“nervous system” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “nervous system”:

– Hydrogen sulfide is considered a broad-spectrum poison, meaning that it can poison several different systems in the body, although the nervous system is most affected.

– When combined with other central nervous system depressants such as Alcoholic beveragealcohol and opiates, the potential for toxicity increases.

– These channels are of particular importance to the nervous system and the heart.

– The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spine.

– So without alcohol, the central nervous system gets very excited and over-active.

– Acute AD happens when the involuntary nervous system gets overexcited.

– It has been linked to health problems such as Parkinson’s disease, breast cancer, and immune, reproductive, and nervous system damage.

nervous system some ways to use
nervous system some ways to use

Example sentences of “nervous system”:

- Because the sympathetic nervous system has the opposite effects, it will make the person breathe faster and raise their heart rate.

- The nervous system is made up of neurons.
- Paralysis is most often caused by damage to the nervous system or brain, especially the spinal cord.

– Because the sympathetic nervous system has the opposite effects, it will make the person breathe faster and raise their heart rate.

– The nervous system is made up of neurons.

– Paralysis is most often caused by damage to the nervous system or brain, especially the spinal cord.

– Their nervous system includes their brain, which controls their body.

– Scrapie is a fatal disease that affects the nervous system of sheep and goats.

– Behaviour is linked to the nervous system as well as the endocrine system.

– CB is found in the peripheral nervous system in other parts of the body.

– Some of Descartes’ contributions stemmed from his interest in the nervous system and brain’s role in behavior.

– The central nervous system controls everything in the body.

– It happens when the nervous system does not work properly.

– The central nervous system is the largest part of the nervous system.

– The nervous system is a body system which sends signals around the body.

– Nerve cells from the sympathetic nervous system are connected to the sweat glands.

– These painkillers are central nervous system depressants.

– It tells the sympathetic nervous system to make many changes in the body.

– Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are mostly caused by a central nervous system that is over-excited and working too hard.

– It is a sign of damage to the parts of the nervous system that control balance.

More in-sentence examples of “nervous system”:

– The researchers supposed that the loss of sight freed more of the nervous system to process other sensory inputs.Futuyma D.J.

– Nansen studied zoology at the Royal Frederick University, and later worked as a curator at the Bergen Museum where his research on the central nervous system of lower marine creatures earned him a doctorate and helped establish modern theories of neurology.

– She used Ratrats as test subjects during her research because their nervous system is very similar to humans.

– Acetylcholine also signals the parasympathetic nervous system to kick in.

– The central nervous system is used to being slowed down by alcohol.

– In the latter two categories, dysregulation of the local nervous system due to past traumatic experiences or an anxious disposition and chronic albeit unconscious pelvic tensing lead to inflammation that is mediated by substances released by nerve cells.

– The nervous system is made of billions of neurons connected together and to other systems in the body.

– Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant.

– These can include problems with the nervous system and problems with the heart.

– For example, if only the parasympathetic nervous system was working, a person’s heart rate and breathing would keep getting lower and lower.

– The nervous system is mainly composed by the nervous ganglion between mouth and anus, a ring nerve at the basis of the lophophore, one or two giant nerve fibres which issue from the ganglion and extend along the body wall.

– Usually, the PNS balances out with the sympathetic nervous system to maintain homeostasis.

– The parasympathetic nervous system is controlled mostly by the vagus nerve.

– Breathing and the beat of one’s heart can be noticed but are controlled by nervous system without thought.

– The visual system is the part of the nervous system which allows organisms to see.

– GABA regulates how much neurons in the central nervous system will be stimulated in humans, and other mammals.

– Scientists think the DTs happen because the autonomic nervous system gets too excited.

– The nervous system is very simple, and restricted to the outer layers of the body wall.

– The membranes that surround the central nervous system organs the brain and the spinal cord, in the Cranial cavitycranial and spinal cavities are the three meninges.

– Like other nerve agents, sarin attacks the nervous system by stopping nerve endings in muscles from switching off.

– Peripheral neuropathy happens when the nerves of the peripheral nervous system suffer damage due to disease, trauma to the nerves or through side effects of a certain illness.

– Primary central nervous system lymphoma is a form of Lymphoma affecting the Central nervous system.

– In neurodegenerative diseases cells of the central nervous system stop working or die via neurodegeneration.

– Their nervous system consists of ganglia under the eyespots and a cord of nerves that run down the body, under the gut.

– The parasympathetic nervous system has many different effects.

– In many organisms, the notochord helps the spine or nervous system grow, but some animals have only a notochord and no spinal bones.

– The “Daphnia”’s nervous system consists of a brain that has two or three pairs of ganglia.

– The medulla helps control the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

– The rest of the central nervous system is usually ‘ladder-like’, with a pair of nerve cords that run along the bottom part of the body cavity.

– Commonly seen effects on the brain and the rest of the central nervous system include slurred speech and issues with coordination.

– The parasympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system.

– Transduction in the nervous system typically means synapsesynaptic events where an electrical signal is converted into a chemical one by the release of neurotransmitters.

– This is done because we inherit nervous system reflexes which cause us to pull away from the thing that is causing the pain.

– The extra acetylcholine also signals the parasympathetic nervous system to work extra hard.

– It’s a disease that affects a cow’s nervous system and their physical state.

– The article was about how self-control and willpower could make the nervous system stronger through physical exercise.

– The nervous system sends information quickly, and responses are generally short lived.

– They are produced by the central nervous system and the pituitary gland.

– Though his body was destroyed by Joseph, Esidisi’s nervous system survived and takes control of Suzie Q’s body to send the Super Aja to Kar while intending to use her as a sacrificial distraction before being safely removed and destroyed for good.

– The nervous system derives colour by comparing the responses to light from the several types of cone photoreceptors in the eye.

– In 2012, Watkins was diagnosed with primary central nervous system lymphoma.

– The part of the central nervous system in the spinal column is called spinal cord.

– The rhombencephalon is a name for parts of the central nervous system in vertebrates.

– Small quantities of it can be found in the central nervous system of many animals.

– Instead, the body’s nervous system makes muscles in the nipples contract, causing them to stand up and become slightly harder.

– However, when there is too much acetylcholine, the two systems cannot balance, and the sympathetic nervous system does not work correctly.

– Water extracts of the guarana plant are central nervous system stimulants due to the content of these alkaloids.

– These are the hormone system, the autonomic nervous system and the ‘lower’ brain centres.

- The researchers supposed that the loss of sight freed more of the nervous system to process other sensory inputs.Futuyma D.J.

- Nansen studied zoology at the Royal Frederick University, and later worked as a curator at the Bergen Museum where his research on the central nervous system of lower marine creatures earned him a doctorate and helped establish modern theories of neurology.

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