“opium” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “opium”:

– After the Opium Wars, the two countries signed three different treatytreaties with the Qing Empire, who controlled China at the time.

– The Latin name for the opium poppy means “sleep-bringing poppy, white form” probably because some of these opiates make people feel sleepy.

– The main problem is that opium causes addiction.

– Codeine is an alkaloid found in opium in concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 3.0 percent.

– At the end of the Second Opium War in 1860, Gordon was sent to China with a force of soldiers to protect British interests.

opium how to use?
opium how to use?

Example sentences of “opium”:

– The empire would force the Chinese to give them the island of Hong Kong following the Opium Wars during the middle of the 19th century.

– Coleridge’s addiction to opium marked the rest of his life.

– During the Second Opium War the garden and its buildings were destroyed by the allied forces.

– It begins as John Jasper is leaving a place in London where opium is taken by lots of people.

– The Second Opium War was a conflict between England and China.

– A woman who uses opium asks him what his first name is.

– These include opium and morphine.

– The British smuggled opium into China so that they could buy tea.

– The Golden Crescent and the Golden Triangle are the two biggest makers of opium in Asia.

– Paracelsus was responsible for the creation of laudanum, an alcoholic herbal opium preparation.

– Growing Opium poppy and drug trafficking are important to the political and economic situation of Afghanistan.

– Foreign traders had been illegally exporting opium mainly from India to China since the 18th century, but that trade grew dramatically from about 1820.

– The paper ran a campaign against hiring young women as waitresses in opium dens.

- The empire would force the Chinese to give them the island of Hong Kong following the Opium Wars during the middle of the 19th century.

- Coleridge's addiction to opium marked the rest of his life.
- During the Second Opium War the garden and its buildings were destroyed by the allied forces.

More in-sentence examples of “opium”:

– In response, the Taliban said no one could grow opium poppy.

– It is not known whether he did this deliberately; he took opium to dull the pain.

– He also passed laws against the use of marijuana and the growing of opium poppies.

– Chinatowns became common in cities around the world after China lost the first Opium WarsOpium War with the British Empire.

– It is the principal active agent in opium and the prototypical opiate.

– She was in charge during the Opium Wars, First Sino-Japanese War, and the Boxer Rebellion.

– The Golden Crescent is the name given to one of Asia’s two principal areas of illicit opium production, in South-central Asia and Western Asia.

– Today the opium crop is worth in excess of $400 million legally and $7 billion illegally, after processing.

– At that time, opium was grown in India and not in China.

– The Second Opium War was also known as the “Arrow War” or “Anglo-French War” in China.

– Early in the 19th century, British merchants began to take opium into China in return for bringing Chinese tea back to Britain.

– While opium also has its uses as a regular drug, it is mainly used as an illegal drug.

– In 1839, China said that the British could not bring opium into their country, so the British did not tell China about the opium they had brought with them.

– This was because they had beaten China in the Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion.

– His best known roles were in “The Pharaohs’ Woman”, “The Opium Den” and in “Hawk of the Caribbean”.

– His opium addiction may have left Coleridge unable to tell when he was repeating the work of other writers that he had read.

– The Afghanistan Opium Risk Assessment 2013, issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, suggests that the Taliban has since 2008 been supporting farmers growing poppy, as a source of income for the insurgency.

– The Battle of Canton was a battle of the Second Opium War.

– Some are useful such as opium for pain.

– By 1787, the Company was sending 4,000 boxes of opium per year.

– Since the downfall of the Taliban in 2001, growing and trafficking of opium has increased significantly.

– A modified International Opium Convention was signed on February 19, 1925, which started on September 25, 1928.

Opium is a natural substance in the seeds of the opium poppy.

– People who become addicted to opium become dull, lazy, and even sleepy.

- In response, the Taliban said no one could grow opium poppy.

- It is not known whether he did this deliberately; he took opium to dull the pain.
- He also passed laws against the use of marijuana and the growing of opium poppies.

– British merchants began selling opium to China.

– Pipes to smoke opium may have clay or metal bowls with a wooden stem.

– After the defeat of Opium Wars and the outbreak of Taiping Rebellion, the emperor and imperial officials realised that the Qing Government might be overthrown soon and they would no longer reign the country.

– The opium poppy, “Papaver somniferum”, is grown for opium, opiates or seeds to be used in cooking and baking.

– The Opium Wars were two wars between China and British EmpireWestern countries during the Qing dynasty.

– From 1841 AD until 1842 AD, Wei Yuan was asked to defeat the British armies in the First Opium War.

– Most often it is used to refer to opium alkaloids, and semi-synthetic opioids.

– The did allow the opium trade to continue.

– To weaken our race they have forced us to use opium and alcohol.

– If a person was very sick and in a lot of pain, the LBK people might have had access to opium which did not make them better but took away the pain.

– They included making opium legal in China, opening up all their ports for trade, and to give up part of the Kowloon Peninsula to the British, which became part of the colony of Hong Kong.

– We see that Jasper is visiting the place where lots of people smoke opium in London.

– Hong Kong was a British colony from 1842 to 1997 because China lost the Second Opium War.

– It was the British or, rather, the British East India Company, which brought opium to China.

– People thought that heroin would help decrease morphine and opium addiction.

– They were not able to grow cotton, but they found out that they could grow opium poppypoppies in India and turn them into opium.

– When the British began importing large amounts of the drug, the Chinese began using opium for its mind-changing effect.

Opium is a narcotic resin produced from Opium poppyopium poppies “”.

– His death may have been caused by the poet’s opium habit.

Opium has caused many wars in China, such as the Opium Wars, because of heavy addiction to the drug.

– After the British Empire defeated China in the Opium Wars, China was forced to give up Hong Kong to the British after signing unequal treaties that favored British interests.

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