“napoleon” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “napoleon”:

+ The Napoleonic Wars were wars which were fought during the rule of Napoleon I of FranceNapoleon Bonaparte over France.

+ For the sheep, who are said to be stupid, they are instead taught the chant “Four legs good, two legs bad.” Napoleon sometimes gets the sheep to chant this when he wants the animals to stop talking.

+ The Luxor Obelisk is an EgyptEgyptian obelisk offered to Napoleon Bonaparte by Muhammad Ali Pasha.

+ For the next year, diplomats from all over Europe met at the Congress of Vienna to decide how things were going to be now that Napoleon was gone.

+ He was named Napoléon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte or Napoleon II of FranceNapoleon II and crowned King of Rome from his birth.

+ When Napoleon declared war and raised a huge army for the French invasion of Russia, Metternich told the Russians that Austria would not attack, only defend.

napoleon - sentence examples
napoleon – sentence examples

Example sentences of “napoleon”:

+ In 1800, Napoleon ensured his power by crossing the Alps and defeating the Austrians at Marengo.

+ After rejecting a new constitution by Napoleon — the ideas of the French Revolution were not popular in such an agricultural area — Nidwalden was attacked by French troops on 9 September 1798.

+ When Francis II, Holy Roman EmperorEmperor Francis II was defeated by Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz and the empire was dissolved the electorate became an independent kingdom.

+ He kept up his huge output of fiction, as well as producing a biography of Napoleon Bonaparte.

+ The Coup of 18 Brumaire brought General Napoleon Bonaparte to power as First Consul of France and in the view of most historians ended the French Revolution.

+ Separated from his son and wife, who had come under Austrian control, cut off from the allowance guaranteed to him by the Treaty of Fontainebleau, and aware of rumours he was about to be banished to a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean, Napoleon escaped from Elba on February 26 1815.

+ The House of Bonaparte is an imperial and royal European dynasty founded by Napoleon I of France in 1804, a Corsican military leader who rose to power and transformed the French Republic into the French Empire.

+ Some people have tried to bring it back, such as Napoleon Bonaparte.

+ In 1807 the Portuguese royal family fled Lisbon when Napoleon I of France invaded Portugal.

+ At that same time, the British were fighting Napoleon but when that war ended these skilled troops were sent to Canada.

+ This was an autonomous state under the protection of the Ottoman empire, and lasted until the conquest by Napoleon in 1804 AD when was united to the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy.

+ After 1806, when Prussia was defeated at the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt, Napoleon stole the Quadriga and took it to Paris.

+ In 1811, France and Russia made disagreements again and Napoleon allied with Prussia and Austria and invaded Russia.

+ Napoleon II and his mother went into exile in Austrian EmpireAustria, while Napoleon I was exiled to Elba.

+ The last French monarch was Napoleon III, who was an emperor rather than a king.

+ Under Napoleon III, it was called “Lycée Impérial”.

+ University of Innsbruck The District of Alto Adige was created by Napoleon as part of the Dipartamento del Benaco in his Cisalpine Republic, and was near Verona.

+ Kubrick worked very hard researching and learning about Napoleon and about the world at that time.

+ In 1800, Napoleon ensured his power by crossing the Alps and defeating the Austrians at Marengo.

+ After rejecting a new constitution by Napoleon — the ideas of the French Revolution were not popular in such an agricultural area — Nidwalden was attacked by French troops on 9 September 1798.

More in-sentence examples of “napoleon”:

+ He returned to France in 1860 for a short time, where he arranged balls for the court of Napoleon III of FranceNapoleon III at the Tuileries Palace, but then came back to New York to work at what was then a fashionable location, “Maison Dorée”.

+ Army adopted the Napoleon 12-pounder in 1857 as the Model 1857 12-Pounder Napoleon Field Gun.

+ However, others wanted a return to the power and glory of the old days and saw Napoleon as their best hope.

+ In 1814, Napoleon I was defeated by the Sixth Coalition and then forced to resign by his own officers.

+ In May 1798, General Napoleon left for a campaign in Egypt.

+ In 1814, troops of the Quadruple Alliance had entered France, and Napoleon had lost the war.

+ The main fighting in Central Europe ended with Napoleon‘s victory at the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805 but a smaller campaign continued in Italy until Napoleon won there, too.

+ At Tilsit in July 1807, Napoleon made an ally of Russian tsar Alexander I of RussiaAlexander Romanov and greatly reduced the size of Prussia.

+ He became a Duke when Napoleon was exiled to Elba.

+ Napoleon‘s son Napoleon François Charles Joseph and was later styled Napoleon II by loyalists of the dynasty, though he only ruled for two weeks after his father’s abdication.

+ The Allies defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Leipzig and captured Paris in 1814.

+ Although Napoleon III granted an amnesty to all political exiles in 1859, Hugo declined, as it meant he would have to curtail his criticisms of the government.

+ The Elector of Saxony, allied to Napoleon I, anticipated its dissolution by becoming the ruler of an independent Kingdom of Saxony in 1806.

+ The Empire ruled by Napoleon was from 1804-1814/1815.

+ The Emperor Napoleon III gave permission for another exhibition called the “Salon des Refuses” which showed all the pictures that had been “refused”.

+ In 1798, Napoleon liberated the region from the Bernese.

+ The British forces were helped by CanadaCanadian militia and Native American because British soldiers were busy fighting Napoleon I in Europe.

+ She became violently anti-Bonapartist, and is said to have thought about the assassination of Napoleon III.

+ In 1813 during the French Revolutionary WarsNapoleonic wars shortly before the Napoleon was in Eilenburg and took the last view on his and the allies Saxon troops eastern Eilenburg.

+ The following year, “MOBBED” expanded to a series and Tabitha and Napoleon choreographed another ten episodes.

+ With the beginning of the “Reichsdeputationshauptschluss Napoleon Bonaparte removed the canton of Fricktal.

+ He bought the Louisiana territory from France, which was being led by Napoleon Bonaparte at the time, for 15,000,000 USD.

+ The news that Napoleon had taken up gardening at Longwood also appealed to more domestic British sensibilities.

+ However, on June 23, 1812, Napoleon went to war with Russia.

+ Deb, Napoleon and Pedro keep working for Pedro to beat Summer Wheatly for president.

+ He returned to France in 1860 for a short time, where he arranged balls for the court of Napoleon III of FranceNapoleon III at the Tuileries Palace, but then came back to New York to work at what was then a fashionable location, "Maison Dorée".

+ Army adopted the Napoleon 12-pounder in 1857 as the Model 1857 12-Pounder Napoleon Field Gun.

+ After the wars that Napoleon had waged, there were not so many ruling aristocratic families.

+ In 1808, the Peninsular War began when Napoleon crowned his brother Joseph Bonaparte as King of Spain and fought British, Spanish, and Portuguese troops.

+ Both Dkes and Napoleon were created on the same day about 6 hours apart.

+ In the era of Napoleon Bonaparte there was the first university in Düsseldorf, which ended after Napoleon surrendered.

+ During the reign of Napoleon III of FranceNapoleon III he went into exile.

+ On 14 January 1858 Napoleon and his wife escaped another assassination attempt, plotted by Felice Orsini.

+ In the end, Napoleon was finally defeated, in 1815, at the Battle of Waterloo.

+ In February 2010, Tabitha and Napoleon choreographed Cirque Du Soleil’s “Viva ELVIS” show at the Aria Resort Casino in Las Vegas.

+ His aide-de-camp described the scene: “I managed to turn toward the general; he was standing at the head of the bridge of Clausen and holding it alone against the whole squadron; and as the bridge was narrow and the men could only get at him two or three abreast, he cut down as many as came at him.” Even Napoleon was won over, nicknaming Dumas ‘the Horatius of the Tyrol’, after the hero who saved Rome.

+ His early career was spent in the army and he served with Napoleon in Egypt.

+ On December 2, 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself “Emperor of the French”.

+ The situation further deteriorated for Napoleon as Blucher’s Prussian troops launched an attack at Plancenoit to his rear at 16.30.

+ The Bourbon Restoration was the return of the House of Bourbon to France after the French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte.

+ During the ceremony, Napoleon I took the crown from the pope’s hand and placed it on his own head.

+ Some years later, Napoleon created the Department Alto Adige further north; this department was a part of the Kingdom of Italy from 1810 to 1814.

+ Another famous death mask is that of Napoleon I of FranceNapoleon Bonaparte, taken on the island of Saint Helena and displayed at London’s British Museum.

+ The Duchy of Warsaw was a PolandPolish state started by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1807 during the Napaleonic Wars.

+ When the French Revolution began to fail, David was happy that Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor of France.

+ At first, he was shy about appearing in public, but he took to the stage and began imitating famous little people like Napoleon and Cupid.

+ In 1801 the British defeated the FranceFrench, led by Napoleon Bonaparte, at the battle of the Nile.

+ At approximately 19.30 Napoleon committed his last reserves in a final effort to obtain victory.

+ In 1814, Napoleon I abdicationabdicated the French throne.

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