“mountains” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mountains”:

– It lives in the mountains in the southeastern peninsula.

– The red deer lives in most of Europe, the Caucasus Mountains region, Asia Minor and parts of western and central Asia, in Kashmir as the state animal.

– However its flow of water was almost stopped in the 1950’s by the building of the Snowy Mountains Scheme to make hydroelectricity.

– The west part of the mountains is in Ventura County, CaliforniaVentura County while the east part is in Los Angeles County.

– Beaver Lake is a man-made reservoir in the Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas.

– It is in a basin basin among the mountains that run from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba.

– It lives in the Snow Mountains and Wapoga River.

mountains use in-sentences
mountains use in-sentences

Example sentences of “mountains”:

- The town is at the end of the Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail.

- The main economic activity of the province is agriculture; the main product in the municipality is a very good coffee, grown in the mountains of Eastern Bahoruco.
- These granite mountains hold the evidence of a billion years of geological evolution.

– The town is at the end of the Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail.

– The main economic activity of the province is agriculture; the main product in the municipality is a very good coffee, grown in the mountains of Eastern Bahoruco.

– These granite mountains hold the evidence of a billion years of geological evolution.

– More than 30 mountains here are over high.

– The Olympic Mountains are on the Olympic Peninsula, an extension of Washington State.

– It lives from plains and agriculture lands to mountains at altitudes of 45 to 4,178 m in at least 23 of 31 provinces of Iran.

– Because it is located east of the Snowy Mountains, the rain-bearing westerly winds drop rain and snow on the mountains leaving the Monaro region in a rain shadow.

– The Jeseníky mountains are in the north of the region.

– The main river in the region is the Iller, which splits the mountains in half.

– The hilly and steep granite islands in the west were once the tops of mountains which became islands when the sea levels rose 8,000 years ago.

– Some live in the Virunga Mountains of Central Africa, within 3 national parks.

– Millions of tourists visit the Lake District to enjoy sailing on the lakes and the impressive mountains that are here.

– He spent 1967 to 1969 as a game warden in Ethiopia, setting up the new Semien Mountains National Park.

– The mountains are fairly low in elevation; they are highest at the northern end.

– The east-west chain of the Tian Shan Mountains separate Dzungaria in the north from the Tarim Basin in the south.

– The River sourcesource of the Río Grande is in the San Juan Mountains in Colorado.

– Isoprene produces the blue haze which gives the Blue Ridge Mountains their name.

– Fossils were discovered in Western North America, particularly in the Rocky Mountains of the western USA.

– Also, the range may be followed through the South Georgia Ridge across the Southern Ocean to the mountains of Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula.

More in-sentence examples of “mountains”:

- There are 143 mountains in Canada that qualify as ultras.

- Other mountains that are over 6100 meters, Sinilchu, Pandim, Rothong, Kokthang, Talung, Kanglakhang, Simvo Jonsang.

– There are 143 mountains in Canada that qualify as ultras.

– Other mountains that are over 6100 meters, Sinilchu, Pandim, Rothong, Kokthang, Talung, Kanglakhang, Simvo Jonsang.

– The Arfak Mountains frog or large river frog is a frog from Aru Island in New Guinea.

– Yushan and all the mountains around it are part of the Yushan Range of mountains.

– The Taklamakan Desert is to the east of the city while westwards are the high mountains of Pamir so camels must be exchanged for yaks.

– The city is surrounded by hills and Mountainmountains, for example the mountains Pilatus and Rigi.

– It is the only village in Salarzai tribe which is situated in a vast open area, other all villages of Salarzai are situated in mountains or very near to mountains.

– Lothlórien was an elven realm, between the Misty Mountains and the Anduin.

– The Northwest Highlands are the northern third of Scotland, which is separated from the Grampian Mountains by the Great Glen.

– Golden Mountains of Altai is name for one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

– The Ben Chifley Labor Government started the Snowy Mountains Scheme which needed a large population of labourers.

– Many of the mountains are covered in permanent clouds and mist washing all the soil away, and leaving barren rock and water.

– Most of the mountains are above 6100 metres are near the west of the occupied territory, like Mt Kanchendzonga.

– The Baikal Mountains on the north shore and the taiga are protected as a national park.

– The highest mountains are in the Andes, in the eastern part of the region; these mountains are the Nevados de Chillán.

– All thyme species are nectar sources, but wild thyme covers large areas of droughty, rocky soils in southern Europe and North Africa, as well as in similar landscapes in the Berkshire Mountains and Catskill Mountains of the northeastern US.

– The Cascades are part of the “American Cordillera”, the almost continuous spine of mountains which runs right down the western side of the Americas.

– The Carpathian mountains lie in the center.

– There are many mountains in Haiti.

– Rainforests are common in the mountains of the province because it rains a lot in the Bahoruco Oriental.

– They live in prairies, but also in cities swamps Chaparrals grasslands forest and mountains The coyote is found throughout North America from California up to as far as Alaska.

– The Great American Desert was a term used in 1800s to describe the western part of the Great Plains east of the Rocky Mountains in North America to about the 100th meridian.

– Farmland in Kargil lies straddled below the mountains and above a flowing stream.

– The Santa Monica Mountains run through the city, separating it into the San Fernando Valley to the north and the Los Angeles Basin to the south.

– The Gal Oya hills and the Central mountains are the main highlands.

– Cities on the edge of the mountains include Bayreuth and Hof.

– In Mexico, the cordillera continues through the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental, as well as the backbone mountains of the Baja California peninsula.

– It flows between the Jasen and Stražbenica mountains to its estuary.

– The second longest in the Karakoram Mountains is the Biafo Glacier at 63 km.

– There are so many mountains there that they block the warm moist air over the Pacific Ocean.

– This is a list of the highest mountains in the world.

– During the spring migration, the population that is east of the Rocky Mountains may reach as far north as Texas and Oklahoma.

– Iranian Kurdistan is between the central Zagros Mountains and the north-western international border of Iran.

– The mountain is in the “Natural regional park of the Mountains of Ardèche”.

– These all refer to mountains rising above the alpine tree line.Bjorvand and Lindeman.

– The black basses are found throughout a large area east of the Rocky Mountains in North America, from the Hudson Bay basin in Canada to northeastern Mexico.

– The “Comunità” is named after the Grand Combin mountain, one of the highest mountains in the Alps.

– According to this theory, the basalt heads were sculpted roughly in the mountains and then either floated or dragged by thousands of people from the construction site to the Olmec cities.

– When this happens, granite mountains can be formed.

– It collects water from Tributarytributaries leaving the Ōu Mountains and the Abukuma Highlands.

– The territory around the city is very flat, with only a few very small hills but there are mountains in the north and northwest of the municipality; those mountains are part of the “Cordillera Central” mountain range.

– To the south is the Ukok Plateau part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site entitled “Golden Mountains of Altai”.

– The pass cuts through the Safed Koh mountains which are a far southeastern extension of the Hindu Kush range.the height of the khyber pass is 1,070 and width is 140m.

– They crossed the border mountains and hijacked a bus in Seoul.

– The Negritos live in the mountains of Luzon and Visayas.

– Finds have also been made outside of Europe in the Zagros Mountains and in the Levant.

– Mount Tabor is a mountain in northern Israel, in the Galilee Mountains in the eastern edge of the Jezreel Valley.

– Male frogs that live near the bottoms of mountains become adults 18 months after transforming from tadpoles to frogs.

– When they move, they erode mountains and land.

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