“originate” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “originate”:

– The lower parts of the Levite pews originate from the 14th century.

– Many rivers including the Chapursan River, Ishkuman River, Ghizar River, Gilgit River and Shandur River originate in the valleys of Hindu kush and ultimately join the Indus River.

– Many legends, art forms, music and ceremonies originate from interpretations of astronomical phenomena and objects in the sky.

– Internal hemorrhoids originate from inside the anus.

– Sami Americans are Americans of Sami peopleSami descent, who originate from Sapmi, the northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula of Russia.

– Thoroughbreds originate from the Arabian breed, and all thoroughbreds can be traced back to three original sires : The Byerley Turk, The Darley Arabian, and The Godolphin Arabian.

– Eucrites are achondriteachondritic stony meteorites that originate from the surface of the asteroid 4 Vesta, and as such are part of the HED meteorite group.

– Saudi Aramco operates regular flights for its personnel, which originate from Dammam to cover Haradh, Tanajib, Shaybah, Hautat SudairHawtah, Al Ahsa, Dash-8 equipment.

originate example in sentences
originate example in sentences

Example sentences of “originate”:

– They originate from Southeast Asia.

– The trunk rarely grows straight, with many branches that often originate quite far down on the trunk.

– Accordingly, any bill may originate in either House of Congress, except for a revenue bill, which may originate only in the House of Representatives.

– It is widely regarded in Islam that the saints of saints is Ali Ibn Abi Talib the cousin of Muhammad all Sufi orders originate through his teachings.

– Akitas originate from Akita Prefecture, in the north of Japan.

– We are getting once again pages of the type “Anywhere Americans”, which are so dotty because there is almost no American alive who does not originate somewhere else in the world.

– The annual Furry Dance is said to originate from the medieval period and is held on May 8th each year.

– They originate from the south of the current IndiaIndian state of Kerala.

– The router uses translation tables to map the “hidden” addresses into a single address and then rewrites the outgoing IP packets on exit from the router so that they appear to originate from the router.

– The first models of wooden locks and keys originate from Ancient Babylon and Egypt.

– Operating systems in did not originate on x86 and were ported to x86.

– After fending off the machines, picking up Haru and being informed that one of his earthbending friends Yuan was kidnapped, they travel to the library of Omashu for clues to where the machines might originate from.

– Circular reporting is a situation where multiple sources “appear” to be independent, but in reality originate from a single source.

– Most storms in the interior of Alaska originate in the Gulf of Alaska.

– It may originate from the phrase “God be with you”.

– In contrast, icebergs, glaciers, ice sheets, and ice shelves all originate on land.

– This is the first indication that Cimmerians did not originate in the PCS region but were nomads tracing their origin to the Far East.” A new study in July 2019 revealed that 2 other Cimmerians were of haplogroup R1a-Z645 and R1a2c-B111.

– He helped originate the “Gulf Coast Congressional Report”, a public-service program giving a local view of Capitol politics.

– When, on the other hand, the genetically distinct cell types originate from the same zygote, the organism is called a mosaic.

- They originate from Southeast Asia.

- The trunk rarely grows straight, with many branches that often originate quite far down on the trunk.
- Accordingly, any bill may originate in either House of Congress, except for a revenue bill, which may originate only in the House of Representatives.

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