“offspring” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “offspring”:

– It is usual for mating in plants or fungi to be called cross-fertilization, or “crossing” if the offspring have DNA from both genetic sources.

– The offspring stay with their mothers until they reach maturity.

– After breeding to others of the same kind, the entire body of the offspring mice has the altered gene.

– The Offspring is an United StatesAmerican Garden Grove, California.

– It can produce fertile offspring with the steppe polecat and the black-footed ferret.Davison, A., et al.

– Galton used the term regression to describe an observable fact in the inheritance of multi-factorial quantitative genetic traits: namely that the offspring of parents who lie at the tails of the distribution will tend to lie closer to the centre, the mean, of the distribution.

offspring example in sentences
offspring example in sentences

Example sentences of “offspring”:

– Then it swells to secure the offspring into place.

– In birds, by contrast, the sex of offspring is genetically determined, but a constant and particular temperature may be necessary for successful incubation.

– Hybrid offspring are very common in these regions, which are usually created by diverged species coming into secondary contact.

– On the 14th of November 1935, the Nuremberg laws were expanded prohibiting Roma, Blacks or any of their offspring from engaging in marriage or sexual relations with ‘Those of German or German related blood’.

– This is a normal evolutionary process: the chemicals weed out the non-resistant organisms, and the offspring of the few resistant organisms multiply.

– Female gibbons have one offspring per gestation period and live about 25 years.

– Unable to give rise to offspring by birth or fertilisation.

– Often called the “hound of Hades”, Cerberus was one of the numerous offspring of the monsters Typhon and Echidna; he is usually depicted as having three heads, along with a serpent for a tail.

– From there, The Offspring became one of the most important punk bands of the 1990s, along with ALL ALL, Bad Religion, Face to Face, Green Day, Guttermouth, Lagwagon, NOFX, Pennywise, Rancid, Social Distortion, The Vandals, and many others.

– Once the offspring are ready, they will leave the hive, to mate and take over other hives.

– Female bat have only one offspring each year.

– She was the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, and the sister of Kerebos.

– Their offspring were thought to be supernatural in many cases, even if the actual genetic material originally came from humans.

– This exchange of alleles means the offspring are not identical to each other, or to either parent.

– At this point, the offspring will live off their noticeable stored fat until they are ready to hunt.

– Released during the breakthrough year for alternative rock and grunge, The Offspring achieved small success with “Ignition” in Southern California and gathered a small following.

– Younger sons were restricted to sambandam relationships with non-Brahmin women, whom the Nambudiris considered to be concubines and whose offspring could not inherit.

– She was the fifth of ten offspring born to Joseph and Katherine Jackson.

- Then it swells to secure the offspring into place.

- In birds, by contrast, the sex of offspring is genetically determined, but a constant and particular temperature may be necessary for successful incubation.
- Hybrid offspring are very common in these regions, which are usually created by diverged species coming into secondary contact.

More in-sentence examples of “offspring”:

– In this way groups of similar plants or animals slowly change in shape and form so that they can live more successfully and have more offspring who will survive them.

– The consequence of assortment and crossing over makes it certain that no two offspring of the same mother and father are identical.

– Rather, it is the result of hybridisation between closely related species, followed by natural selection working on the offspring of such crosses.

– Cross-breeding the white mice produces 50% of offspring which are homozygous for the marker, and so pure-bred for the experimental gene being inserted.

– And, if such mating does take place, the offspring may not develop, or may not be fertile.

– It produces a single offspring at a time.

– Sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetics from both parents.

– Then there was the offspring of Koios and Phoebe Phoebe: sisters Asteria and Leto.

– Within our span of vaporous life, if we believe in Jehovah God rightly, there are numerous promises abounded for health, prosperity, wisdom, longevity, good husband, good wife, and even our offspring would see beauty and excellence and above all eternal bliss after life will be received.

– A strain is a designated group of offspring that have descended from a modified plant, produced ether by conventional breeding or by biotechnological means or result from genetic mutation.

– The Offspring had come out in support of file sharing, claiming it does not hurt sales.

– They produce offspring every 12 to 18 months.

– Punnett squares are used by biologists to determine the probability of offspring having a particular genotype.

– Rather, the characteristics in the offspring “regress” towards a “mediocre” point.

– Gene expression in the offspring is equal to the expression of the fittest parent.

– This causes fear and anger among the werewolves; they don’t know how the child might act since the child is an offspring of a vampire.

– They were most probably descended from one Raja Dayanand, a Chauhan Rajput, through Rai Shankar, whose offspring ‘Rai Gheba’ converted to Islam and was given the title of ‘Gheba Khan’.

– Mimicry evolves because the species that are better at mimicking survive to produce more offspring than the species that are worse at mimicking.

– Polyploidy has caused many rapid speciation events because offspring of, for example, tetraploid x diploid matings often result in triploid sterile progeny.

– Castes that are not involved in producing offspring are usually sterile.

– The adult birds cannot tell the difference in the young, and spend their time raising the offspring of another species.

– Meiotic drive is when one copy of a gene is passed on to offspring more than the expected 50% of the time.

– This, it is thought, increases the chance that some of the offspring will survive and reproduce.

– The relative distance between two genes can be calculated using the offspring of an organism showing two linked genetic traits.

– If the parents are a male lion and a female tiger, the offspring is called a liger.

– In his theogony Chaos; her offspring are many, and telling.

– During this time, the female feeds the developing offspring with a milky substance secreted by a modified gland in the uterus.

– During cell division, DNA is replicated and can be hereditytransmitted to offspring during reproduction.

– It has offspring every one to two years.

– In outskirts of Ernakulam in Kerala, a deity named Vishnumaya is stated to be offspring of Shiva and invoked in local exorcism rites, but this deity is not traceable in Hindu pantheon and is possibly a local tradition with “vaguely Chinese” style rituals, states Saletore.

– For example, domestic sheep were created by hybridisation, and no longer produce viable offspring with “Ovis orientalis”, one species from which they are descended.

– The percentage of offspring where the two traits do not run together is noted.

– In budding, the offspring forms as a lump on the parent and eventually becomes big enough to break off and live by itself.

– Spider monkeys have one offspring per year.

– An offspring formed from the union of a sperm and an egg develops as a female, and an unfertilized egg develops as a male.

– Fruit flies medicate offspring after seeing parasites.

– Between 1995 and 2006, when the remaining captive toads were moved from the Thorne Williams Unit to the Red Buttes Environmental Biology Laboratory south of Laramie, nearly 46,000 offspring had been produced at the Thorne Williams Unit and released back into the wild.

– Weinberg recognized that this was because those later generations were the offspring of that selected group of earlier carriers that had successfully reproduced.

– There are one or two breeding females, an unrelated male, offspring and other family members and unrelated individuals.

– At any rate, the shuffling increases the variety of the offspring, and the variety gives at least some of the offspring a better chance of surviving in difficult times.

– The phenotype of the offspring would depend on whether and to what extent one of the alleles was dominant.

– Cattle generally produce a single offspring annually which takes more than a year to mature; sheep and goats often have twins and these are ready for slaughter in less than a year; pigs give birth to more than one litter of up to about 11 piglets each year.

– So, the parthenogenetic greenfly offspring are not identical, and do show some genetic variation: some chromosome segments differ because of meiosis.

– After the pathogen has been killed, the offspring of B cellB and T cells continue.

– When the couple reproduces young, the offspring are small enough to leave the sponge and find a new Venus’ flower-basket.

– Zeus seduced Leda as a swan and she laid four eggs, these eggs hatched and four children were born to Leda, the two brothers Castor and Pollux, and two sisters, Helen and Clytemnestra; Castor and Clytemnestra were considered to be the children of King Tyndareus, Pollux and Helen were the demigod offspring of Zeus.

- In this way groups of similar plants or animals slowly change in shape and form so that they can live more successfully and have more offspring who will survive them.

- The consequence of assortment and crossing over makes it certain that no two offspring of the same mother and father are identical.
- Rather, it is the result of hybridisation between closely related species, followed by natural selection working on the offspring of such crosses.

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