“ordinal” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “ordinal”:

– In set theory, ordinals are also ordinal numbers people use to order infinite sets.

– While referring to centuries by their ordinal number is not uncommon, I can’t say the same for decades.

– The ordinal numbers of the Japanese monarchs are in red; and these are also highlighted in yellow.

– Its ordinal is 12th.

– The ordinal number 100 is written as “one hundredth”, but sometimes people say “the hundredth”.

– In mathematics, the lowercase is used to represent the curvature of a curve, while the uppercase Κ is used to represent an ordinal number which is also a cardinal number.

ordinal some ways to use
ordinal some ways to use

Example sentences of “ordinal”:

– The person then simply counts those objects, and gives the ordinal numbers to them.

– Nimbers are the combinatorial game theoretic analogue of the ordinal numbers.

– The “true” or actual fifteenth pope Benedict identifies himself with the ordinal number XVI.

– In modern Greece, they are still in use for ordinal numbers, and in much of the same way that Roman numerals are in the West; for ordinary numbers, Arabic numerals are used.

– The “first”, “second”, “third”, and “fourth” in this case are ordinal numbers.

– Collins, Michael The Vatican: Secrets and Treasures of the Holy City DK New York 2011 page 78 Note on ordinal numbering: Popes Benedict XI–XVI are really the 10th–15th popes with that name.

– This function converts an integer value into a numeral followed by ordinal indicator.

– You can also write ordinal numbers by writing the number, then the ending from above.

- The person then simply counts those objects, and gives the ordinal numbers to them.

- Nimbers are the combinatorial game theoretic analogue of the ordinal numbers.
- The "true" or actual fifteenth pope Benedict identifies himself with the ordinal number XVI.

– The “true” or actual thirteenth pope Benedict identified himself with the ordinal number XIV.

– An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants.

– Other values of n are referred to using ordinal numbers, such as “fourth root” and “tenth root”.

– The “true” or actual twelfth pope Benedict identified himself with the ordinal number XIII.

– The “true” or actual eleventh pope Benedict identified himself with the ordinal number XII.

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