“mirror” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mirror”:

+ When mirror reflects light through the lens, the pixel is light.

+ To avoid errors due to parallax a plane mirror is mounted below the compass needle.

+ The mirrors reflect each other infinitely, or forever, but in each reflection, the image in the mirror is slightly smaller than the image it reflects.

+ However, by knowing the speed of the movable mirror the power of radiation can be plotted as a function of time.

+ He was known for works on Romanticism, in particular his book “The Mirror and the Lamp”.

+ Chuckie and Tommy decide to go through a mirror to see “Mirrorland” where “”everything is the same, only different””, with Didi and Grandpa’s examination of various antiques making them believe they really did cross over.

+ Méphistophélès brings in a decorated box containing exquisite jewelry and a hand mirror and leaves it on Marguerite’s doorstep, next to Siébel’s flowers.

+ The rebuilt library includes a number of exhibition spaces which are used for the permanent exhibitions; “The Mirror of the World: Books and Ideas ” and “The Changing Face of Victoria”.

mirror example in sentences
mirror example in sentences

Example sentences of “mirror”:

+ Magpies can see themselves in a mirror and they understand that it is a reflection.

+ A mirror at the bottom of the microscope reflects light rays up to the object through a hole in the stage.

+ Magpies can see themselves in a mirror and they understand that it is a reflection.

+ A mirror at the bottom of the microscope reflects light rays up to the object through a hole in the stage.

+ When the mirror reflects light somewhere else, the pixel is dark.

+ Ramachandran, Mirror neurons have been proposed as a driving force for imitation which lies at the root of much human learning such as language acquisition.

+ Recent research in neuroscience has shown that mirror neurons are the basis for observational learning.

+ In many cases, as illustrated in The Broken Mirror by Katharine Phillips, the social lives of many patients disintegrates because they are so preoccupied with their appearance.

+ This is performed using a rapidly moving tip-tilt mirror which makes small rotations around two of its axes.

+ The more we look like a mirror site for enWP, the less we are doing our job.

+ Adaptive optics means changing the shape of the mirror or lens while looking at something, to see it better.

+ It is a mirror image of Oblivion at Alton Towers in 1998.

+ If a molecule is chiral it has two forms that are mirror images of each other but “otherwise identical”.

+ The tachi that can be seen in museums have one or more chips along the back of the sword, while the cutting edge looks almost untouched and mirror polished.

+ There are seven topologically distinct “convex” hexahedra, one of which exists in two mirror image forms.

+ In the Mirror Stage, the child learns to tell the difference between self and other.

+ Such globes map the constellations on the “outside” of a sphere, resulting in a mirror image of the constellations as seen from Earth.

+ When I looked to try and find something to add, the first result is us, and another page that is just a mirror of this page.

More in-sentence examples of “mirror”:

+ Sometimes the mirror was shown on his chest, and sometimes smoke would come from the mirror.

+ However, life can also be an illusion, or maybe a mere mirror of a different universe.

+ Pulpally in Wayanad boasts of the only Luv Kush Temple in Kerala and Vythiri has the only mirror temple in Kerala which is a Jain temple.

+ This is when the bird can see itself in a mirror and understand that it is a reflection.

+ He is aided by Snow White and her Magic Mirror during his investigation along with the help of Bufkin the winged monkey who manages the records of Fabletown.

+ He co-discovered the mirror neuron, a nerve cell that helps human beings understand other human beings’ actions.

+ The embroidery is of various styles such as Rabari, Ahir, Sindhi, Banni, Mutwa, Ari and Soof – and some styles include mirror or bead inlay.

+ In earlier times, this may have involved the use of smoke signals, drums, Semaphore linesemaphore, flags, or a mirror to flash sunlight.

+ It shoots one short burst of light toward the mirror and then waits.

+ For example, here are all of the symmetries of a square: turn the square clockwise 90; reflect the image of the square in a vertical mirror, or in a horizontal mirror, or a diagonal mirror to the right or the left; or leave the square unchanged.

+ After his death, huge difference in numbers in his companies’ finances were revealed, including his fraudulent actions on Mirror Group pension fund.

+ CTAN is based in the United States, Mirror sites are needed in order to avoid access concentration.

+ Conversely, a point source at the focus of a parabolic mirror will produce a beam of collimated light.

+ The telescope sends an image to the back of the tube and then reflects it off an angled mirror back up the tube.

+ Ramachandran helped discover the mirror neuron, a type of brain cell that does not work the same way in autistic people.

+ Game players mirror the choreographies on the screen during each song.

+ If nothing else, “Perry Rhodan” provides a mirror of the 1960s Cold War, 1970s New Age, and 1980s peace movement in its story line.

+ Hence the name: he said, “I intend it to be really a mirror of feminine life as well on its grave as on its lighter sides….to be entertaining without being frivolous, and serious without being dull”, “Daily Mirror” No.

+ The VLT consists of four separate telescopes, each with a main mirror 8.2m across.

+ Fatone participated in the 15th season of “Dancing with the Stars” for a second chance to win a mirror ball trophy, Shira, Dahvi.

+ When she opened the cave, she saw her wonderful reflection in a mirror Uzume had put on a tree, and slowly came out of the cave.

+ Chirality is when an object is present in two forms which are mirror images of each other.

+ Some of these ideas are the mirror stage, the three orders of subjectivity the Imaginary, object little a and jouissance.

+ The immediate cause for contagious yawning may be the mirror neurons in the frontal cortex of certain vertebrates, which, upon being exposed to a stimulus, activates the same regions in the brain.

+ We don’t need the stub categories to mirror the main content categories.

+ Sometimes the mirror was shown on his chest, and sometimes smoke would come from the mirror.

+ However, life can also be an illusion, or maybe a mere mirror of a different universe.

+ New research suggests that it might be wrong to simply describe rumination using two words, and that how we measure rumination should mirror how the parts that make up rumination are influencing each other.

+ It produces a mixture of two products that are the mirror image of each other.

+ So Herschel invented a telescope with a tilted mirror that put the eyepiece in the front.

+ The Large Binocular Telescope had its first light with a single primary mirror on October 12, 2005.

+ The broken mirror Understanding and treating body dysmorphic disorder.

+ This means that it can use a mirror which is a smoothly spinning pan filled with liquid mercury.

+ When in doubt, mirror English..

+ Taylor walks around the scene looking at them without interacting with Jordison or the females, there is a moment in which Jordison is looking in a mirror and Taylor suddenly appears.

+ Each mirror would absorb light and make the image dimmer.

+ He used to work for the Daily Mirror as their politics reporter, and was an alcoholic.

+ Braille can be made using a “slate” and a “stylus” in which each dot is created from the back of the page, writing in mirror image, by hand, or it may be produced on a special braille typewriter or “Perkins Brailler”, or produced by a braille embosser attached to a computer.

+ If you find this page on a site that is not #x0057;#x0069;#x006B;#x0069;#x0070;#x0065;#x0064;#x0069;#x0061;, you are viewing a mirror site.

+ A diffraction grating can be a series of closely-spaced slits or a mirror with a series of small grooves.

+ Enantiomers, are also called “optical isomers.” Enantiomers are stereoisomers that are like mirror images of each other but can’t be turned around or moved so that they are the same, the way a right hand and a left hand of the same person are mirror images of each other.

+ He is often shown with his right foot replaced with an obsidian mirror or a snake – an allusion to the creation myth in which he loses his foot battling with the Earth Monster.

+ After Maxwell’s death in 1991, the “Mirror” went through a protracted crisis before merging with the regional newspaper group Trinity to form Trinity Mirror in 1999.

+ See enantiomer for stereoisomers that are related to each other by a reflection: they are mirror images of each other that are non-superimposable.

+ Despite the fact that each was a perfect mirror for the other, Shams disappeared, not once but twice.

+ Gray then gets aggravated, looks up and hits the mirror viciously, and Taylor is seen looking at a broken mirror and a reflection of himself.

+ The left hand is a mirror image of the right hand.

+ Sackville’s two great poems, “Induction” and “Buckingham’s Complaint”, were published in “The Mirror for Magistrates”.

+ Disco clubs usually had coloured lights that flashed with the music called scanners, and mirror balls with hundreds of small mirrors, that reflect light onto the dancers and all corners of the room.

+ In the movie series he is the evil ghost of an African AmericansAfrican-American man who was brutally lynched for a forbidden interracial love affair in the 19th century, and will haunt and kill anyone who calls the name of Candyman before a mirror five times in a row.

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