“on the side” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “on the side”:

+ The Western Ghats are steep on the seaward side but gently sloping on the side of the Deccan plateau.

+ A teacup has a handle on the side that stays cool when the rest of the cup is too hot to hold.

+ The positions in volleyball are separated into 6 areas, the first being Position 1 which is the back right side on the side that you are.

+ A large basilica church was built on the side of the mountain, in honour of St Francis, and was beautifully decorated with scenes of his life.

+ The war was fought on the side of Rome’s Gallic clients against the Germans, who wanted to invade Gaul.

+ They have a dark patch on the side of the face, similar to a raccoon’s facial markings.

on the side some ways to use
on the side some ways to use

Example sentences of “on the side”:

+ The phone has a 6.47 inch OLED screen and Full HD+ resolution curved on the side edges.

+ For example, when you see a ball roll down a street, you can tell the ball is moving because the frame of reference is the streets, whatever may be on the side of the roads, or the Earth.

+ These clones used to be on the side of the Galactic Republic, but after being told by the Emperor to kill all the Jedi, they killed most of them, and afterwards became Stormtroopers.

+ The city of Kampen is on the side of the river IJssel.

+ The length of the bar and the number of dredges towed is dependent on the power of the ship and the room on the side of the boat for working the dredges.

+ In the human body, there is a large body cavity on the side of the belly, and another on the side of the back.

+ The Switch can be played on the TV by sliding the tablet into its dock and removing the two controllers on the side of the tablet to create a more traditional controller.

+ He was the grandson of Zayn al-Abidin and the descendent of Ali ibn Abi Talib on the side of his father and Abu Bakr on the side of his mother.

+ Thus, the cells on the side not directly exposed to light will grow faster than the opposing side, and the stem will curve towards the light source.

+ Her friend Peter, whom she had wanted to marry, turns out to be on the side of the Stasi.

+ Because a gravitational field weakens with distance, the Moon’s gravity exerts a slightly stronger pulling force on the side of the Earth facing the Moon, and a slightly weaker force on the opposite side.

+ The Hawaiian people were on the side of their Queen.

+ In 1940, he sent Italy into the Second World War on the side of the Axis countries.

+ This number is usually written on the side of light bulb’s box.

+ The larger flashlights have a push-button switch on the side of the aluminum tube.

+ Räikkönen is very calm, cool, and calculating in his race strategy—prompting the nickname “Iceman”, which is subtly written on the side of his current helmet design.

+ Frederick had wished to be buried next to his greyhounds on the vineyard terrace on the side of the corps de logis of Sanssouci.

+ The crater highlands on the side facing the easterly trade winds receives 800–1200mm of rain a year and is covered largely in montane forest, while the less-steep west wall receives only 400–600mm; this side is grassland and bushland dotted with Euphorbia bussei trees.

+ When the whale does this, many of the barnacles on the side that rubbed along the bottom are scraped off.

+ A mere 40 men perished on the side of the US army.

+ The phone has a 6.47 inch OLED screen and Full HD+ resolution curved on the side edges.

+ For example, when you see a ball roll down a street, you can tell the ball is moving because the frame of reference is the streets, whatever may be on the side of the roads, or the Earth.
+ These clones used to be on the side of the Galactic Republic, but after being told by the Emperor to kill all the Jedi, they killed most of them, and afterwards became Stormtroopers.

More in-sentence examples of “on the side”:

+ Acrididae grasshoppers have relatively short and stout antennae, and drum-like tympana on the side of the first abdominal segment.

+ It has a wide top so that liquids can be poured in more easily and marks on the side of it to help measure the amount of liquid more easily.

+ With his big body and deep voice, Akins usually played the clever tough guy, on the side of good or bad, in movies and television.

+ If both wrestlers on the side with the advantage remain inside the ring at the same time and the referee reaches a count of five, the team or just the illegal wrestler, with the advantage will be disqualified.

+ Most Ukrainians fought on the side of the Soviet Union and participated in the liberation of Ukraine from Nazi Germany.

+ A patriot is a person who is on the side of his/her own nation or its leaders.

+ He dumps Haskell’s body on the side of the road.

+ A very popular prank from the series was one where a car was parked on the side of a road with its keys in the door and left unlocked in order to tempt people to steal it.

+ The one on the side of the belly is called ventral body cavity, the one on the back dorsal body cavity.

+ The camp was on the side of a hill near Mt Stuart, on the west side of the road to Charters Towers.

+ The Maipo river starts on the Andes, in the place called “Los Nacimientos”, on the side of the Maipo, at an elevation of about.

+ Oars mounted on the side of ships for steering are documented from the 3rd millennium BC in Persia and Ancient Egypt in artwork, wooden models, and even parts of actual boats of that times.

+ The ground is in Viennas Döbling district and is constructed on the side of a hill, which makes a natural amphitheatre.

+ The eye on the side of the head that hurts can also get red or start tearing up.

+ Skiers ski down a trail on the side of a mountain or hill.

+ Zaporizhian Cossacks participated in the wars on the side of the Commonwealth: the Livonian War.

+ In November 1914, the Ottoman Empire joined World War I on the side of the Central Powers.

+ Australia joined in on the side of Britain against Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

+ The “ionic” or “laconic peplos” was open on the side of the body, while the “doric peplos” was sewn shut like a tube.

+ One can see many rubble walls on the side of the hills and in valleys where the land slopes down and consequently the soil is in greater danger of being carried away.

+ Because the Chickasaw were on the side of the Confederacy during the Civil War, the United States government made a new peace treaty with them in 1866.

+ A button on the side of the desoldering pump can be pushed to make the plunger come back up fast enough that it creates suction that sucks the heated solder off the items and into the pump.

+ Mattertal is a valley in the European AlpsAlps of Switzerland which begins on the side of the Matterhorn.

+ They levelled out some land in terraces and built a large town called “Asisium” on the side of Mount Subasio.

+ That led to France and Spain joining the war on the side of Americans, who they thought would win.

+ There is a quarry on the side of the hill which digs out scoria for building in Melbourne.

+ I’m not sure if I’ll be participating myself, but I’ll just be watching on the side lines.

+ Its designers also used many other new ideas such as a bubble canopy to help the pilot see better and a control stick on the side of the cockpit to make it easier to steer during tight turns and high g-forces.

+ He did drag gigs on the side at various nightspots.

+ Both future Union President Abraham Lincoln and future Confederate President Jefferson Davis fought in the Black Hawk War, both on the side of the Union.

+ This would allow adequate clearance at least on the side with doors and mean that passengers could get out of the carriages if the train stopped underneath a bridge.

+ Cars are usually parked in driveways, parking lots, garages, or on the side of the street.

+ However, if John’s friend, Andy, is on the side of the road facing the front of John’s car and watches John’s car take a sharp right turn, Andy will see the car push John to the right with the car as it changes direction.

+ It is usually painted on both sides of the aircraft, most often in the tail area, although in some cases the serial is painted on the side of the aircraft’s fin/rudder.

+ The pegs used to tune the strings are like those on a violin, and are pushed into holes on the side of the peg box.

+ The governor of the Isle of Wight was on the side of Parliament and made the king a prisoner again.

+ A pub in Monkwearmouth was named the Jack Crawford and sported a carved figure of him on the side of the building.

+ The background particles that make up the ring look twice as bright near the three arcs as they do on the side of the ring that is opposite the arcs.

+ However, in South Australia, the Kitchener bun is a Berliner cut on the side for the filling of jam and cream.

+ Where ‘Marlboro Penske’ appeared on the side of the cars, ‘Team Penske’ replaced it.

+ In addition, a 50,000 man Czech Legion had been fighting on the side of the Allies.

+ Because the town is on the side of the Maroni river, the name was completed as is now: “Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni”.

+ As a result, distance in nautical miles on a navigational chart can easily be measured by using dividers and the latitude indicators on the side of the chart.

+ Arjuna, one of the five Pandavas, rise this river to worship lord Shiva.There is large Shiva temple named Kasi Viswanatha Temple on the side of this river.

+ Their eyes are also almond shaped, and their ears are tall and sit more on the side of the head than the Traditional Siamese.

+ Most Americans thought the United States should remain neutral, and some people thought the United States should enter the war on the side of the Germans.

+ He is a monkey, has an Amber amber coloured body and blue eyes, and has rounded ears on the side of his head.

+ Aged 19 when Italy entered World War I on the side of the Entente, Pertini opposed the war, but enlisted in the army where he served as a lieutenant and was decorated for bravery.

+ They allowed everyone to play on the side of the American forces.

+ The sanctuary has bas-reliefs on the side walls with scenes of Sacrificeofferings to various gods made either by the pharaoh or the queen.

+ Acrididae grasshoppers have relatively short and stout antennae, and drum-like tympana on the side of the first abdominal segment.

+ It has a wide top so that liquids can be poured in more easily and marks on the side of it to help measure the amount of liquid more easily.

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