“Nuclear fusion” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “Nuclear fusion”:

– If the temperature gets high enough, nuclear fusion will start, and form a protostar.

– Tritium is important for nuclear fusion power.

– Most helium was formed during the Big Bang, but new helium is being created as a result of the nuclear fusion of hydrogen in stars.

– A nuclear fusion reaction happened and made the element.

– On Earth it is very difficult to start nuclear fusion reactions that release more energy than is needed to start the reaction.

Nuclear fusion - example sentences
Nuclear fusion – example sentences

Example sentences of “Nuclear fusion”:

- It takes a great deal of energy to push the nuclei close enough together for the strong force to have an effect, so the process of nuclear fusion can only take place at very high temperatures or high densities.

- Studying the Sun helped people understand how nuclear fusion works.
- This is a red dwarf star that is generating energy through the nuclear fusion of hydrogen at its core.

– It takes a great deal of energy to push the nuclei close enough together for the strong force to have an effect, so the process of nuclear fusion can only take place at very high temperatures or high densities.

– Studying the Sun helped people understand how nuclear fusion works.

– This is a red dwarf star that is generating energy through the nuclear fusion of hydrogen at its core.

– In 2008, at the age of 14, he produced nuclear fusion using a fusor and at the time was the youngest person ever to do so.Dutton, Judy.

– It was only in the 1930’s and 1940’s that scientists began to understand the role of nuclear fusion in creating and keeping stars like our sun.

– He is known for the co-discovery of deuterium, tritium, helium-3 and nuclear fusion and for the development of microwave radar.

– All contributions are outlined in his book « High Power Laser Interactions : Isotopes Separation – Nuclear Fusion Control – Elementary Particles Selective Creation ».

– Around 1920, he anticipated the discovery and mechanism of nuclear fusion in stars.

– As the Sun condensed and heated, nuclear fusion started, and the solar wind cleared out most of the material in the disc, which had not yet condensed, into larger bodies.

– Tritium and deuterium is used in D-T nuclear fusion in stars to give out a lot of energy.

– It usually happens when its nuclear fusion cannot hold the core against its own gravity.

– Nuclear energy can also be freed in two other ways: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.

– Helium burning: the triple alpha process, which is a set of nuclear fusion reactions by which three helium-4 nuclei are transformed into carbon.

– Muon-catalyzed fusion is a type of cold nuclear fusion, which means that nuclear fusion can happen at low temperatures and under normal pressure.

– They start their nuclear fusion about 100,000 years after being created when they get their red glow, this is also where they get their heat.

– Stars get the energy they produce through nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium.

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