“morale” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “morale”:

+ He was gravely concerned with the disarray the Marines had fallen into post-Vietnam: drug use, racial infighting, and low morale within the Corps left him with the impression it was no longer America’s premier fighting force.

+ The morale and dedication of the British sailors was high, improved by the famous speech by Queen Elizabeth and loyalty to England.

+ The raid was also intended to improve morale and demonstrate the commitment of the United Kingdom to attack a Western front in Europe.

+ From then on he had only two objects in mind; firstly to escape, and secondly by his contempt for his captors and their behaviour, and his utter disregard for the treatment meted out to him, to raise the morale of his fellow prisoners.

+ He believed it would aid morale if there was a medal which could be awarded by captains of companies or batteries to deserving people serving under them.

+ This victory, coupled with news of low morale among the garrison from deserted German mercenaries, convinced Koxinga to launched an assault in December.

morale - some sentence examples
morale – some sentence examples

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