“movement” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “movement”:

– One of the people who influenced the 1960s movement a great deal was Michel Foucault.

– The Non-Aligned Movement reaffirmed in its last meeting the support to the Self-determination of the Sahrawi people by choosing between any valid option, welcomed the direct conversations between the parts, and remembered the responsibility of the United Nations on the Sahrawi issue.

– In December, 2017 the satirical movement became trending topic in the social networks.

– In many cases, as for example in Norway in the Second World War, a resistance movement may have had both violent and non-violent methods.

– Due to its slow movement over Texas, Beulah led to significant flooding, and caused over $1 billion in damages.

– The reform movement believed themselves to be living in a time when Bible prophecies of a final divine judgment.

movement in-sentences
movement in-sentences

Example sentences of “movement”:

- Also, people in the movement say that autistic people should not be treated differently from anyone else.

- The conservation movement, also known as nature conservation, is a political, environmental and a social movement that seeks to protect natural resources including animal and plant species as well as their habitat for the future.

– Also, people in the movement say that autistic people should not be treated differently from anyone else.

– The conservation movement, also known as nature conservation, is a political, environmental and a social movement that seeks to protect natural resources including animal and plant species as well as their habitat for the future.

– Its main purpose was to allow the rapid movement of troops and military supplies.

– In Northern Italy, a movement called Resistenza started to fight against the German invaders.

– In September 1942, he was departmental head of the Liberation-Sud movement for the Lot under the name of “Philippe”, replacing Édouard Valéry, who became commissioner for operations in the Dordogne.

– In the same month, the Russian White movement asked the Beiyang government of the Republic of China to send men.

– The third movement is written in F major.

– There were similar movements like this, but the Bábí movement tried to break with Islam to start a new religion.

– After the war the co-operative movement declined and so did the influence of the Party.

– The regroupments were seen as an attempt to show broad support for the movement and create conversations at the ground level, however, the attempt to create them in some heavily Federalist professions, such as lawyers, prompted a severe backlash.

– She played an important role in the Uruguayan art movement known as the ‘Generation of 45’.

– The Cistercian Order was created in 1098 in France as a reformist movement of the Benedictine Order.

– His brief career spurred the revival of interest in colour and movement in the tradition of Correggio and Rubens.

– On February 3, 1960, Atlanta University Center senior, Lonnie King, read about the sit-in at the Woolworth Store in downtown Greensboro, North Carolina.”Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement — Atlanta Student Movement Timeline”.

– She was a leading figure of the off-off-Broadway movement in the 1960s.

– The “Andante maestoso” movement used a device on the stage called a “reika”.

– It is also the centre of maintaining position and balance, a vital part of movement helping with simple motor skills.

– Russian painter and philosopher Nicholas Roerich started the modern movement for the defense of cultural objects, in order for a “Peace of Civilizations”.

– The movement in phloem is multi-directional, whereas, in xylem cells, it is one-directional.

– He was part of the Beat Generation movement of writers and artists of the 1950s and 1960s, and gave the movement its name.

More in-sentence examples of “movement”:

– They also can catch on objects when used in the woods and make movement difficult.

– The first movement is in sonata form.

– Many important people in the civil rights movement took part in the boycott.

– The movement of one of the layers results in a faster movement of the line moiré superimposition image.

– During the first two weeks, painful sexual intercoursesexual act caused by penis insertion or movement of the penis in the vagina or by deep penetration is often due to disease or injury deep within the pelvis.

– The second movement is in the key of G major, the dominant key of C major.

– In tennis, the players movement is controlled by the Wii, and the swinging of the racket is controlled by the player.

– The first reason was that there was a obvious movement towards more moderate policies, and the other reason was that the front’s support of an increased welfare state created a bond with working-class people.

– The movement of the charged ions in the dendrite causes an electrical current, which spreads to the soma briefly before being restored to normal.

– Double fisting pleasure depends more on stretching of the anus or vagina rather than thrusting with an in-and-out movement of the hands.

– He is noted for his major contributions to both the Hong Kong and American movie industry during the 1970s, his martial arts movement and innovative ideas, his philosophy, and his physical fitness ability.

– The Nationalist Movement Party is a political party in Turkey.

– Punk rock has set itself apart from other non-mainstream genres by self-asserting an active “anti”-mainstream social movement that resists commercialism and corporate control.

– Gohar Shahi himself is the Patrorn-in-Chief of International Spiritual Movement Anjuman Serfroshan-e-Islam.

– Magruder’s movement of troops back and forth convinced the Union that his works were strongly held.

– In 1973, Gahal joined with a number of other political parties including the Free Centre, the National List and the Greater Israel movement to become Likud under the leadership of Menachem Begin.

– Jalal’s name is associated with the Muslim movement into northeastern Bengal.

– He was leader of the Québec sovereignty movement and former leader of the Bloc Québécois.

– In outer space, solar wind is the movement of gases or particles from the sun through space.

– Neo-futurism is a 21 century movement in the arts, design, and architecture with an attitude of post-modernism and represents an idealistic future and “a need to periodize the modern rapport with the technological”.

– As an MEP, Buonanno was an unaffiliated Non-InscritsNon-Inscrit before joining Europe of Nations and Freedom, and was backed by the European Alliance for Freedom and Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom.

– The movement of snakes in trees has only recently been studied.

– In ionic compounds, oxidation states tell us about the movement of charge within the compound.

– To locate a photon, the best that can be done without terminating its forward movement is to make it go through a circular hole in a barrier.

– He served as Prime Minister of Greece and was leader of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement from 1996 to 2004.

– The heliocentric ecliptic system describes the planets’ orbital movement around the Sun, and centres on the barycenter of the solar system.

– He was a leader of the pro-Russian movement in Crimea.

– Many of the women involved in the movement for women’s rights were also involved in the movement to end slavery.

– Chavez is thought of as one of the leaders in the movement for Chicanos to gain more rights in the late-20th century.

– Owen Benjamin says that the transgender movement is just a modern day version of eugenics and that radio host Jesse Thorn is a child molester because he transitioned his kid.

– The treaty establishing the Benelux Economic Union was signed 3 February 1958 and came into force in 1960 to promote the free movement of workers, capital, services, and goods in the region.

– The original Ahmadiyya movement split into two separate groups after the death of Nooruddin, the first successor of Ghulam Ahmad.

– What have you been brought here for?.” “Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, A Premeditated Plan”, Punjab University Chandigarh, 1969, p 89, Raja Ram; “A Saga of Freedom Movement and Jallianwala Bagh”, Udham Singh, 2002, p 141, Prof Sikander Singh.

– The Khalistan movement is a Sikh separatist movement seeking to create a homeland for Sikhs by establishing a sovereign state, called Khālistān, in the Punjab region.

– His writings on libertarian municipalism, a theory of face-to-face, grassroots democracy, had an influence on the Green movementGreen Movement and anti-capitalist direct action groups such as Reclaim the Streets.

– The word reactionary comes from the word “reaction” which describes movement in the opposite direction.

– De Valera and many other members of the republican movement did not want Ireland to be a dominion of the British Empire.

– Although they agree to some aspects of the German welfare state, they want to see a reduction in government spending and a movement to privatization.

– The first movement is written in F major.

– The charges were dropped in early 2006 under an influence of international movement of Amnesty International and European Parliament.

– Between March and May, members of many communities shared their opinions on what they want the Wikimedia movement to build or achieve.

– This has a lot in common with other jazz-influenced works such as the Blues music”Blues” second movement of Maurice Ravel’s “Violin Sonata”.

– The movement to give marriage rights and benefits to homosexual couples in the United States began in the 1970s.

– Sarah’s future son John will rally the survivors and lead a resistance movement against Skynet and its army of machines.

– Grillo founded the politic party Five Star Movement in 2009.

– But the Corinthians Democracy movement was unique in world football.

– He was a founder of the Centering Prayer movement and of Contemplative Outreach.

– This movement is known as ‘precession of the ecliptic’ or ‘planetary precession’.

– A large sun shield tracks the movement of the sun electronically and blocks direct sunlight which would make the space too hot and dazzle those below.

- They also can catch on objects when used in the woods and make movement difficult.

- The first movement is in sonata form.
- Many important people in the civil rights movement took part in the boycott.

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