“organization” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “organization”:

– The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources is an international organization set up to protect plants, animals and habitats.

– During the Indochina War, the organization was effectively organized, supported and equipped by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

– In 1942, Begin joined the Irgun, a Zionist-Jewish paramilitary organisation, which was labelled as a terrorist organization in the 1940s.

– The African Union is an international organization consisting of fifty-five African member countries.

– Yuffie Kisaragi is another member of the organization, and several other characters from the original game provide the World Regenesis Organization with more help.

– The organization is headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia.

– The World Health Organization supports Member States hosting mass gatherings.

– This is part of the ISO 3166 standardizationstandard published by the International Organization for Standardization.

organization - sentence examples
organization – sentence examples

Example sentences of “organization”:

- The British Council is an organization in the United Kingdom which specializes in international educational and cultural opportunities.

- On August 25, 2011 the international Speed Badminton Organization was founded in Berlin.

– The British Council is an organization in the United Kingdom which specializes in international educational and cultural opportunities.

– On August 25, 2011 the international Speed Badminton Organization was founded in Berlin.

– Manorialism is the name for the organization of the economy in the Middle Ages in Europe.

– A man named Axel, a member of Organization XIII, becomes upset at Roxas for not remembering him.

– She volunteered for an organization called Best Friends Animal Society.

– Jean was formally appointed Special Envoy for Haiti for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on November 8, 2010, for a four-year term.

– For its work Organization of American States uses four languages: English language, French language, Portuguese language, and Spanish language.

– The Russian Organization for Intellectual Property VOIS is collective management society for neighboring rights established by Russian performers and record labels in 2008.

– NHI became the largest Latino youth organization in the United States.

– The World Health Organization renamed Gender Identity Disorder to Gender Dysphoria in 2019.

– All the RIRs formed the Number Resource Organization to coordinate with each other.

More in-sentence examples of “organization”:

- The Socialist International is an organization dedicated to the cause of promoting socialist ideals, and has ties with many socialist parties, especially Social Democratic parties.

- Because of this, the Jewish Territorialist Organization led by Israel Zangwill split off from the Zionist movement.

– The Socialist International is an organization dedicated to the cause of promoting socialist ideals, and has ties with many socialist parties, especially Social Democratic parties.

– Because of this, the Jewish Territorialist Organization led by Israel Zangwill split off from the Zionist movement.

– A young Baptist pastor named Martin Luther King, Jr., was president of the Montgomery Improvement Association, the organization that directed the boycott.

– The human rights organization EZLN, a revolutionary Mexican grass roots movement, is a strong opponent of NAFTA and points out how its provisions only make the economic situation worse for the poorest in Mexico and better for multi-national corporations.

– The World Bank is two different things: a political organization and a practical organization.

– After that, he belonged to the subordinate organization of Kawasaki Frontale.

– People in Need is a Czech organization that does relief work and creates development projects around the world.

– According to the of the Food and Agriculture Organization the production quantity in 2006 of coffee was 7.8 million tonnes and of tobacco was 6.7 million tonnes.

– It is difficult to get exact numbers, but the international labor organization estimated that about 1.2 million children are trafficked per year.

– Members of a secret organization led by Sir August de Wynter wear teddy bear suits to disguise their identities.

– The largest organization created for this purpose was the New England Emigrant Aid Company, organized by Eli Thayer.

– One Laptop Per Child is an organization founded at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

– Gaelic football is one of four Gaelic Games run by the Gaelic Athletic Association, the largest sporting organization in Ireland.

– The Naz Male Health Alliance, founded in Pakistan in 2011, is a non-governmental organization providing technical, financial, and institutional support for improving the sexual health, welfare and human rights of the country’s LGBT community.

– In 1994, the “Law on Territorial Organization and Local Self-Government” was created.

– He was given regional awards by that organization 12 times in four different states.

– Therefore they were responsible for most of the organization and direction of the trade systems in their region.

– In the late 1980s, the Family Research Council became part of Dobson’s organization Focus on the Family.

– In terms of computer network defense, defense in depth measures should not only prevent security breaches but also buy an organization time to detect and respond to an attack.

– Though cunning and ambitious, Nowak’s gung-ho recklessness earns him the disrespect of fellow teammates, ultimately leading to Bishop passing him up for promotion in favor of Logan, which therefore leads to Nowak betraying the Rainbow organization with the assistance of big-time terrorist ringleaders.

– He was Secretary General of the Organization of American States from 2005 to 2015.

– IJNetwork is the only organization working with prisonerrs in the United States prison, Bagram Theater Internment Facility in Afghanistan.

– The India Meteorological Department, also referred to as the Met Office, is a weather forecasting organization run by the Government of India, it also tracks and forecast tropical cyclones, similar to the National Hurricane Center.

– At the beginning Jinnah had avoided joining the All India Muslim League, another political organization of India.

– A tropical wave acquired enough organization to be called a tropical depression on November 7.

– She also served on the Executive Council of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization from 1981 until 1985.

– The Australian Federation of Women Voters was an organization from Australia.

– You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties–for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

– Significant tropical cyclones have their names retired from the lists and a replacement name selected at the next World Meteorological Organization Regional Association IV Hurricane Committee meeting.

– The World Health Organization found among a sample of women in rural Ethiopia who had had sex, 17% said that the first time they had sex it was forced.

– She also helped start Creating Awareness for Enhanced Democracy, an organization for political ideas.

– An extremist even in his youth, he became a member of the organization known as the “Frankovci” whose founder, Dr.

– The Manipur Horse Riding and Polo Association is a non profit organization established in 1977.

– Oat protein is almost the same in quality as soy bean protein, which has been shown by the World Health Organization to be equal to meat, milk, and egg protein.

– Military terminology is the words and acronyms used by military organization and members of various militaries.

– He became popular in the Shooto organization due to his aggressive persona.

– In June 2011, International Labour Organization has made its Convention No.189 for domestic workers including maids.

– The organization was smuggling drug traffickingdrugs and people to the United States and Europe.

– When the organization was disestablished, Niels Gustav Bardenfleth published the book “For lang och tro tjeneste.

– When America Online stopped its involvement with the Mozilla Organization by a lot, the Mozilla Foundation was created on July 15, 2003 to make sure Mozilla could survive without Netscape.

– The organization had its first physical activity on November 1, 2018, on World Vegan Day in two cities of the Kurdistan region in Sulaymaniyah and Erbil.

– Then contact Donlammers with the desired organization and the name of the article in which you placed the citation.

– World Allergy Organization survey on global availability of essentials for the assessment and management of anaphylaxis by allergy-immunology specialists in health care settings”.

– The Union of European Football Associations mostly called the UEFA, is the organization that controls European football.

– In 1911, the organization that eventually became the British Boxing Board of Control held a match that crowned Sid Smith as the first flyweight champion of the world.

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