“okay” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “okay”:

– If you are supporting or opposing a blackout, but would be okay with a banner, this needs to be said, and quickly.

– He wants the legalization of alternative forms of education other than attending a school for Germany because he thinks that schools are not suitable for everyone and that it is not okay to force people to go to places where they do not want to be.

– In game theory, this is called a “repeated game.” If the players are altruistic, they might be okay with going to jail so they can help the other person.

– It’s okay if the guess is not perfect, but even a simple bad guess can make the program go a lot faster.

– As an admin, I think it would be okay to tag those redirects which are obviously useless as QD.

okay use in-sentences
okay use in-sentences

Example sentences of “okay”:

– Is it okay to fix attribution on my article.

– I hope that’s okay for you.

– It would be nice if it could be changed, but as it causes problems, I guess it would be okay to just keep it as it is.

– As the second prophecy they say he can’t be killed by anyone who was born of a woman and as the third prophecy the witches say if Birnam Wood stays at its current position Macbeth is okay but if the wood moves he will have problems.

– It is okay if your text is not perfect that can always be fixed later.

– I want to make sure people know how grateful I am so here is my message about my withdraw I hope its okay that I post this here.

– However, after Bart’s attorney Lionel Hutz takes his “legal fees”, Bart is left with only $500, though Bart seems to be okay with it.

– If the suggestions being made were minor, it’d be okay to leave this open…but a lot of work is needed.

– As for the GA star, I really like green from an astheic viewpoint, but silver is more traditional, but ‘d be okay with either.

– However, the various styles for “class=infobox” add an implicit “left-side” margin-left padding that fits okay up to 98% width.

– I just created this article, and as it’s my first on Simple wiki I’m hoping someone more experienced here would look it over to see if anything needs changing to make it suitable, or to say if it’s okay as is.

– It is okay if it points out or down.

– Some people think that it is not okay to call the Doctor “Doctor Who”, but there is no mistake.

– Australian Mists are okay with being picked up and held.

– They asked the owners if it was okay to use their land for the paths and most people said it as ok.

– It is okay to use capitals in this specific case.

– For example, games with violence or drugs might be marked as teen/adult games that might not be okay for children to play.

– However, it is sometimes okay to use “we” or “one” when referring to an experience that “anyone”, any reader, would be expected to have.

– Jones stops to try to get Mac, but Mac says it is okay and lets himself be taken away.

– They are okay with living near human buildings.

- Is it okay to fix attribution on my article.

- I hope that's okay for you.

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