“one way” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “one way”:

+ Three strikes are a “strikeout”, and this is one way to make an “out”.

+ Washing is one way of achieving cleanliness, usually with water and often some kind of soap or detergent.

+ The main principles was to create extra large blocks bounded by major rather than minor roads, and have them threaded with narrow one way streets designed in such a way to discourage through traffic.

+ An admin needs to sort it out one way or another.

+ According to the World Health Organization, there is not one way to measure mental health in all people, because there are many things in our environment that might make what is mentally healthy different from one person to another.

+ There is usually more than one way to solve a problem.

+ Due to the lax nature of HTML, different web browsers can sometimes display websites incorrectly since there is more than one way to interpret poorly written HTML.

+ This road is a one way street that starts at the junction of Cross Street, Central Boulevard and Raffles Quay and ends at Keppel Road.

one way - sentence examples
one way – sentence examples

Example sentences of “one way”:

+ A graph can have more than one spanning tree, just like there may be more than one way to select the roads between the cities.

+ Now we have to prove that there is only one way to write a positive number greater than 1 as a product of prime numbers.

+ A graph can have more than one spanning tree, just like there may be more than one way to select the roads between the cities.

+ Now we have to prove that there is only one way to write a positive number greater than 1 as a product of prime numbers.

+ There is one way to make them go away.

+ Through, we got rid of one way of double-splitting LGBT people categories — nationality and specific sexual orientation.

+ As “hewing” has been used since ancient times, more than one way has been made to do each step.

+ The general theme of the show was to trick members of the public into committing a minor crime but then get face the consequences in one way or another.

+ I’ve still not got time to comment in depth on this issue, but I want to make a quick comment for two reasons: firstly, to ensure that this discussion doesn’t get archived, and, secondly, to just clarify that we have ‘enacted’ the ‘five hook maximum’ rule? If so, I shall start enforcing it as one way of reducing the backlog.

+ I can’t prove it one way or another, but believed that and Jeevitha Magandaran may be one and the same person.

+ Democracy is one way of easing conflict within a country.

+ Paul says it is not good that the community has turned from the gospel He says there is only one gospel and one way of being saved through faith in Christ and that adding to that makes it another gospel.

+ Below is one way to do this, following the scientific method step by step.

+ The “cardinality” of a set is only one way of giving a number to the “size” of a set.

+ This was a highly provocative act and the Israelis only viewed it one way – that Egypt was preparing to attack.

More in-sentence examples of “one way”:

+ To show a location was only one way to use maps.

+ In Christianity, one way people think of God is as a being that made everything and lives forever.

+ All I’m asking for is a community consensus, one way or another, that decides whether I and Chenzw attempted to “push a candidate like to passing” and RFA.

+ We deliberately aren’t using this keyword for bugs which are resolved one way or another — the point of adding this to the template is to note to all readers of the page that the seriousness of a bug has been critical.

+ Autodidactism is only one way to learn, and may be done together with formal education.

+ However, if each particle has an equal 50-50 chance to be spinning one way or another, it is possible–in theory and in practice–to have this symmetry broken.

+ This is different from “gender identity” because people can choose to look or behave one way even if that is not how they feel inside.

+ Many people have come across this site in one way or another because it is the default main page of Internet Explorer.

+ The exclusionary rule is one way the amendment is enforced.

+ He only acts like a plumber in the games, “Mario Luigi: Superstar Saga” and the original “Mario Bros.”, but pipes are always one way to get around.

+ Many of these formulas are functions of time, and one way to think of calculus is to see it as a study of functions of time.

+ Natural camouflage is one way to do this: an animal can blend in with its surroundings.

+ There was one way that Heisenberg could be right, a reason that Einstein thought was nonsense: What if measuring the position of the first particle would mess up the velocity of the second particle.

+ Thinking they can probably be deleted but I wasn’t sure if it mattered one way or the other.

+ Graphics tablets are one way of “digitizing” a physical piece of artwork.

+ That is one way to classify Romance languages.

+ Voting is one way to elect a president.

+ The existence of chess databases is one way that young players can achieve mastery at an early age.

+ This was in part a way of making poor people appeared to be polite – one way that etiquette can develop, and reinforce power structure.

+ While spreading over the internet, most internet memes ‘evolve’ over time, with the original image/video being changed in one way or another by people other than the creator.

+ The valves make sure that blood only goes one way in or out.

+ It gives off signals if it is turned one way or another.

+ Occasionally, the strongest link has voted for someone who is not in the tie, and so is forced to change their decision one way or the other.

+ Positions on the tone scale started from the idea that one way of feeling is better than a worse way of feeling.

+ When this happens it is called apoptosis, also known as a ‘programmed cell death’ One way cells accomplish “apoptosis” by taking in toxic levels of calcium ions.

+ Hayden tells the Doom Slayer that there is only one way to shut down the Well, go back to Hell to get a key called the Crucible.

+ The Arctic Circle is one way to say what part of the Earth is in the Arctic.

+ It is a cognate of a word that means “to get” so one way of explaining it is to say that a dé is something that we get from Heaven.

+ It is a fundamental feature of amphibia that their reproduction is, one way or another, tied to water.

+ It has only one way in and a stone wall to protect it.

+ Sex is one way to get HIV.

+ This means that Braille is only one way for sighting-impaired people to go; also that there are many more partially sighted people than registered blind people.

+ Buddhism teaches non-harm and “moderation” or balance, not going too far one way or the other.

+ Ultimately, a decision will be made one way or the other as to whether or not he’ll be allowed back on a trial basis.

+ We wish to convert between various identifiers that may loosely be defined as “user input” and ISO 3166 entities, there may be more than one way to do each conversion.

+ It begins with symmetry to start with because the particles have an equal and symmetrical 50-50 chance of spinning one way or another.

+ They are one way plants can reproduce asexually.

+ It consists of just one transformation rule and just one way to define a function.

+ A dual in-line package is one way of making microchips and other integrated circuits.

+ Instead, it gives one way to spell the different varieties of English.

+ Bank loans and credit are one way to increase the money supply.

+ If the graph represents a number of citycities connected by roads, one could select a number of roads, so that each city can be reached from every other, but that there is no more than one way to travel from one city to another.

+ This is one way that technology has helped in studying the human mind.

+ The example below shows one way of achieving the desired effect.

+ Turning it one way mixes the concrete.

+ Romanization is one way to show the pronunciation of the language’s words.

+ This template supplies one way to avoid this problem.

+ Doctors do not agree on one way of viewing being transgender.

+ To show a location was only one way to use maps.

+ In Christianity, one way people think of God is as a being that made everything and lives forever.

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