“necessity” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “necessity”:

+ Today it is still a necessity for farmers, ranchers and those who raise domestic animals.

+ Orphism is a mystic religion of ancient Greece, originating in the 7th or 6th century BC and based on poems attributed to Orpheus, emphasizing the necessity for individuals to rid themselves of the evil part of their nature by ritual and moral purification throughout a series of reincarnations.

+ Along with efforts to de-emphasize the negative social aspects, in recent years there have been arguments for de-emphasizing the necessity for having noticeably high levels of intelligence or technical aptitude.

+ Numerous debates on its necessity and implications have been prevalent since the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings.

+ So all in all, I think we should reinforce the necessity of citing sources, for example by translating the required RULES from En WP.

+ One possibility involved the replacement of the steel spikes with alternatives made from carbon fibre, although the report underlined the necessity for extensive testing.

necessity use in-sentences
necessity use in-sentences

Example sentences of “necessity”:

+ In another scene, Borat visits the Serengeti Range ranch in Texas, where the owner of the ranch confides that he believes the Holocaust was a necessity for Germany.

+ Hot baths were a Roman necessity and were not found at Olympia however.

+ The cotyledon is a necessity of plants and in this case becomes the leaves of the plant.

+ Until, in the end, the law, after having proved destructive to many people, was from mere necessity abolished.” As with Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices, shortages lead to black markets where prices for the same good exceed those of an uncontrolled market.

+ Catholics believe in the necessity of love, hope and faith in order to gain salvation, but that these all come from grace.

+ Of necessity it contains the family Dioscoreaceae.

+ This order of necessity includes the family Liliaceae, but both the family and the order have had a widely disputed history, with the circumscription varying greatly from one taxonomist to another.

+ He gave a speech to members of the first territorial legislature, saying: “To enlarge upon the necessity of general education for producing good government” he told the lawmakers, “would be at this day a work of supererogation, and I leave the matter in your hands, confident it will receive the attention it deserves.” After his speech, the session responded by creating a system of common schools for the territory.

+ I think the problem is that students have been given accounts but their teacher has not understood the necessity of creating subpages for their exercises.

+ In physics, a more mundane observer effect can be the result of instruments that by necessity alter the state of what they measure in some manner.

+ In another scene, Borat visits the Serengeti Range ranch in Texas, where the owner of the ranch confides that he believes the Holocaust was a necessity for Germany.

+ Hot baths were a Roman necessity and were not found at Olympia however.
+ The cotyledon is a necessity of plants and in this case becomes the leaves of the plant.

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