“nap” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “nap”:

+ In some countries, most notably where the weather is warm, there is a tradition to take a nap right after noon, or early in the afternoon.

+ Often, the hare takes a nap or takes too many breaks.

+ He tells them he just took a nap and they figure out that Morpheus, the god of dreams, put Grover to sleep.

+ You may also choose not to do freetime events by staying in your dormitory and taking a nap in your bed.

+ The father Cliff tries to nap after working for a long time.

+ In their early years, they were often called the Cleveland Naps, in honor of the player-manager Nap Lajoie.

+ The 1910 race for best average in the American League was between the Detroit Tigers’ widely disliked Ty Cobb and Nap Lajoie of the Cleveland Indians.

nap how to use?
nap how to use?

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