“multilingual” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “multilingual”:

– It is a multiethnic and multilingual society.

– They multilingual literature.

– The current COTW is to create a standard multilingual manual for the MediaWiki software.

– The tool only supports the first Unicode plane, the Basic Multilingual Plane.

– It was an article in :Category:Regular contributor on Simple and it started this way : “Known as “Lavoro sporco” on his :it:Utente:Dario_vetoriginal wiki, Dario Vettore is a multilingual Veneto Italian contributor.

– Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multilingual society, consisting of 65% Malays and other indigenous tribes, 25% Chinese, 7% Indians.

– But the foreigners, whether the Persians, Ancient GreeceGreeks, Turco-Mongols as well as the British, have all enriched the indigenous languages so that their vocabulary is multilingual and varied.

multilingual in sentences?
multilingual in sentences?

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