“opposed to” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “opposed to”:

– The writers were opposed to the idea of a Constitution for the United States.

– Most residents of Taiwan were strongly opposed to being ruled by the Japanese.

– The logical classification of network topologies generally follows the same classifications as those in the physical classifications of network topologies but describes the path that the “data” takes between nodes being used as opposed to the actual “physical” connections between nodes.

– Thus, Hindu image worship is a form of iconolatry, in which the symbols are venerated as putative sigils of divinity, as opposed to idolatry, a charge often levied at Hindus.

– During this time Albert Park ran anti-clockwise as opposed to the current GP circuit standard clockwise.

– The people who did not support the changes thought they were opposed to the sanctity of being one of the oldest Christian churches in the world.

opposed to - example sentences
opposed to – example sentences

Example sentences of “opposed to”:

- That year, it was made up of Democrats opposed to the ending of racial segregation and was most successful in Southern states.

- Australia has no nuclear power stations and the current Gillard Labor government is opposed to nuclear power for Australia, as are the Greens, the party with the current balance of power in the upper house.

– That year, it was made up of Democrats opposed to the ending of racial segregation and was most successful in Southern states.

– Australia has no nuclear power stations and the current Gillard Labor government is opposed to nuclear power for Australia, as are the Greens, the party with the current balance of power in the upper house.

– A common distinction in contemporary youth culture is the listening to so called “indie” alternative or independent music as opposed to pop or popular music.

– Though the majority of Protestant church leaders in Germany made little comment on the Nazis’ growing anti-Jewish activities, some, such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer were strongly opposed to the Nazis.

– After the comments Freiburg’s mayor postponed a trip to Isfahan, but most people involved, especially those in the Alliance ’90/The Greens party, were opposed to cancelling the partnership.

– This system of inheritence is called absolute primogeniture, as opposed to male-preference primogeniture.

– He also seeked to unify the Muslims in the Empire under Pan-Islamism as opposed to others wanting to unify the Empire under Ottomanism.

– Although some members opposed to the peace deal formed a dissident group.

– In 893 Charles was finally crowned by part of the nobility who were opposed to Odo.

– Ice giants consist of only about 20% hydrogen and helium in mass, as opposed to the Solar System’s gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, which are both more than 90% hydrogen and helium in mass.

– The term is used for those believed to be opposed to the Civil Rights Movement and second-wave feminism.

– An angry white male is supposed to be opposed to anti-discrimination policies that benefit racial minorities and women.

– Creationism as it is known today started in the 19th century by fundamentalismfundamentalist Protestants who were opposed to the theories that scientists began to put forward about geology and evolution.

– Because its front limbs were shorter than the hindlimbs, Mantell guessed it could move on two legs, as opposed to Richard OwenOwen, who thought it was quadrupedal.

– The Constitution wanted a stronger union between the states, the people who wrote the Anti-Federalist papers were opposed to this.

– They moved several times before settling at 2 South William Street for eighty years, it is credited with being the first restaurant in America to allow patrons to order from a menu “à la carte”, as opposed to “table d’hôte”.

– When the Civil War began, Price was opposed to Missouri’s secession.

More in-sentence examples of “opposed to”:

– People opposed to routine circumcision are called “intactivists”.

– After “Yellow” came “Pokémon Gold and Silver”, released in 2000, which had a total of 251 catchable Pokémon, as opposed to only 151 previously.

– It is more popular in the coastal cities of Brazil, as opposed to the far southern states where it is consumed in the traditional way.

– Lee openly opposed the Bumiputera bumiputra policy and used the Malaysian Solidarity Convention’s famous cry of “Malaysian Malaysia!”, a nation serving the Malaysian nationality, as opposed to the Malay race.

– The protesters were also opposed to plans to extend the lifespan of three existing nuclear plants.

– If the player dies in a Strike Force mission, the campaign continues recording that loss, as opposed to letting the player load a previously saved checkpoint.

– Although New Age is generally tolerant of almost any world religion or philosophy, it is opposed to the “narrow-mindedness” of Christianity that teaches Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal salvation.

– Although he is sometimes described as bisexualitybisexual, as opposed to homosexual, he described his heterosexual affairs during a radio show with Jonathan Ross as the result of adventurousness: “I was basically adventurous, I think I wanted to try everything”.

– This shift marked the beginning of a diet composed of 49% carbohydrates as opposed to the previous 35% observed in Paleolithic humans.

– The male performers were also referred to as “Extremists” as opposed to Superstars, and female performers were called “Vixens” instead of Divas.

– Such treaties allowed for what was termed British Paramountcy as opposed to sovereignty over the native states.

– At the trial of Alfred Dreyfus at Rennes, Casimir-Perier’s evidence, as opposed to that of General Mercier, was of great value to the cause of Dreyfus.

– This is what TheresNoTime refers to as “actioned policy”, as opposed to “written policy”, which I fully agree with as being a factor in the issues that prompted this discussion.

– These structures are somewhat analogous to the high and low-pressure cells in Earth’s atmosphere, but they have a very different structure—latitudinal bands that circle the entire planet, as opposed to small confined cells of pressure.

– I’m not opposed to the goals of this project: yesterday I was trying to find info for a homework for my second grade niece, and I have no clue about how to fix the article in question without clear criteria about what is “simple”.

– There is also a second group of people lead by Mira, who is opposed to Taylor and his leadership.

– It is often seen as a parody religion and thus has become popular with people opposed to the idea that God or gods created the world.

– RNA also contains ribose as opposed to deoxyribose found in DNA.

– Roll film is wound on a spool, as opposed to sheet film which comes in cartridges.

– He was opposed to secession, and did not serve in the Confederate Army.

– It chooses important items and names them as Cultural PropertiesIn this article, capitals indicate an official designation as opposed to a simple, unofficial definition.

– Non-league football club Wakefield and Emley used the stadium for an FA Cup tie against Rotherham in 1998, choosing a larger neutral venue as opposed to the traditional option of ‘switching’ the tie to the home of the team which was drawn away.

– The strangely small ripples on the photo fit the size and of circular pattern of small ripples as opposed to large waves when photographed up close.

– Finger food is the name for a number of foods that are usually eaten with the hands, as opposed to using utensils, like forks, knifeknives or chopsticks.

– Although this happened with the Belgium 2003 entry, this was the first time the contest featured countries doing this with actual languages as opposed to an imaginary one.

– For Fethullah Gülen, to allow views opposed to belief in creation is a devastating delusion and evolution, a Darwin fallacy.

- People opposed to routine circumcision are called "intactivists".

- After "Yellow" came "Pokémon Gold and Silver", released in 2000, which had a total of 251 catchable Pokémon, as opposed to only 151 previously.

– Some groups who are opposed to this belief say it is dangerous in places where there is a lot of HIV and AIDS, because condoms make people much less likely to get HIV, but at the same times many feel that they can practice extra marital sex since they are “safe” from HIV/AIDS.

– Pop art employs images of popular as opposed to elitist culture in art.

– The party is opposed to European federalism.

– Norwegian culture can be compared to English culture in the way that it is considered a bad thing to show off, as opposed to the US, where this is more acceptable.

– Negroid people are perceived as Shemetic as opposed to the Hamitic Ethiopian, Sudanese, and some other West African ethnic groups as attested by the genealogy of ancient ethnic lineages.

– Structured settlements created as a way for insurance companies to payout settlements in installments as opposed to large lump sums.

– It was a country residence, as opposed to the Palais Royal in the center of Paris.

– The run number display on the front of each train is made up of electronic green flip-dot display, as opposed to the manual plastic rollers of the C151 trains, while the rubber strips between the doors are thicker.

– The number corresponds to the number of rows this name or title overlaps in regard to the other rows, as opposed to denoting a specific height for a cell.

– In this template system each template contains various properties of a single entity, as opposed to the other common system, where a template contains one property.

– The resentment was fuelled by suspicions that the Christian Armenians would support fellow Christian governments, especially Russia, which shared an unstable border with the Ottoman Empire, as opposed to the Muslim Ottoman caliphate.

– Trump is opposed to illegal immigration and has promised to build a wall on the US-Mexico border, and believes that illegal immigrants already in this country should be deported.

– I’m not ideologically opposed to that, just pointing it out.

– Seward was strongly opposed to slavery anywhere in the U.S.

– Simcoe was opposed to slavery and wanted to get rid of it.

– Adventists are opposed to the formulation of creeds, so the 28 fundamental beliefs are considered “descriptors”, not “prescriptors”; that is, that they describe the official position of the church but are not criteria for membership.

– The result is that a SuperDisk diskette can have 2,490 tracks, as opposed to the 160 tracks that conventional 3.5-inch 1.44 MB diskettes use.

– There are an estimated 20 million weapons in Al Anbar, opposed to an estimated population of 2 million, according to official reports, a ratio of ten firearms for every citizen.

– During his time, these subjects were not thought to be opposed to science.

– The British Rail Class 48 was a diesel locomotive class which consisted of five examples, built at Brush TractionBrush Falcon Works in Sulzer V12 12LVA24 power unit producing, as opposed to the standard 12LDA28C twin-bank twelve-cylinder unit of the remaining fleet.

– This makes it harder for the heart to pump blood through the lungs, much as it is harder to make water flow through a narrow pipe as opposed to a wide one.

– They are true bacteria as opposed to the other inhabitants of extreme environments, the Archaea.

– People who believe that kayfabe acts are real are called marks, as opposed to smarks.

– Anarcho-communism is opposed to more authoritarian forms advocated by Leninists and Maoists.

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