“modern” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “modern”:

– His ideas and policies turned the Soviet Union into a powerful, relatively modern country, as the largest on Earth.

– This industrial revolution began the modern world as we know it.

– Antioch on the Orontes ; also Antiochia dei Siri, Great Antioch or Syrian Antioch was an ancient city on the eastern side of the Orontes River on the site of the modern city of Antakya, Turkey.

– The School of Continuing Education uses modern information technologies, as well as the advanced educational resources at Tsing Hua.

– It is widely used in modern astrophysics.

– This period is also called the early modern period.

modern some example sentences
modern some example sentences

Example sentences of “modern”:

– In some ways it was more robust and had a shorter, broader skull than the modern Thylacine.

– In restaurants, the modern menu, with dishes in a set order of courses, was invented by the great French peopleFrench chef Escoffier.

– The “Physical Review” was followed by “Reviews of Modern Physics” in 1929 and by “Physical Review Letters” in 1958.

– She combined many styles together, including ancient desert imagery that had been passed down to her through sand drawings, rock art and body painting, but by using modern tools and techniques.

– The majority of modern enclosed machines also incorporate a computer-controlled drying sensor, which automatically feels when most traces of perc have been removed from the load during the drying process.

– The department’s territory was not the same as that of the modern Italian province of Alto Adige.

– In his period, the Western worldwestern modern art was introduced to Korea, and the Korean traditional art was declining.

– Early saurischians were similar to early ornithischians, but different from modern crocodiles.

– More modern famous writers include Peter Carey Peter Carey, Thomas Keneally and Colleen McCullough.

– Love, Erlandson, Auf der Maur and Patty Schemel went to the premiere of Schemel’s film “Hit So Hard: The Life and Near-Death Story of Patty Schemel” at the Museum of Modern Art in New York on March 28, 2011.

– The class Aves is now defined as all the descendants of the most recent common ancestor of modern birds and “Archaeopteryx lithographica”.

- In some ways it was more robust and had a shorter, broader skull than the modern Thylacine.

- In restaurants, the modern menu, with dishes in a set order of courses, was invented by the great French peopleFrench chef Escoffier.

– Algebraic geometry occupies a central place in modern mathematics.

– A phenomenon only discovered in modern times is metal fatigue, which occurs primarily in ductile metals.

– Renaissance science built on its predecessors, as did modern science.

– In contrast to South Korea and Japan, modern Vietnam does not require students to study the traditional characters.

– There she studied modern dance and graduated in 1977.

– He looked at all the most modern designs, and all the clever things that other architects had done.

– Because the manifesto shows advantages of accepting of Esperanto as international auxiliary language, people consider it as the modern manifesto of finvenkism.

– The picture is rather similar to modern monoplacophorans: some think it may resemble very early mollusks.

– In northern Spain, during Lent and Holy Week, a Catalan Passion play is performed by villagers; and in Tegelen, in the Netherlands, a modern play by the Dutch poet Jacques Scheurs is given every five years.

More in-sentence examples of “modern”:

- Jewitchery is a modern religion which has been based on minority beliefs.

- He also invented the line of scrimmage and the modern point system.
- The story of Jason, the Argonauts, and the Golden Fleece is told in two modern movies: "Hercules Hercules" starring Jason and the Argonauts" starring Todd Armstrong.

– Jewitchery is a modern religion which has been based on minority beliefs.

– He also invented the line of scrimmage and the modern point system.

– The story of Jason, the Argonauts, and the Golden Fleece is told in two modern movies: “Hercules Hercules” starring Jason and the Argonauts” starring Todd Armstrong.

– In modern times, North Korean and South Korean teams have worked at the site together to study it.

– The viola d’amore was too quiet and sweet to play with the modern violin family.

– The evolution of modern human childbirth.

– The music was very jazzy and almost jokey, and it sounded very modern to many people at that time.

– The ancient capital city of the province was in the area of modern Kameoka.

– He was widely said to be a master of the modern chanson.

– Israelites lived in the kingdom of Israel, in areas where the modern State of Israel is now.

– In modern times there were Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern and Alban Berg, who belonged to the Second Viennese School.

– Most modern operating systems support FTP.

– Since then the Museum has collected more things to do with history, rather than more modern pieces.

– She helped pioneer the experimental art form known as postmodern dance and referred to herself as the breaker of modern dance.

– Turkey blocked YouTube on March 6, 2007 for letting videos that were mean or discriminationdiscriminating to Turks and Atatürk, who is the founder of modern Turkey, be shown, because of a “virtual war” between Greeks, Armenians, Kurds and Turkish people on YouTube, with people from each side posting videos to hurt the other.

– In modern use this generally is a court.

– The manuscript was discovered in Oxyrhynchus, modern El-Bahnasa, Egypt.

– Violence against women is still a problem even in modern society.

– In modern and contemporary fiction, ghouls are often confused with other types of undead, usually the mindless varieties of zombies.

– Most applications can run on any modern Unix or Unix-like system.

– The upper level of the bridge building formerly held the modern European galleries, But it was renovated in 2008.

– Madonna was born in Bay City, Michigan, but she moved to New York City in 1977 to pursue a career in modern dance.

– At the bottom of every modern piano, there are at least two pedals, which are levers that the pianist presses down with his or her feet to change the sound.

– In 1895, some officials established the first modern university in China – Peiyang University, the predecessor of Tianjin University.

– However, in modern times, they are an everyday food.

– The Beta version supports the newest linux kernel and is available both for i686 and amd64 architectures, though it drops the support to E17 in favor of E16, which, despite being older, is way more stable and well supported by modern distributions.

– It seemed to capture, for the first time, the true voice of modern American culture.

– His estimated age at death depends upon whether the maturity stage of his teeth or skeletal is used, and whether that maturity is compared to that of modern humans or chimpanzees.

– In the modern era, the best record is that of Stephen Hendry, who won the title seven times.

– India’s First War of Independence was a major event in the history of modern India.

– The area where it happened is modern day’s Afghanistan and Pakistan.

– It also included large parts of modern Pakistan, Mesopotamia, Anatolia and the Caucasus.

– It was one of the first modern fighters of the time.

– Djoser rebuilt Khnum’s temple on Elephantine, an island near modern Aswan.

– Russia then took over, Modern Kyrgyzstan declared independence in 1991.

– Andrew Wiles used a lot of modern mathematics and even created new maths when he made his solution.

– He has published many works on historiography and political ideology in modern China, as well as issues in modernity, globalization, and post-colonial criticism.

– After the Renaissance and the Early Modern Period, Jews were integrated increasingly and permitted to live openly as Jews in more and more countries.

– They wanted Egyptian Arabic to officially become the Modern Egyptian language.

– Old Irish was the only language in the Goidelic family of languages until Old Irish split into the modern languages of Irish languageIrish, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx.

– Before the upper Devonian period, land plants, like modern ferns, reproduced by sending spores into the air.

– Just like modern ice cream, this type of ice cream is eaten during summer.

– He makes it clear that the show is not what he considers modern popular programming.

– The modern Turkish name “Cem” is derived from Persian “Jam”.

– Culture history archaeologists started with a modern culture and traced its roots back as far as they would go.

– Since the early modern periodcolonial era, Spanish has been spoken in Latin America.

– The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, commenting on the series being part of their 2008 line-up, said “This classic horror tale has been given a modern make-over that will leave you on the edge of your seat and begging for more.

– Typical key sizes in modern symmetric ciphers are 128, 192, and 256 bits.

– Ramón y Cajal’s investigations of the microscopic structure of the brain were original: he is considered by many to be the father of modern neuroscience.

– Renzo Piano designed the gallery space in conjunction with his design of the Modern Wing.

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