“nitric” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “nitric”:

+ It can be used to make nitric acid by heating it.

+ It is used to make nitric acid by dissolving it in water.

+ It dissolves in concentrated nitric acid to make arsenic acid and in dilute nitric acid to make arsenious acid.

+ It is formed by nitrationnitrating cellulose through exposure to nitric acid or another powerful nitrating agent.

+ These are chemicals which were thought to provide certain health benefits to the cardiovascular systemcardiovascular and immune systems by regulating the formation of nitric oxide.

+ It can also be made by reacting selenium with nitric acid or hydrogen peroxide.

+ Smithson Tennant found it in the remains when he left crude platinum in a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid.

+ The compound also may be got by treating palladium metal with nitric acid.

nitric how to use?
nitric how to use?

Example sentences of “nitric”:

+ It is made by reacting mercury with concentrated nitric acid; dilute nitric acid would make mercury nitrate.

+ Chemists make it by mixing uranium salts with nitric acid.

+ Bismuth can be dissolved in nitric acid to make bismuth chloride.

+ The nerves then cause a chemical called nitric oxide to be released into the arteries.

+ He later worked out EDRF’s nature and mechanism of action, and determined that EDRF was nitric oxide, which is an important compound in many aspects of Circulatory systemcardiovascular physiology.

+ It dries things out from acids like nitric acid to organic chemistryorganic compounds like carboxylic acids.

+ It is made by reacting iron or iron oxide with nitric acid.

+ It can dissolve in oxidizing agentoxidizing acids like nitric or sulfuric acid.

+ It is made by reacting mercury with concentrated nitric acid; dilute nitric acid would make mercury nitrate.

+ Chemists make it by mixing uranium salts with nitric acid.

+ Nitrogen dioxide is normally made by oxidation of nitric oxide by oxygen in air.

+ It is made by mixing one part concentrated nitric acid and three parts concentrated hydrochloric acid.

+ It can dissolve in nitric acid to make copper nitrate and nitrogen dioxide or nitric oxide.

+ It can be used to make nitric acid by reaction with sulfuric acid.

+ Iodine reacts with nitric acid and chlorates to make iodates, too.

+ Sometimes, release of nitric oxide relaxes muscles around the vagina, called sexual arousal.

More in-sentence examples of “nitric”:

+ It is made by mixing sulfuric acid, iron sulfate, and an oxidizing agent like nitric acid or hydrogen peroxide together.

+ It reacts with nitric acid to make nitric oxide.

+ It is made by mixing sulfuric acid, iron sulfate, and an oxidizing agent like nitric acid or hydrogen peroxide together.

+ It reacts with nitric acid to make nitric oxide.

+ It is made when potassium nitrate is reacted with hydrochloric acid, making nitric acid and potassium chloride.

+ Palladium nitrate may be prepared by dissolving palladium oxide hydrate in dilute nitric acid, followed by crystallization.

+ In general, these membranes are impermeable to large and polar molecules, such as ions, proteins, and polysaccharides, while being permeable to non-polar or hydrophobic molecules like lipids as well as to small molecules like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and nitric oxide.

+ Hydrochloric and Nitric acidnitric acids dissolve uranium, but non-oxidizing acids other than hydrochloric acid dissolve the element very slowly.

+ A concentrated solution of nitric acid makes mercury nitrate.

+ Ammonia is reacted with air to make nitric oxide, and the nitric oxide is oxidized by air to make nitrogen dioxide.

+ Due to nitric oxide indirectly being involved in the action of Viagra, he is sometimes referred to as the “Father of Viagra”.

+ It is made by dissolving silver in nitric acid.

+ Ammonium nitrate is made by reacting ammonia with nitric acid.

+ Gold does not dissolve in nitric acid.

+ If it is heated in nitric oxide, it makes barium nitrite.

+ It is made by dissolving lead, lead carbonate in nitric acid.

+ It is made by reacting barium carbonate with nitric acid.

+ It breaks down to make nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and water when it is concentrated.

+ He won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1998 “for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system”.

+ It is made when nitric acid reacts with calcium phosphate.

+ They include nitric acid and dinitrogen pentoxide.

+ It does not dissolve in acids except nitric acid.

+ The reaction of iron with nitric acid makes nitrogen dioxide.

+ It does dissolve in dilute nitric acid.

+ But it is normally made artificially by reacting sodium hydroxide and nitric acid.

+ In 1849 he discovered anhydrous nitric acid, a substance interesting as the first obtained of the so-called “anhydrides” of the monobasic acids.

+ This reaction produces nitric oxide, nitrogen, and sodium hydroxide.

+ For a carbon steel, a dilute solution of nitric acid in alcohol is sufficient to produce the required effect.

+ These include ammonia, nitric acid, nitrates and cyanides.

+ It can be made by oxidation of sodium iodide with sodium hypochlorite in a nitric acid solution.

+ It can also be made by reacting copper with a mixture of nitric acid and sulfuric acid.

+ The nitrogen dioxide is dissolved in water to make nitric acid and more nitric oxide.

+ Nitrogen dioxide can be reacted with water to make a mixture of nitrous acid and nitric acid.

+ It can also be made by reacting copper with nitric acid or silver nitrate.

+ The presence of NO2 in concentrated Nitric acid causes the acid to take on a yellow color, depending on the concentration of the dissolved gas.

+ This makes a basic mercury nitrate and some nitric acid.

+ It causes significant and damaging pulmonary effects when it is inhaled, due to the formation of both Nitric acids when it reacts with Water present in the lungs.

+ It is made by reacting moist arsenic with ozone or by reacting arsenic trioxide with concentrated nitric acid.

+ Calcium nitrate is made by reacting calcium hydroxide or calcium carbonate with nitric acid.

+ It is made by reacting antimony trioxide with nitric acid.

+ Then the brown gas made is dissolved in water to make nitric acid.

+ It is made by reacting mercury with a dilute solution of nitric acid.

+ Wilhelm Ostwald gave a detailed account in 1899 and 1900, describing the oscillations of Chrome in Hydrochloric acid and of iron in Nitric acid.

+ It is used similar to nitrogen dioxide to make nitric acid.

+ It dissolves in nitric acid to make lead nitrate.

+ Bismuth reacts with nitric acid to make bismuth sulfate and sulfur dioxide.

+ It is made by dissolving nickel metal in nitric acid.

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