“mud” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “mud”:

– There is also a lizard, the Lake Eyre Dragon, Ctenophorus maculosus, that lives in the cool mud below the salt crust of the lake.

– At the Battle of Agincourt mud was a major factor in the English victory.

– People may have to leave two of the mud islands, Boigu and Saibai, unless something can be done about the rising sea.

– More common obstacles are hills, rockcrawling gates, log crawls, and mud pits.

– The mud was very thick.

– Natural sources of salt used by porcupines include different salt-rich plants, fresh animal bones, outer tree bark and mud in salt-rich soils.

mud - some sentence examples
mud – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “mud”:

– The storm of arrows killed or disabled the knights’ mounts, and left the knights floundering in the mud on foot beneath a hail of arrows.

– Temperatures in mud volcanoes can be as low as the freezing point.

Mudrock is what the mud may become millions of years later.

– Most people have simply decided to ignore those difficult users and, also, ignore the veiled insults or other mud thrown at wiki-reputations.

– There are very few mud volcanoes in Europe, but quite a few are on the Taman Peninsula of Russia and the Kerch Peninsula in the southeastern part of Ukraine.

– There are many different ways that mud volcanoes can be made.

– One group bury themselves into the sand and mud of the ocean bottom where they feed on annelids and other small invertebrates.

– The difference between normal wasps and mud daubers can be seen easily because of its long petiole.

– A pit of mud can also be used with the rope.

– They bury themselves in sand or mud lying in wait for their prey, which includes fish, crustaceans, and many different types of mollusks.

– After teaching the Mud People how to make roofs that do not leak, they give Ricahrd the information he needs.

– They often have Rock rock, sand or mud that is under water at high tide, and above water at low tide.

– It spends much of its time in water or mud shallows, and is a strong swimmer.

– For example, a thixotropic material such as mud or sand and water, can change from a gel to a sol by adding water or pressure, or shaking.

– In many parts of the world, mud or clay are the main building materials.

– The goal of the game is to pull the other team into the mud pit, or over a marked boundary, like a stick.

- The storm of arrows killed or disabled the knights' mounts, and left the knights floundering in the mud on foot beneath a hail of arrows.

- Temperatures in mud volcanoes can be as low as the freezing point.
- Mudrock is what the mud may become millions of years later.

More in-sentence examples of “mud”:

- Greek physicians thought a mixture of mud and oil had curative powers and a mixture of mud and oil was often used in the pits.

- It is well-known spa town, specialising in mud treatment for rheumatism and similar medical problems.
- These tubes can be buried in the mud or sand or rest on the surface of a rocky substrate.

– Greek physicians thought a mixture of mud and oil had curative powers and a mixture of mud and oil was often used in the pits.

– It is well-known spa town, specialising in mud treatment for rheumatism and similar medical problems.

– These tubes can be buried in the mud or sand or rest on the surface of a rocky substrate.

– Heavy rainfall on August 7 and 8, 1708, caused an avalanche of volcanic ash and mud and broke the dams.

– Their bodies had settled in anoxic mud and were soon covered with further extremely fine silty sediments.

Mudflows, which are like giant moving mud pies, happen when lots of water mixes with soil and rock.

– China has a lot of mud volcanoes in the Xinjiang province.

– But following the Battle of Fredericksburg, the Army of the Potomac engaged in what came to be called the Mud March, an aborted attempt at a winter campaign.

– Oil drillers use a lot of xanthan gum to make drilling mud thicker.

– The walls are of mud and formerly, among the Nilotic tribes, occasionally of stone.

– It can usually be drunk safely by people unless it is too dirty because of mud or human pollution.

– They were built in timber, mud brick, and later primitive concrete.

– They allow permanent building in regions where the harsher climate prevents the use of mud bricks.

– Heavy rain caused delays and confusion and both armies settled down for the night in the mud to await the dawn and the forthcoming battle.

– He described the lake as “an infernal lake of mud and brine”.

– On the shallow-water mud flats whelks prey on oysters, clams, and other marine bivalves.

– He received great claim for his role as Mud in the 2012 movie “Mud“.

– In 1827, François de Larderel, a French peopleFrenchman, invented a way of extracting boric acid from the volcanic mud by using steam to separate the two.

– Most of the gases given off by mud volcanoes are methane.

– The concrete cracked and a little mud started leaking into the tunnel.

– Some of the tallest mud volcanoes are in Azerbaijan.

– They burrow into mud and aestivate until the water returns.

– If either poison, ooze or mud reaches the inlet, the level is failed and must be restarted.

– Near Gornji Karin there is a canyon of rivers Krka and Zrmanja rivers and waterfalls Bijela, natural mud and Velebit Nature Park.

– The concretions are caused by iron carbonate, FeCO, which makes the parcel of mud and organic material into hard balls.

– They put little balls of mud in their mouth and mix it with their saliva, making a special clay.

– Most species eat small invertebrates picked out of mud or exposed soil.

– The island of Baratang, which is part of the Great Andaman group of islands in the Andaman Islands, Indian Ocean also have a few active mud volcanoes.

– A mud volcano or mud dome is a kind of volcano that is made by liquids and gases from the earth.

– The mud is said to have good effects in treatment of some diseases of the joints.

– This style of architecture is mainly characterized by the construction of mud bricks and residential buildings in the form of tall towers and sometimes even large boulders intertwined between dwellings.

– Mississippi mud pie is a chocolate-based dessert pie.

– The name “Mississippi mud pie” comes from the dense cake which looks like the Bank banks of the Mississippi River.

– Riders are often covered from head to toe in mud and grit, and race over the cobblestoned roads and hard rutted tracks of northern France.

– Therefore, it is likely that it was a bottom-feeder, nosing about in the mud of a river.

– Most of the things that mud volcanoes spit out happen during volcanic.

– The “Titanic” broke in two, and the wreck is partially stuck in the bottom, buried under more than three feet of mud in some spots.

– Clams have a burrowing foot that they use to dig down into the sand or mud to hide.

– Some people enjoy making mud pies out of mud.

– These had buildings of wood and mud bricks, with some small use of stone for walls and floors.

– There are three main ways of building walls with mud and clay.

– Their darker color helps them stay camouflaged, easily hiding in the sand or mud or on the sea floor.

– The wheels and tyres were very tall and skinny so that they could sink into mud roads and not get stuck.

– Some men disappeared into the mud because it was so thick.

– Wet mud has a soft wet texture.

– A fiddler crab, also called a calling crab, is a land crab that lives in mud or sand flats near the beach.

– The MG 42 could be dropped in mud or water and still work.

– In the music video, the band members are in a desert where people are digging in mud pits.

– A mudflow or mudslide occurs when mud travels down a slope very quickly.

– Other important sources of nutrients in the Andaman Sea are seagrass and the mud bottoms of lagoons and coastal areas.

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