“Old world” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “Old world”:

– The Old World includes Africa-Eurasia and its surrounding islands.

– Condors are part of the family Cathartidae, whereas the 15 species of Old World vultures are in the family Accipitridae, that also includes falcons, hawks, and eagles.

– There is a clear difference between two subspecies: the Old World form “Gulo gulo gulo” and the New World form “G.

– The golden oriole is the only species of Old World oriole which is not a tropical bird.

– It is not closely related to the Old World fruit bats.

– The hamadryas baboon is a species of baboon from the Old World monkey family.

– The Old World orioles are colorful birds.

Old world use in sentences
Old world use in sentences

Example sentences of “Old world”:

- Pandanaceae is a family of flowering plants found in the Old World tropical and subtropical regions, from West Africa through the Pacific.

- The people of the Old World called the Americas the New World.
- The guenons are the genus "Cercopithecus" of Old World monkeys.

– Pandanaceae is a family of flowering plants found in the Old World tropical and subtropical regions, from West Africa through the Pacific.

– The people of the Old World called the Americas the New World.

– The guenons are the genus “Cercopithecus” of Old World monkeys.

– They live in the Old World and Australasia: Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and New Guinea.

– The great white pelican is also known as the Eastern white pelican, white pelican, or old world white pelican.

– In North Dakota and southern Manitoba, the Black Swallowtail is thought to breed with the Old World Swallowtail.

– The rhesus macaque, often called the rhesus monkey and Indian monkey, is one of the best known species of Old World monkeys.

– The red-shanked douc or red-shanked douc langur is an Old World monkey.

– Emberizidae is a large family family of passerine birds, which are typically known as buntings in the Old World and American sparrows in the New World.

– It is one of the Old World orioleoriole family of passerine birds.

– Despite their similar names, they are only distantly related to the Old World common blackbird or the Old World orioles.

– The lion-tailed macaque is an Old World monkey.

– Chats, Old World flycatchers, in World Bird List Version 6.2.

More in-sentence examples of “Old world”:

– Many primates do live as daytime animals, and one group – the Old World monkeys – has developed trichromatic vision.

– Other mammals are called “rat” by many people, but those are not true rats, many are unrelated to the true Old World rat.

– They differ from Old World vultures by their feathered neck.

– Before there was regular communication between the two hemispheres, the different types of domesticated animals and diseases were more numerous in the Old World than in the New.

– The big distinction is between Old World monkeys and New World monkeys.

– Megabats are also called Old World fruit bats.

– The aim of the study was to time the divergence between the Old World monkeys and the Hominoidea.

– It is one of the two largest old world vultures.

– There are two groups of Old World vultures.

– They have an Old World tropical distribution, with most species in Africa and two in Asia.

– In mammals, only Old World monkeys, apes and humans have trichromacy, full colour vision.

– An Old World vulture, it forms a minor line of the Accipitridae with the Egyptian vulture, its closest living relative.

– Most Old World warblers are of generally unseparate appearances.

– The simians are the “higher primates” familiar to most people are the Old World monkeys and apes, including humans and the New World monkeys.

– The wrynecks are two species of small Old World woodpeckers.

– Volume 14, Bush-shrikes to Old World Sparrows.

– The Old World monkeys or Cercopithecidae are a group of primates which are native to Africa and Asia today.

– They were used by European knights, but the use of lances was spread over the Old World wherever horses were available.

– This bird is an Old World vulture, and is only distantly related to the New World vultures, which are in a separate family, Cathartidae, of the same order.

– The Old World monkeys live in a range of environments from tropical rain forest to savanna, shrubland and mountainous terrain.

– The Egyptian fruit bat is a species of Old World fruit bat.

– Confusingly, they are not related to the Old World family of large carnivorous bats to be found in the Megadermatidae that are also called false vampires.

– Most indigenous people died quickly after European contact due to Old World diseases, like smallpox.

– They are now treated as part of the Old World flycatcher Muscicapidae.

- Many primates do live as daytime animals, and one group – the Old World monkeys – has developed trichromatic vision.

- Other mammals are called "rat" by many people, but those are not true rats, many are unrelated to the true Old World rat.

– The Colobinae are a family subfamily of Old World monkeys.

– The Old World rats and mice family Muridae.

– It used to be considered a Thrush thrush, but is now considered to be an Old World flycatcher.

– It is an intelligent Old World monkey.

– These groups are Old World coral snakes and New World coral snakes.

– Icterid species are strikingly similar in size, diet, behaviour, and strongly contrasting plumage to Old World orioles.

– They are in the blackbird family, and not related to Old World orioles of the family Oriolidae.

– In many cases, these cultures expanded at a later date than their Old World counterparts.

– One of the features of this trade was the exchange of a great array of domesticated plants and animals between the Old World and the New and vice versa.

– In most species, daughters remain with their mothers for life, so that the basic social group among Old World monkeys is a matrilineal troop.

– Colonists loved to hear him preach of love and forgiveness as he had a different style of preaching compared to Old World priests.

– Other themes in his works include Strength through Adversity, Beauty versus Money, the Country versus the City, the Old World versus the New World, and the Search for an Identity.

– The Old World received from America such things as maize, potatoes, chili peppers, tomatoes, tobacco, beans, squash, cacao, vanilla, avocados, pineapples, chewing gum, rubber, peanuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, blueberries, strawberries, quinoa, amaranth, chia, and agave.

– The family is named after the Old World flycatchers.

– They had a mixture of Old World monkey and ape characteristics, and their position in the evolution of the apes is still not clear.

– They are not much more closely related to the Old World vultures proper than to hawks.

– This too seems to have evolved in Africa and subsequently spread across the Old World until they reached Australia some time during the Middle Pleistocene, less than one million years ago.

– About 56 of the Old World and 3 of the New World cuckoo species are brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other birds.

– It is also called the European otter, Eurasian river otter, common otter, and Old World otter.

– Now it is put on the Old World flycatchers, a group often called the chats or chat-thrushes.

– Genets are Old World mammals.

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