“mutual” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “mutual”:

– Hills “The Permian and Triassic systems and their mutual boundary”.

– In 1953, as the US-Pakistan Mutual Defence Pact was being formed, Nehru declared an ultimatum.

– Washington Mutual was the United StatesUnited States’ largest savings and loan association.

– The criterion says that if a majority of voters like a group of candidates more than all of the other candidates, then one of the candidates in the group must win.The Droop proportionality criterion is a more broad form of the mutual majority criterion, which also applies to multi-winner elections.

– He called golf tournaments on Golf Network which was heard on Mutual and NBC Radio.

– While there is no long-term research that compares SMAs’ performance to that of mutual funds or other investment categories, the available research does show them as a strong competitor.

– Omaha is home to a number national and global headquarters including TD Ameritrade, Berkshire Hathaway, Con Agra Foods, Mutual of Omaha, Woodmen of the World, and Hayneedle.

– Laura Welch and George Bush first met in 1977 at the home of mutual friends.

mutual in sentences?
mutual in sentences?

Example sentences of “mutual”:

- To dissuade the other side from attacking, both sides built many nuclear missiles to ensure Mutual assured destruction.

- In November 1511 Ferdinand and his son-in-law Henry VIII of England signed the Treaty of Westminster Treaty of Westminster, pledging mutual aid between the two against France.
- All Smith-efficient Condorcet methods pass the mutual majority criterion.

– To dissuade the other side from attacking, both sides built many nuclear missiles to ensure Mutual assured destruction.

– In November 1511 Ferdinand and his son-in-law Henry VIII of England signed the Treaty of Westminster Treaty of Westminster, pledging mutual aid between the two against France.

– All Smith-efficient Condorcet methods pass the mutual majority criterion.

– It was also called Mutual Broadcasting Company; Mutual; or the Mutual Broadcasting System, Inc.

– They started going to live shows together regularly in Victoria and Vancouver after they found out that they had a mutual interest in music.

– Members of PEN should at all times use what influence they have in favor of good understanding and mutual respect among nations; they pledge themselves to do their utmost to dispel race, class, and national hatreds and to champion the ideal of one humanity living in peace in the world.

– The movement has emphasised its principles of multilateralism, equality, and mutual non-aggression in attempting to become a stronger voice for the global South, and an instrument that can be utilised to promote the needs of member nations at the international level and strengthen their political leverage when negotiating with developed nations.

– Later on, they were in need of a drummer which led them to Ashton Irwin on Facebook from a mutual friend, and officially became a band on December 3,2011.

– Fortune 500 list including Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, American Electric Power, Limited Brands, Momentive Specialty Chemicals, and Big Lots., CNN Money.

– Since 1980, Leno has been married to Mavis Leno; they have no children by mutual agreement.

– The Non-Aligned Movement espouses policies and practices of cooperation, especially those that are multilateral and provide mutual benefit to all those involved.

– He also called boxing for Mutual Radio.

– Teamwork and mutual trust were crucial.

– A collision of an antiproton with a proton results in mutual annihilation, but a near miss may produce by charge exchange an antineutron–neutron pair.

– Liberty Mutual started in 1912 under the name “Massachusetts Employees’ Insurance Association”.

– The ISO 8601 standard requires mutual agreement between those using the format to use years earlier than 1583.

– In finance a share is a unit of account for various financial instruments including stocks, mutual funds, limited partnerships, and REIT’s.

– They are used by Liberty Mutual loss control consultants to help policyholders improve worker safety.

More in-sentence examples of “mutual”:

- Liberty Mutual Group, normally known as Liberty Mutual, is a worldwide insurance company.

- The larger the mutual information, the more you would learn about one random value.

– Liberty Mutual Group, normally known as Liberty Mutual, is a worldwide insurance company.

– The larger the mutual information, the more you would learn about one random value.

– The film was produced by the Keystone Film Company under the working title “Fire Insurance Story.” It was distributed by Mutual Film.

– Any final doubts were erased when Pluto and Charon entered a five-year period of mutual eclipses between 1985 and 1990.

– For some investors, Separately Managed Accounts are rivals to mutual funds and other types of investments.

– Voting methods which pass the majority criterion but fail mutual majority can have a spoiler effect, since if a minority-preferred candidate wins, and all of the candidates preferred by the majority, except for one, leave the election, then the remaining majority-preferred candidate will win instead.

– He was known for his 1999 book “Common Sense on Mutual Funds: New Imperatives for the Intelligent Investor”.

– The historical argument about mutual respect and tolerance between different legal schools of Sunnis as well as the Shi’i school.

– Their marriage was one of mutual affection and respect, but not one of passion.

– On 11 July 2005 the Grameen Mutual Fund One, was listed as an Initial Public Offering.

– In 1954, the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety was started.

– Due to their mutual interaction, seismic loading and seismic performance of a structure are intimately related.

– The mutual majority criterion is a criterion used to compare voting systems.

– A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one electrical circuit to another through mutual and without change in frequency.

– Some other important measures in information theory are mutual information, channel capacity, error exponents, and relative entropy.

– Liberty Mutual agreed to buy all outstanding shares of Safeco for $68.25 per share, for a total price of approximately $6.2 billion.

– He is also very deceptive as he’s able to convince his neighbor Bea that he in fact likes animals and wipes out dating her while attacking the animals behind her back to due to his mutual hatred with them.

– Unlike mutual funds, SMAs permit the investor to tailor their basket of stocks and bonds which can limit the investment risk.

– As the families of ealdormen banded together in ties of mutual support it became more difficult to remove an ealdorman.

– To calculate mutual information, the probability of all possible events, and the probability of them happening at the same time, is needed.

– Every town had its own commune and no two communes were alike, but at the heart, communes “were sworn alliegences of mutual defense”.

– Oh My News, “Alliance of National Forums, Disturbing Equilibrium and Decentralization” Through people-to-people exchanges, it provides a mutual exchange and various regional information between the hierarchy.

– If we calculate mutual information for weather and another value for a card game, the two values cannot easily be compared.

– The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance arranged economic cooperation among the members.

– Undirected graphs don’t have a direction, like a mutual friendship.

– For example, to measure mutual information between month and temperature we would need to know how many days in the year are 10 degrees Celsius, how many days out of the year are March and finally how many days are 10 degrees Celsius in March.

– More recently, in 1965 the mutual excommunications were rescinded by the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople, though schism remains.

– A number of classification schemes are currently in existence, and while they strive to retain some mutual consistency, quite a few asteroids are sorted into different classes depending on the particular scheme.

– In 1964 Liberty Mutual began offering life insurance through its Liberty Life Assurance part of the business.

– Meanwhile, Suleiman allied Francis I of France over mutual hatred of the Habsburgs.

– It may be oral sex or mutual masturbation.

– These “hints” or “changes in likelihood” are explained and measured with mutual information.

– On 24 February 2018, FCSB announced that his contract had been terminated on mutual agreement.

– An alternative way of thinking about this example if a Smith-efficient Condorcet method that passes ISDA is used to determine the winner is that 58% of the voters, a mutual majority, ranked Memphis last making Memphis the majority loser and Nashville, Chattanooga, and Knoxville above Memphis, ruling Memphis out.

– Usually, but not always, it involves one wrestler turning on an ally, often to join someone who had been a mutual enemy to that point.

– Shares can be bought by humans, companies, and mutual funds.

– It was distributed by Mutual Film.

– Adding all possible terms together gives the value for mutual information.

– Through a mutual friend, Miyamoto’s father set up an interview with Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi.

– For football he called play-by-play for the NFL on Mutual and Notre Dame Fighting Irish football.

– It says that it exists a mutual enrichment in all maridaje.

– The mutual majority criterion is a more broad form of the majority criterion which allows a majority to prefer multiple candidates over all of the other candidates, rather than only one; voting methods which pass the majority criterion but fail mutual majority can encourage all but one of the majority’s preferred candidates to exit the election so that one of the majority-preferred candidates wins, creating a spoiler effect.

– The next level of security is known as mutual authentication.

– It is a synonym for the Soviet Empire, which consists of the “republics” of the Soviet Union and the “Council for Mutual Economic Assistance”.

– Her manager, Luis Bascaran, released the following statement on social media:After three years of marriage, we want to inform you that by mutual agreement Bernardo and I have made the decision to separate we have managed to make this decision from wisdom and maturity.

– Migrations and visits to and from the USA and the mutual exchange of recordings and sheet music kept musicians in the two countries in touch.

– Humane relations and mutual respect between individuals: man is to man a friend, a comrade, and a brother.

– Liberty Mutual rank 77th on the Fortune 100 list of largest corporations in the U.S.

– The 2019-20 Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests were caused by the the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Bill 2019 proposed by the Government of Hong Kong.

– General Accident acquired Stevenage-based Provident Mutual Life Assurance Association in 1995, merging it with the GA Life and Pensions business as Provident Mutual Life Assurance Ltd.

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