“nilotic” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “nilotic”:

– The Nilotic Kavirondo pay twenty sheep and two to six cows; the husband-elect can claim his bride after half payment; if a woman dies without bearing children, the amount of her purchase is returnable by her father, unless the widower consents to replace her by another sister.

– The Maasai speak Maa, very similar in pronuncuation to their Nilotic counterparts, the Luo and Kalenjin.

– They are spoken by around Nilotic peoples50 million people, who mainly live in the upper parts of the Chari and Nile rivers.

– Some of the Bantu tribes practice circumcision, the Nilotic tribes do not.

– Men of the Bantu tribes are buried in an open space in the midst of their huts; in the Nilotic tribes, if the first wife of the deceased be alive he is buried in her hut, if not, beneath the veranda of the hut in which he died.

Nilotic is a word that refers to a number of people who speak Nilotic languages.

– The men of the Nilotic Kavirondo start to wear a small piece of goat-skin on their penis when they become fathers.

nilotic some example sentences
nilotic some example sentences

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