after the Greek War of Independence.
+ Ibrahim Pasha was the biggest vizier of the Ottoman Empire.

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