“observe” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “observe”:

+ Due to the law of the minimum paradoxes, if we observe the Law of the Minimum in artificial systems, then under natural conditions adaptation will equalize the load of different factors and we can expect a violation of the law of the minimum.

+ In day-to-day life we all observe that a stream of water emerging from a faucet will break up into droplets, no matter how smoothly the stream is emitted from the faucet.

+ Up until the point that you observe it, the Copenhagen Interpretation says that the particle is there and is not there.

+ When they climbed the mountain to observe the light, The light went up to the sky at Najung, the foot of Yang-san.

+ During the last ten days of Ramadan, larger mosques will host all-night programs to observe “Laylat al-Qadr”.

+ Bohr said that we know nothing about something like a photon or electron until we observe it.

observe example in sentences
observe example in sentences

Example sentences of “observe”:

+ Many inhospitable universes would also have been created, but there would be no life there to observe their existence.

+ Arizona is one of two states that does not observe Daylight Saving Time, except in the Navajo Nation in the northeastern part of the state.

+ Many inhospitable universes would also have been created, but there would be no life there to observe their existence.

+ Arizona is one of two states that does not observe Daylight Saving Time, except in the Navajo Nation in the northeastern part of the state.

+ Therefore, one can observe arches on one side of the nave, and pointed arches on the other side.

+ For Muslims this is Friday, Jews regard Saturday as the Sabbath, while most Christians observe Sunday as “the Lord’s Day” in honour of the resurrection of Jesus on that day.

+ Many countries observe a minute of silence after a tragic event.

+ Because of this the nobles forced him to observe the agreement called Magna Carta, to limit his power.

+ With a particle, you can know where it is in space if you observe at it.

+ In other words, from a slideshow of a group of frozen images at a certain speed of images per second, we observe constant movement.

+ This way a very distant and faint galaxy can become visible, while we normally would not be able to observe it.

+ Most of the state does not observe daylight saving time unlike the rest of the United States, except in the Navajo Nation.

+ Algeria and Tunisia in Africa use CET but do not observe daylight saving time.

+ In order to protect the legal rights of inmates, both for their own safety and the safety of others, a county jail will have some private cells to hold especially violent or controversial suspects, to protect others from them or them from being targeted by the “general population” of the jail, as well as to observe inmates who may want to harm themselves.

+ Almost all unicellular organisms are microorganisms but you can observe eukaryotes and many prokaryotes by using a compound microscope.

More in-sentence examples of “observe”:

+ Sometimes sportsmen do not observe the fast, although there are disagreements about this.

+ Oscar gradually becomes infatuated with the girl, and feels a part of the couple’s lives, even forsaking work to observe them.

+ She set it against the people because they had failed to properly observe her worship.

+ Passengers who are going to Marina South Pier should observe the television screens on the station platforms and listen to announcements which will notify commuters when a train that is terminating at Marina South Pier arrives.

+ Many countries sent expeditions to distant lands to observe the transits from places as far apart as possible for maximum parallax.

+ Representative from Duluth, MinnesotaDuluth, John Blatnik, introduced a bill to observe Leif Erikson Day in the rest of the United States.

+ His methodology was to interfere with developing embryos and observe the outcome.

+ This allows the coaching staff to observe their players.

+ She survived her first harsh winter of 1620 in the New World, and was one of the four women still alive in 1621 to observe the first Thanksgiving.

+ They also allowed students to observe astronomy.

+ In July 2014, The law to observe summer time year round was abandoned, and the clock has been set to UTC+3 starting from 26 October 2014.

+ Field research typically begins in a specific setting although the end objective of the study is to observe and analyze the specific behavior of a subject in that setting.

+ The cosmological multiverse tries to explain why the universe we observe i.e.

+ It says that a thing is the thing which it is, or “A is A.” What people learn about the things that exist comes both from the identity of the things themselves and from the way that people observe and think about what they have observed.

+ As with most of Arizona, Phoenix does not observe daylight saving time.

+ Otherwise, you can volunteer as “ambassador”: you will observe all the committee activities, ensure that people from your language or project manage to apply for a scholarship, translate scholarship applications written in your language to English and so on.

+ They also were able to observe the behaviour of animals they painted.

+ However the only way to be 100% sure of where a particle is, is to observe it.

+ Luke was made by the Bane to observe human brain patterns and is an assembly to the whole human race.

+ Particle acceleratorParticle accelerators, like the Large Hadron Collider have been built to test these GUTs indirectly, as it is too complex to observe effects on particles without them.

+ The country used to observe daylight saving time.

+ To observe some of the smallest unicellular organisms requires an electron microscope, while the very largest can be seen with a microscope or anything that enhances images.

+ Guests may observe dwarf, green, quince, and crocodile monitors.

+ It was preparing to observe Pluto and did not observe any asteroids there.

+ Due to this, the court had requested that the Principal Secretary of the Urban Development Department observe the happenings of the project and to submit a report to them.

+ Surprisingly, the distributions of many bird species observe the line, because many birds do not cross even the smallest stretches of open ocean water.

+ Jamshid was said to have had a magical seven-ringed cup, the “Jām-e Jam” which was filled with the elixir of immortality and allowed him to observe the universe.

+ In some religions is the most important and original creator of the whole Man who is made “in his image” see observe it and control it like God.

+ If we try to observe China in a new way from the viewpoint of outsiders, and if China’s provinces are regarded as independent countries, Guangdong will become the 14th largest economy in the world.

+ An observer located on Enceladus could also observe Mimas transit in front of Saturn every 72 hours, on average.

+ In 1818, Gmelin was one of the first to observe that lithium salts give a bright red color in a flame.

+ The periodic table has been used by chemists to observe patterns and relationships between elements.

+ The spotter helps to closely observe the targets and their surroundings.

+ Muslim men must also observe standards of modest dress.

+ DST was re-introduced in 1957, and the country continued to observe it until 2010.

+ In 1931, Karl Jansky discovered radio emission from outside the Earth when trying to isolate a source of noise in radio communications, marking the birth of radio astronomy and the first attempts at using another part of the electromagnetic spectrum to observe the sky.

+ On July 27, 2018, Pope Francis ordered McCarrick to observe “a life of prayer” and accepted his resignation from the College of Cardinals.

+ If an observer was to travel on a boat moving through an ocean current, then they could observe changes in the rate that waves appeared to travel depending on the relationship of the observer to the current.

+ This time zone does not observe daylight saving time, because it is near the equator.

+ In “2.0: You can advance”, Gendo Ikari and Kozo Fuyutsuki visit Seele’s moon base to observe the construction of Unit 06, and see Kaworu sitting atop Unit 06’s finger, wearing only pants.

+ Some of the Oriental Orthodox Churches, however, observe Ascension on the same date as the Western Churches.

+ These used radar to observe the ground instead of telescopes.

+ With white above a dark boundary, we observe the light extending a blue-violet edge into the dark area; whereas dark above a light boundary results in a red-yellow edge extending into the light area.

+ By acknowledging the various ways different societies and cultures perform rites of passage we observe cultural diversity.

+ Richard Christopher Carrington was the first person to observe a solar flare in 1859.””, “Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society”, v20, pp13+, 1859 Carrington had spotted brightening’s of small areas within a sunspot group.

+ It also must observe and warn about earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

+ Therefore, if we want to observe an effect in a moving system at constant speed, we can apply the Newton laws directly.

+ It is only when you observe the particle that you know if it’s there or not there.

+ We observe “down” the jet, or nearly so.

+ The easiest way to observe them is to cover Jupiter with an object.

+ Sometimes sportsmen do not observe the fast, although there are disagreements about this.

+ Oscar gradually becomes infatuated with the girl, and feels a part of the couple's lives, even forsaking work to observe them.
+ She set it against the people because they had failed to properly observe her worship.

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