“normally” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “normally”:

+ Numbers are not normally distributed if they are grouped on one side or the other side of the average value.

+ However, it may just be me, although I think otherwise, but when I see ‘641’ most places I normally think of a number first, and not the year.

+ Despite being much shorter than the Arkansas River, it carries nearly as much water normally more than during floods.

+ Mesocyclones are normally relatively very small in size; they lie between the synoptic scale.

+ In humans, sex is normally either male or female.

+ For stylistic consistency settlement and building names should not normally be given an angle.

+ They are normally not allowed to appeal to angels as a link between God and his people.

normally - example sentences
normally – example sentences

Example sentences of “normally”:

+ Nitrogen dioxide is normally made by oxidation of nitric oxide by oxygen in air.

+ Modern paper is normally made from wood pulp.
+ Some of the homozygous genes will be "deleterious recessives" which would normally be shielded by a dominant allele.

+ Nitrogen dioxide is normally made by oxidation of nitric oxide by oxygen in air.

+ Modern paper is normally made from wood pulp.

+ Some of the homozygous genes will be “deleterious recessives” which would normally be shielded by a dominant allele.

+ It normally roosts alone on trees.

+ It was normally considered second to gold in value.

+ A riad normally has two or more storeys around an Andalusian-style courtyard that contained a fountain.

+ For example, a person applying to be admitted to a PhD/DPhil degree in Theater would normally have to have a master’s degree such as a Master of Arts degree in Theater, English Literature, or a related area.

+ A “” input will color the row light gray, like an odd number normally would.

+ BMW spent 18 months building and testing a normally aspirated, 3.0litre V10 engine.

+ The engines 2.0L normally aspirated or 750cc supercharged.

+ He won two stages and finished 18th overall – a major achievement for a new pro who would normally be expected to be a “domestique” to the team’s leader.

+ Human sacrifice is the act of killing a human being as an offering to a deity or other, normally supernatural, power.

+ A common symptom of liver failure is jaundice, where the person’s skin and eyes turn yellow due to a build-up of body products which would normally be filtered by the liver.

+ Manganate normally means the MnO ion.

+ Emojis are normally used when people text each other.

+ In humans, a pregnancy normally lasts for about nine months.

More in-sentence examples of “normally”:

+ They are normally made of light materials.

+ This template should normally be placed at the “top” of the Other websites section at the end of an article, if the article has a section for external links.

+ It was a Knight with additional honours, they were allowed to use powers normally used by the crown.

+ Players can also optionally fly to reach places they normally couldn’t.

+ Because of this, spokespeople are normally people who are highly experienced employees, or people who have been supporting the organization’s goals for a long time.

+ The word for the tool was originally “besom”, “broom” simply being the material of which it was normally made.

+ The keyboard instrument was normally a harpsichord but could also be an organ, such as a small portative instrument.

+ Though they are normally long, up to 50cm.

+ Abalone divers normally use a very thick wetsuit, including a hood, booties, and gloves.

+ Disputed links should normally be excluded by default unless and until there is a consensus to include them.

+ It is normally abbreviated in everyday use to mph or MPH.

+ Spiritual and religious practices and beliefs, according to astronomer Carl Sagan, are normally not classified as pseudoscience.

+ This template is not normally used for articles in the main namespace, because the graphic produces an avoidable self-reference.

+ Cooking Yuxiang normally involves the use of sugar, vinegar, doubanjiang, soy sauce, and pickled chili peppers.

+ These people are normally placed in the musician category for their notable instrument.

+ These bacteria are normally on our skin and are not harmful.

+ When they say “town” people are normally thinking of a big, important place.

+ GPUs are stronger than CPUs of the same price, but are normally restricted to tasks involving graphics, like playing videos and rendering graphics in video games.

+ Sport fishing is normally done with a fishing rod and line with any number of hooks to get the fish.

+ This is the version that is normally performed today.

+ They do not normally descend to the ground, except to mate and spawn.

+ In the United Kingdom, apple sauce is normally used as a sauce for ham, pork, and gammon.

+ On the Internet, smiles can normally be typed up.

+ This chipped-off metal normally flows with the oil until it is filtered.

+ They are normally off white with pale brown lines.

+ They are normally made of light materials.

+ This template should normally be placed at the "top" of the Other websites section at the end of an article, if the article has a section for external links.
+ It was a Knight with additional honours, they were allowed to use powers normally used by the crown.

+ The reaction is normally very hot so the hydrogen ignites.

+ Thus our consciousness is added to an already-existing set of mechanisms which operate but whose operation is normally not felt by us.Wilson, Timothy 2002.

+ As a rough guide, modern earthenwares are normally fired in a kiln at temperatures in the range of about 1,000°C to.

+ The tree which the grapefruit grows on is normally 5-6 meters tall but can reach up to 15 meters tall.

+ In many countries, guide dogs are allowed inside places where animals normally are not allowed, such as restaurants, stores, buses and trains.

+ Those drugs are often very strong, and they cannot be bought normally from a pharmacy as you could with over-the-counter drugs.

+ This condition is sometimes called “lazy eye”, but that term normally refers to the condition amblyopia.

+ He does speak normally in the DiC animated cartoons and the anime series.

+ Popeye’s unique and commonly used design is one that is immediately recognizable, being always depicted as a gruff-looking yet skinny sailor with a large cleft chin, a single eye, a mostly bald head and very large forearms with anchor tattoos, while his outfit normally consists of a black dress shirt with a red neckline and sleeves with blue edges along with blue pants, brown shoes and a sailor’s cap.

+ Instead, place this template in the article, normally at the very top.

+ Links to these source sites are not “other websites” for the purposes of this guideline, and should not normally be duplicated in an “Other websites” section.

+ The President does many of the things that are normally done by a head of state but the Supreme Leader is the person who is actually in control of the country.

+ They are normally found near the sea, rivers, or wetlands.

+ In more advanced species, the first five abdominal segments are often fused into a dorsal shield called the scutum, which is normally fused with the carapace.

+ A spotfest is normally a fast-paced, exciting match with constant displays of athleticism.

+ Streetlights are normally either orange or blue.

+ However, they normally have no great powers because of their human parent.

+ The latter is normally more an example of accidental misuse than intentional use, or it could be a sign that a symbol is missing from the table.

+ Current machines feed from a sealed Ink cartridgecartridge which is normally a proprietary design.

+ Antimony is sometimes found as an element, but normally it is found as stibnite, an antimony sulfide mineral.

+ A play can be like real life, but an opera is being sung, so things are not going to happen like they normally do in real life.

+ Pages which are normally suitable for children to use may be vandalized with rude words or content which may be offensive.

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