“negative” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “negative”:

+ This causes an area of a negative resistance.

+ A sequel titled Avengers: Endgame received mixed to negative reaction for audiences.

+ The movie received negative reviews on Rotten Tomatoes with a 5% score.

+ This is the kind of voltmeter where one has to be careful about making the positive and negative connections correctly – if the wrong connections are made, the voltmeter can be damaged.

+ However, Bashir said many negative things about the new constitution.

negative how to use in sentences
negative how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “negative”:

+ Because of this and his negative attitude against opponents Uganda faces internal political difficulties.

+ The movie got negative reviews from movie critics.

+ Peter’s changed personality alienates Mary Jane, who is struggling in her career because of her shows receiving negative reviews from critics.

+ Fresh water scarcity has negative affects on ecology, biodiversity, agriculture and human health.

+ Thus, after enough time has passed, the black hole will evaporate from these negative particles, while seeming to emit positive ones.

+ The integers are a closure of the natural numbers by including negative numbers.

+ The square root of −1 is not a real number, so this definition creates a new type of number, just like fractions create numbers like 2/3 that are not counting numbers like 4 or 10, and negative numbers create numbers that are less than 0.

+ Because of this and his negative attitude against opponents Uganda faces internal political difficulties.

+ The movie got negative reviews from movie critics.

+ Road force has negative at the road force because people need to be careful of the busy traffic during the exercising.

+ The movie received negative reviews with a 37% on Rotten Tomatoes which is rotten and is also rated as a 27% out of 100% by Metacritic.

+ Scarlett finally realizes how much Melanie meant to Ashley, and that Scarlett could never have meant so much to him, and also finally realizes that despite her jealousy and negative thoughts over the years about Melanie, she was truly her best and most beloved friend.

+ Plants are not limited to automated sensory-motor responses, however, they are capable of discriminating positive and negative experiences and of ‘learning’ from their past experiences.

+ This results in the acceptor, or P-type atoms becoming negatively charged, and since negative charges attract positive charges, acceptors, or holes, will flow towards the “junction”.

More in-sentence examples of “negative”:

+ To this very day, people in both countries have negative ideas about Indigenous women.

+ However, this rule will still introduce a negative bias for even numbers, and a positive bias for the odd ones.

+ To this very day, people in both countries have negative ideas about Indigenous women.

+ However, this rule will still introduce a negative bias for even numbers, and a positive bias for the odd ones.

+ The movie got mixed to negative review from critics.

+ The movie received very negative reviews.

+ Lex Luger received a negative reaction from fans, and Hulk Hogan, Buff Bagwell, Booker HuffmanBooker T, Goldberg received positive reactions.

+ The game received negative reviews from sites such as Nintendo World Report and Common Sense.

+ The movie received negative reviews with a 5% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

+ It stars Gourob Roy ChowdhuryGourab Roy Chowdhury and Aishwarya Sen in lead roles and Bidipta Chakraborty and Sukanya Goswami in a negative role.

+ It started being used in the modern negative sense in the late 80s in America.

+ Electrons have a negative charge and the nucleus always has a positive charge, so they attract each other.

+ The connection point between the positive and negative poles is grounded to the earth.

+ All big objects are electrically neutral because there is the same amount of positive and negative charge in the world.

+ The critics, however, gave negative reviews.

+ I’m thinking he is becoming a net negative to Simple.

+ This is because there is no value for the natural logarithm of negative numbers.

+ But, “NME” gave a negative review.

+ The tribes of north-west North America continue to believe in reincarnation despite negative attitudes towards it on the part of Christian missionaries and churches.

+ A false negative is when a test result shows a condition is “not” present when in fact it “is” present.

+ It allows current to flow backwards with small negative voltages.

+ The movie received very negative reviews with a 6% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a 12 out of 100 from Metacritic.

+ A hyphen can be used for a negative value.

+ The soundtrack received negative feedback from reviewers but achieved moderate sales success, reaching #50 on the “Billboard” 200.

+ It got negative reviews from movie critics.

+ In addition, the Japanese altered or destroyed various Korean monuments including Gyeongbok Palace and documents which portrayed the Japanese in a negative light were revised.

+ They do not like it because ‘religious fundamentalist’ has some negative ideas about it.

+ When an electric field is applied, the positive and negative bound charges can separate over atomic distances in polarizable materials, and when the bound charges move, the polarization changes, creating another contribution to the “bound current”, the polarization current “J”.

+ Superman has received very negative reviews from critics.

+ The set of negative real numbers is sometimes written as.

+ The movie got negative reviews from the critics.

+ Fictional invocations of Arnold’s name also carried strongly negative overtones.

+ The movie received extremely negative reviews with a 4% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and Roger Ebert gave the movie half a star out of five stating that “”There isn’t a laugh in this movie.

+ A non-metal atom becomes a negative anion as it gains electron.

+ That would be negative interference.

+ In order to remain in a state of sleep, the unconscious mind has to detain negative thoughts and represent them in an edited form.

+ To separate proteins by size only, protein mixtures can be coated with a chemical called sodium dodecyl sulfate to give all proteins a negative charge before putting the mixture into the gel.

+ Malnutrition is considered a more scientific and official term than starvation which has negative associations.

+ The movie gained negative reviews from critics and holds a 14% “rotten” rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

+ The positive and negative charges in molecules separate under the applied field, causing an increase in the state of polarization, expressed as the polarization density “P”.

+ To finish, those facts show us that the cell phone have a negative effect on teenagers especially on the way they work at their job, on their performance at school and on their communication with someone in front of them.

+ You can turn the switch off by applying a negative voltage to the “gate”, so it is lower voltage than the “source”.

+ He made a distinction between positive liberty and negative liberty.

+ The common convention we use is from the positive to the negative terminal.

+ From cultural background and influences, the meaning and perception of the word “compromise” may be different: In the UK, Ireland and Commonwealth of NationsCommonwealth countries, the word “compromise” has a positive meaning ; in the U.S., it can have rather negative connotations, as in “compromising principles” as a sell-out of basic beliefs.

+ If something with a negative temperature comes in contact with a positive-temperature object, heat will go from the negative object to the positive.

+ Seemingly, the only reason it did not get promoted was simply because not enough users had reviewed it, not because of any negative responses.

+ All of these may have negative effects on people.

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