“nasal” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “nasal”:

– The nasal cavity is a large air filled space above and behind the nose in the middle of the face.

– However, there are also nasal fricatives, nasal flaps, nasal glides, and nasal vowels, as in French, Portuguese, Catalan, Yoruba, Gbe, Polish, and Ljubljana Slovene.

– The tissue that covers the wall of your nasal cavity contains many blood vessels.

– These turbinates guide the air through the nasal cavity.

– For example, if a person has cancer of the nasal cavity, the cancer can spread to the mouth.

– When a person breathes in through the nose, the air goes into the nasal cavity.

– This may explain why it is found in the nose, because the nasal cavity is be open to the outside air.

nasal some ways to use
nasal some ways to use

Example sentences of “nasal”:

– In 1977 she decided to get nasal surgery and almost lost her voice, leading to her having to attend several other surgeries and vocal lessons.

– The top of the inside of the mouth separates the nasal cavity from the mouth.

– The minor glands include small mucus-secreting glands located throughout the palate, nasal and oral cavity.

– The hooks underneath the letters are called ogoneks and represent nasal vowels.

– Sharks have keen olfactory sense organs in the short duct between the front and back nasal openings.

– From here, they reach up through the roof of the nasal cavity and connect to the olfactory bulb.

– In humans, it can cause nasal and throat irritation, and nausea.

– The action potentials move up the olfactory neurons through the roof of the nasal cavity, also known as the cribiform plate.

– It included skull material and the base of the nasal horn.

– Many bird species, especially seabirds, can also excrete salt via specialized nasal salt glands, the saline solution leaving through nostrils in the beak.

- In 1977 she decided to get nasal surgery and almost lost her voice, leading to her having to attend several other surgeries and vocal lessons.

- The top of the inside of the mouth separates the nasal cavity from the mouth.

– The voiced palatal nasal is a common sound in Languages of EuropeEuropean languages, such as: Spanish “ñ”; or French and Italian “gn”; or Catalan, Hungarian and Czech and Slovak “ň”; or Polish “ń”; or Occitan and Portuguese “nh”; or Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin “nj”.

– The vowels “ą” and “ę” are nasal and so they are pronounced by blowing air partly out of both the nose and the mouth.

– The nasal opening of a gharial is smaller than the supra-temporal fossae.

– He was badly hurt in that year and lost a piece of his nasal bone.

– Common medical conditions such as nasal infections, nasal polyps, or dental problems can cause phantom smells.

– Its nasal cavity ran back through this crest, making it mostly hollow.

– Long, low ridges start at the nasal bones.

– It most resembles Leptoceratops but with larger nasal apertures, less teeth in the upper jaw and more in the lower jaw – there are also differences in its teeth and skull bones.

More in-sentence examples of “nasal”:

– For example, the word “wat” is pronounced as “Phumiphon.” The alveolar lateral approximant “-lor ล, must be pronounced as the alveolar nasal “-n.

– He died in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire on 23 July 1916 from nasal cancer.

– If the problem persists or causes significant discomfort, a doctor might recommend nasal saline drops, antidepressant or anticonvulsant medications, anesthesia to parts of the nose, or in very rare circumstances, surgical procedures to remove the olfactory nerves or bulbs.

– In humans, the nasal cycle means that during the course of a day, the nostrils will switch over approximately every four hours or so, meaning that only one nostril is used at any one time.

– The bilabial nasal is a type of consonant.

– In the context of Sanskrit, anusvara may also refer also to the nasal sound itself.

– Smell molecules called aromatics come up the nose and into the nasal cavity.

– An Surgeryoperation to the nasal septum is known as a septoplasty.

– The advantage of oral pseudoephedrine over topical nasal preparations, such as oxymetazoline, is that it does not cause rebound congestion ; however, it is more likely to cause adverse effects, including high blood pressure.

– The nasal septum separates the left and right airways in the nose and divides the two nostrils.

– However, given the role of nasal cilia, many doctors recommend trimming them lightly, if at all.

– However, he was one of the only Mississippi blues musicians to sing with a nasal voice.

– After a nasal vaccine, the body’s immune cells look for the virus in the nose and mouth.

– The olfactory neurons start branched out in the nasal cavity.

– In birds, such as penguins, salt is removed through nasal glands.

– The nasal bones are two small oblong bones in the human skull.

– These neurons are branched out along the lining of the nasal cavity.

– The nasal cavity is lined with mucous and little hairs called cilia.

– In the IPA, nasal vowels are indicated by placing a tilde over the vowel.

– Udanoceratops had a very large skull with no nasal horn.

– Nearly all nasal consonants are nasal stops, where air comes out through the nose but not through the mouth, as it is blocked by the lips or tongue.

– Acoustically, nasal stops have bands of energy at around 200 and 2,000Hz.

– Diseases of the nasal cavity include viral infections and nasal cavity cancer.

– Cilia and mucus along the inside wall of the nasal cavity trap and remove dust and germs from the air as it flows through the nasal cavity.

– As of 2010, there is not enough evidence to recommend for or against either honey or nasal irrigation.

- For example, the word "wat" is pronounced as "Phumiphon." The alveolar lateral approximant "-lor ล, must be pronounced as the alveolar nasal "-n.

- He died in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire on 23 July 1916 from nasal cancer.

– The earliest symptoms may include twitching, cramping, or stiffness of muscles; muscle weakness affecting an arm or a leg; slurred and strange-sounding nasal speech; or having a difficult time chewing or swallowing.

– The nasal cavity is covered by the nasal bone.

– The fleshy external end of the nasal septum is sometimes also called “columella”.

– Also, Thai words cannot end in any consonant that is not a nasal consonant, semivowel, or voiceless stop, the final consonants that are not either one of those mutate so that they can become pronounceable in Thai.

– A few languages use voiceless nasal consonants.

– By breathing or swallowing droplets in the air containing the virus; or by contacting infected nasal mucus or contaminated objects.<!– I searched PubMed for both the letter and for the “Questions and answers” column.

– Moisture is added to the air you breath by special cells in the walls of the nasal cavity.

– Because whales do not have vocal chords, they make songs by forcing air through their nasal passages.

– Most nasals are voiced, and, in fact, the nasal sounds are among the most common sounds used in languages of the world.

– The upper respiratory tract starts with the nose and the nasal cavity.

– The irregular bones are: the vertebravertebræ, temporal, zygomatic, palatine, inferior nasal concha, and hyoid.

– The nasal cavity also warms the air.

– The inferior nasal conchae is one of the three paired nasal conchae in the nose.

– It has two sets of eyelashes, closing muscles in the nasal passages with slited nostrils, hairy ears and tough, leathery skin to protect the camels skin in vital emergencies such as a sandstorm.

– It is for relief from nasal congestion, sneezesneezing, or hives.

– It is also used for the patients with runny nose or nasal stroke.

– Paranasal sinuses are parts of the nasal cavity.

– The nasal cavity is divided in two by a vertical fin called the nasal septum.

– It may also be spread through contact with saliva, or nasal secretions.

– The images on the nasal sides of each retina cross over to the opposite side of the brain via the optic nerve at the optic chiasm.

– So nasal consonants sound both like sonorants and like obstruents.

– He is the current lead singer of the Canadian alternative rock band, Our Lady Peace and was known for his unique countertenor nasal falsetto singing voice.

– On November 18, 2015, the FDA approved an “easy-to-use nasal spray” version of naloxone.

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