“nave” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “nave”:

– Traditionally the nave has long benches for the congregation to sit on.

– Originally the organ of the town church was set up in 1851 at the east wall of the church nave by the organ-builders Johann Michel and Wilhelm Holland.

– When Michelangelo took over a building site in 1547, the nave of the old basilica was still standing and in use.

– At the front of the nave is the pulpit where the priest preaches.

– Its nave is 44 metres tall.

nave how to use in sentences
nave how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “nave”:

- On each side of the nave is a lower "aisle".

- In 1607 Maderna's plans for the nave and the "facade" were accepted.

– On each side of the nave is a lower “aisle”.

– In 1607 Maderna’s plans for the nave and the “facade” were accepted.

– Wells Cathedral dates mainly from the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries; the nave and transept are masterpieces of Early English architecture.

– Between the nave and the aisles are rows of columns.

– By contrast, the interior height of the nave vault at 78 feet is about half that of Beauvais Cathedral in France.Alec Clifton-Taylor 1967.

– All the mess was carted away, and the nave was ready for use by Palm Sunday.

– The nave was re-consecrated in 1908.

– In the south aisle of the nave there are two tombs dating from the 14th century tombs.

– The tallest nave is at Beauvais Cathedral which is 157.5 feet high.

– The cathedral has the longest nave and overall length of any Gothic cathedral in Europe.

– The Norman architectureNorman columns and arches of the nave have some decorations.

– The cathedral, built on a Rectanglerectangular floor plan, is composed of a nave and two aisles.

– The Minster has a wide, Decorated Gothic nave and Chapter house.

– The roof of the nave is very unusual.

– Pointed arches were used for nave arcade, the doorways and lancet windows.

– The nave is wider but has the same height as the aisles.

– Each floor has a nave and an apse.

– The nave and the aisles are about the same height.

– It is also special because its nave is built in Romanesque architectureRomanesque style, but the Gothic style.

– There were two main ways to make a nave vault in the Romanesque period.

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