“observer” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “observer”:

– The asteroid belt is sparsely populated and most asteroids are very small, so that an observer situated on one asteroid would be unlikely to be able to see another without the aid of a telescope.

– Appeared in Al-Qala’a website and then the London Observer 2002-11-24.

– Harassment is a pattern of repeated rude or nasty behavior that seems to a normal observer to deliberately target one or more people.

– He started writing on a number of British newspapers such as The Observer and the Independent on Sunday.

– Esteban Gutiérrez has joined the team as an observer for some race weekends.

– Galileo had already established the principle of relativity, which said that physical events must look the same to all observers, and no observer has the “right” way to look at the things studied by physics.

– In 2019, the movement had 120 members and 25 observer countries.

– This change in mass is only important when the speed of the object with respect to the observer becomes a large fraction of “c”.

observer - some sentence examples
observer – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “observer”:

– However, Einstein has shown through his that the mass “m” of an object moving at speed “v” with respect to an observer must be higher than the mass of the same object observed at rest “m” with respect to the observer.

– Some asteroids that cross the orbits of planets may occasionally get close enough to a planet or asteroid so that an observer from that asteroid can make out the disc of the nearby object without the aid of binoculars or a telescope.

– Light that is emitted from inside of the event horizon near the black hole can never reach an observer on the other side.

– Since port and starboard never change, they are clear references that do not depend on which way the observer is facing.

– A sensor is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a ‘signal’ which can be read by an observer or by an instrument.

– No matter how an observer is moving, if he measures the speed of the light coming from that star it will always be the same number.

– However, life science also deals with humans as objects of study, while hard science such as chemistry deals with humans as the observer who “does” the study – sets the scale at which observation can happen, incurs observer effects – as studied in philosophy of science.

– At present, the Holy See and Palestine are the only two observer states at the United Nations.

– Light’s speed remained about the same when measured by an observer traveling in its field, however, although “addition of velocities” predicted the field to be slower or faster “relative” to the observer traveling with or against it.

– One of the first essays advocating a blinded approach to experiments in general came from Claude Bernard in the latter half of the 19th century, who recommended splitting any scientific experiment between the theorist who conceives the experiment and a naive observer who registers the results without foreknowledge of the theory or hypothesis being tested.

- However, Einstein has shown through his that the mass "m" of an object moving at speed "v" with respect to an observer must be higher than the mass of the same object observed at rest "m" with respect to the observer.

- Some asteroids that cross the orbits of planets may occasionally get close enough to a planet or asteroid so that an observer from that asteroid can make out the disc of the nearby object without the aid of binoculars or a telescope.

More in-sentence examples of “observer”:

- The UN maintains a small observer force in Western Sahara, where a large number of Morocco's troops are stationed.

- The apparent magnitude of a celestial object is a number that measures its brightness as seen by an observer on Earth.
- Srimad Devi Bhagwatam, Devi Gita, Brahmand Purana, Sunder Lehri The Devi Bhagawata Mahapurana says that Adi Parashakti is the original creator, observer and destroyer of the whole universe.

– The UN maintains a small observer force in Western Sahara, where a large number of Morocco’s troops are stationed.

– The apparent magnitude of a celestial object is a number that measures its brightness as seen by an observer on Earth.

– Srimad Devi Bhagwatam, Devi Gita, Brahmand Purana, Sunder Lehri The Devi Bhagawata Mahapurana says that Adi Parashakti is the original creator, observer and destroyer of the whole universe.

– In physics, a more mundane observer effect can be the result of instruments that by necessity alter the state of what they measure in some manner.

– A distant observer sees the material falling in slowly and then stop just above the event horizon because of gravitational time dilation.

– If observer and creator of the wave get closer, the frequency is higher and the wavelength is shorter.

– These experiments demonstrate a puzzling relationship between the act of measurement and the system being measured, but it is unclear if they require a conscious observer or not.

– He was a person of legendary strength and endurance as well as a keen observer of birds and nature.

– An observer standing on the Earth’s equator visualizes the celestial equator as a semicircle passing directly overhead through the zenith.

– However, the Sun is so bright that it is impossible to see stars during the daytime, unless the observer is well shielded from sunlight.

– If an observer “Y” were to sit on the radius of the rotating disk, he will measure the radius to be the same as he would measure it to be if the disk were stationary, since the radius is not affected by the Lorentz contraction.

– Earth’s albedo is three times as high as that of the Moon, and coupled with the wider area, the “full Earth” glows over 50 times brighter than the “full Moon” does for the observer on Earth.

– Indeed, on small scales compared to is the Gaussian curvature of the plane, an observer would have a hard time determining whether he is in the Euclidean or the hyperbolic plane.

– An observer on a comet nearing the Sun might see the stars slightly obscured by a milky haze, which could create halo effects around the Sun and other bright objects.

– He was one of only six people to be inducted into each of the WWE Hall of Fame, the WCW Hall of Fame, the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame and the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame.

– Libration is a slow rocking back and forth of the Moon as viewed from Earth, permitting an observer to see slightly different halves of the surface at different times.

– Samoa Observer website.

– There are seven United Nations member and observer states which are not members of FIFA or any of its affiliated continental confederations.

– As the observer moves north horizon.

– An observer above the clouds of Venus would circle the planet in about four Earth days, and see a sky in which the Earth and the Moon shine brightly.

– Also, the strength of any gravitational field slows the passage of time for an object “as seen by an observer outside the field”.

– When an observer comes and measures the position of the particle, then the superposition is reduced to a single possible wave function.

– Punk II” became Ring of Honor’s best-selling DVD at the time and the match between Punk and Joe was also given a five-star rating by Dave Meltzer’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

– When an observer comes and actually measures the position of the particle, something called the wavefunction collapse occurs.

– The entomologist J.-H Fabre was a remarkable observer of natural life.

– Historically, the uncertainty principle has been confused with a somewhat similar effect in physics, called the observer effect.

– To an observer “X” riding on the edge of the rotating disk, the effects of high-speed motion are still in place.

– I am ruler, assembler of goods, observer foremost among those deserving the sacrifice.

– SICA has been an observer of the United Nations General Assembly.

– On 16 October 1990, the UN General Assembly gave the ICRC observer status for its assembly sessions and sub-committee meetings, the first observer status given to a private organization.

– The term ‘stereopsis’ is often used as short hand for ‘binocular vision’, ‘binocular depth perception’ or ‘stereoscopic depth perception’, though strictly speaking, the impression of depth associated with stereopsis can also be got under other conditions, such as when an observer views a scene with only one eye while moving.

– Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter thought of the show as an, “easy thumbs up show”, he would also said, “I will admit to be bored through some of the early parts of it.

– So, versus the electromagnetic field, the observer kept losing speed.

– Currently, thirteen non-Arctic states have observer status.

– If an observer saw an object fall into a black hole, it would look like the object was stuck at the event horizon forever.

– He was added into the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame#1996 inducteesWrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame in 1996 and the AAA Hall of Fame in 2014.

– Also, subjective reports and observer reports of behaviour are used to identify the altered state.

– According to him, the measured speed of light should be different for different speeds of the observer in comparison with its source.

– In 2012, in the alcoholic-romantic comedy “Date” directed by Yusup Bakhshiyev, Klimova appears as a sexy teacher, a very teetotaler, “clever and beautiful woman with long legs from under a small fuchsia dress.” The observer of the Gazeta.ru publication drew attention to the inability to tempt the heroine of Catherine with palaces and diamonds, noted the actress in the scene of rental on a motorcycle across all Moscow, lying on a frame with her back and with outstretched legs.

– The observer effect, or observer bias, means several things in different situations, although there are similarities.

– Vatican City State is a U.N observer state and not a U.N member.

– If an observer was to travel on a boat moving through an ocean current, then they could observe changes in the rate that waves appeared to travel depending on the relationship of the observer to the current.

– Only an external observer experiencing relative rest measures the object in relative motion to be shortened along its travel pathway and its events slowed.

– By travelling, an observer can come into contact with a greater region of space-time than an observer who remains still, so that the observable Universe for the former is larger than for the latter.

– Professor Hans Eysenck of London University’s Institute of Psychiatry stated “Unless there is a gigantic conspiracy involving some thirty university departments all over the world, and several hundred highly respected scientists in various fields, many of them originally skeptical to the claims of the psychical researchers, the only conclusion that the unbiased observer can come to is that there does exist a small number of people who obtain knowledge existing in other people’s minds, or in the outer world, by means as yet unknown to science”.

– However, when an observer named Alfred Halstead saw the game being played, he noticed the volleying action used to get the ball over the net, so he decided to change the name to “volleyball”.

– Furthermore, if a line of clocks appear synchronized to a stationary observer and appear to be out of sync to that same observer after accelerating to a certain velocity then it follows that during the acceleration the clocks ran at different speeds.

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