“molecule” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “molecule”:

– Most molecule editor computer programs can draw a two-dimensional diagram or a three-dimensional model of a molecule based on its SMILES code.

– It is an important molecule because it can be used to make many other products.

– Chemical polarity is a feature of chemical bonds, where two different atoms in the same molecule have different electronegativity.

– It makes a very complicated molecule when it is heated.

– This leaves one to share with one of its two neighboring carbon atoms, which is why the benzene molecule is drawn with alternating single and double bonds around the hexagon.

– Vitamin A is used by the body to make rhodopsin, a molecule which absorbs light.

– The molecule was found in the nucleus of the cells and so he called it “nuclein”.

– Then the entire molecule is a dipole, and attracts other dipoles.

molecule example in sentences
molecule example in sentences

Example sentences of “molecule”:

– The cross-linking forms a molecule with a larger molecular weight, resulting in a material with a higher melting point.

– The longest link of carbon atoms in a molecule is known as its carbon skeleton or carbon backbone.

– More precisely, the question becomes why the only light absorbing molecule used for power in plants is green and not simply black.

– The small molecule can approach in either a linear or non-linear way.

– When a base, often OH, accepts a proton from an acid, it forms a water molecule which is harmless.

– During binary fission, the DNA molecule divides and forms two DNA molecules.

– The smaller a molecule is, the greater the chance is that it can fit into a pore which means the longer it spends inside the column.

– A hapten is a small molecule that changes the structure of an antigenic epitope.

– With a difference of some years, each of them described the chemical structure of the lactic acid molecule as we know it today.

– This allowed the final target molecule to be synthesised as one pure enantiomer without any resolution being necessary.

– This includes large macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, and nucleic acids, as well as many smaller molecule A more general name for this class of molecules is “biogenic substances”.

– Once it finds a particular sequence, it binds to the DNA molecule and makes a cut in each of the two sugar-phosphate backbones.

- The cross-linking forms a molecule with a larger molecular weight, resulting in a material with a higher melting point.

- The longest link of carbon atoms in a molecule is known as its carbon skeleton or carbon backbone.
- More precisely, the question becomes why the only light absorbing molecule used for power in plants is green and not simply black.

More in-sentence examples of “molecule”:

– DNA is a very large molecule that contains genetic information.

– If the molecule does not have any charge, it will not move.

– A sulfoxide is a molecule that has a sulfur atom bonded to two carbons and one oxygen atom.

– For example, a linear molecule will have a bond angle of 180° because the two atoms bonded to the central atom of a molecule are separated at a maximum angle of 180° equally opposite to each other.

– The compacted molecule is 40,000 times shorter than an unpacked molecule.

– These molecules look almost identical, except that one molecule is the mirror image of the other.

– In order to induce an immune response, it needs to be attached to a large carrier molecule such as a protein.

– Ionizing radiation is a process in physics where something sends out particles or electromagnetic radiationwaves that can ionize an atom or molecule through atomic interactions.

– Switch: Using ATP and NADPH, the three carbon molecule is changed into a five carbon molecule.

– Sometimes, the scientists add a “binding buffer” to help the target molecule stick to its ligand.

– In most cases, the atoms in a molecule are held together by single bonds.

– Making an ion from an atom or molecule is called “ionization”.

– The amount of ions that get released per molecule will determine if the acid is weak or strong. Weak acids are acids that partially release the hydrogen atoms that are attached.

– Split: the enzyme RuBisCO breaks the six-carbon molecule into two equal parts.

– If the molecule has more than two atoms, then things get more complicated.

– Some insects also use a molecule called haemocyanin, which does the same job as haemoglobin does in vertebrates.

– Pericyclic reactions are usually rearrangement reactions where the molecule is a ring.

– Sometimes a molecule can react using either an S2 mechanism.

– Ultraviolet-visible absorption is a process where a molecule absorbs ultraviolet or visible light that excites electrons.

– It was made under the title ‘The Next Big Thing’ by Media Molecule and was published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

– Professor Schrock’s work is continuing with metathesis as well as projects such as dinitrogen fixation and single molecule catalysts which make ammonia from dinitrogen, similar to nitrogenase enzymes in biology.

– The π-systems ability to rotate as the small molecule approaches is crucial in forming new bonds.

– A plasmid is a DNA molecule that is separate from the chromosomal DNA and that can replicate independently.

– One carbon dioxide molecule and one hydrogen molecule are removed from the pyruvate to produce an acetyl group, which joins to an enzyme called CoA to form acetyl CoA.

– If there is strong acid around, a molecule of water can be eliminated to form the double bond.

– The molecule Fullerene is made of 60 carbon atoms and looks like a truncated icosahedron.

– In Rome, he was introduced to Max Delbrück’s theories on the gene as a molecule and began to formulate methods for testing genetic theory with bacteriophages, which are viruses that infect bacteria.

– Its chemical formula is NaBrO, which means that one molecule of it contains one atom of sodium and one ion of bromate.

– In a “linear” synthesis—often used for simple structures—several steps are performed one after another until the molecule is complete.

– It is diatomic, which means that two atoms are stuck together to make a molecule in any bromine sample.

– A molecule is “achiral” if it has an axis of symmetry.

– If a large molecule has a big charge, its attraction to the opposite charge is also large.

– It is formed when two sugars are joined together and a molecule of water is removed.

– A three-dimensional model of the myoglobin molecule obtained by X-ray analysis.

– But, since the molecule is large, it will have a difficult time moving through the thick gel.

– It includes only those RNA molecules found in a specified cell population, and usually includes the amount or concentration of each RNA molecule in addition to the molecular identities.

– The absorption of a molecule can be used to determine the concentration of the molecule in solution.

– If the leaving group breaks away from the organic molecule and forms a carbocation before substitution occurs, it is called an S1 reaction.

– When has input, the template automatically adds an external link to the Jmol 3D molecule model.

– If one of the R groups is hydrogen, the molecule is the sulfur version of an aldehyde.

– An important molecule of this kind is dimethyl sulfoxide.

– As well as that, the molecule heme contains an aromatic system with 22 π electrons.

– Because most molecules from living things change shape depending on how much acid is nearby, the binding buffer and elution buffer can make the ligand and target molecule change shape to hold on tighter or let go of each other.

– Once the acid has formed, the diatomic molecule can not easily be regenerated.

– A thiol is a molecule that has a R–SH group.

– Briefly, the hydrogen bonds holding together paired bases are broken and the molecule is split in half: the legs of the ladder are separated.

– Since the molecule has multiple negative charges at physiological pH, a cation is present in salts of chondroitin sulfate.

– It is a molecule that looks exactly like another one when viewed in a mirror.

– The electrons create slightly different charges from one end of the molecule to the other.

- DNA is a very large molecule that contains genetic information.

- If the molecule does not have any charge, it will not move.

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