“minus” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “minus”:

+ The group continues on their journey, minus Andromeda and Ammon, who return to Joppa.

+ The distributor shares are net gross minus theater rentals.

+ The minus sign next to the “” mark will look like the wiki markup for a new row.

+ While Luna is not directly mentioned in this book, her existence is first alluded to at Stoatshead Hill where the Weasley family, minus Mrs.

+ Thus, if we’re not sure of the exact number of vehicles that crossed a bridge, we can say 400 plus or minus 10 instead of just saying 400.

+ The researchers calculated that 62.3% of this variation was explained by differences in the mass minus the fat reserves.

+ Today, this factor has been calculated to be one minus the regression coefficient.

+ White light minus red leaves cyan, white light minus green leaves magenta, and white light minus blue leaves yellow.

minus - example sentences
minus – example sentences

Example sentences of “minus”:

+ Tritium radioactive decaydecays through beta minus decay and changes to helium-3.

+ This number is the square root of minus one.

+ This corresponds to the magnitude of the projection of a in the direction of b, with a minus sign if the direction is opposite.

+ This appears in Pliny’s Natural HistoryPliny’s “Natural History” : “Agrippae Pantheum decoravit Diogenes Atheniensis; in columnis templi eius Caryatides probantur inter pauca operum, sicut in fastigio posita signa, sed propter altitudinem loci minus celebrata”.

+ This seems like it would fit better as a Wiktionary article, minus its misspellings.” Thanks.

+ This subtemplate gives “a” where “a” and “b” are given by unnamed parameters must be numerical, negative values are displayed with a proper minus sign.

+ Tritium radioactive decaydecays through beta minus decay and changes to helium-3.

+ This number is the square root of minus one.
+ This corresponds to the magnitude of the projection of a in the direction of b, with a minus sign if the direction is opposite.

+ The word sign is also sometimes used to refer to various mathematical signs, such as the plus and minus signs and the multiplication sign.

+ Some time later, another physicist, Max Born found out that, because P*Q is not equal to Q*P, the result of Q*P minus P*Q is not zero.

+ It can also be found by ordering the candidates by their number of pairwise victories minus pairwise defeats, and then looking for the smallest group of candidates, starting from the top, who pairwise beat all candidates not already in the group.

+ He has now created an essay essentially about the same topic minus the step by step process of how to do it.

More in-sentence examples of “minus”:

+ The temperatures can reach minus 6 degrees Celsius.

+ The second specimen found nearby, and was the head and much of the postcrainal skeleton, minus the tail.

+ The magical number seven, plus or minus two.

+ For a negative number, the numerical value is minus that of the absolute value.

+ Clarified butter, Melted butter minus its solids, leaving liquid fats.

+ Otherwise, a minus sign “” is appended before the number to indicate that the number is a negative of another number.

+ So, the total electric charge on an ion is the number of protons in the ion minus the number of electrons.

+ The sign for minus is -; it is also the sign for the word “negative”.

+ Note that hyphens are automatically replaced with minus signs.

+ Regular cell enzymes stick the ends together, minus the bit snipped out.

+ For instance, if Gustav adds a specific paragraph that is separate from the rest of the article, the article minus that paragraph can be used under both licenses.

+ The first law of thermodynamics says that the increase in internal energy is equal to the heat added minus the work done on the surroundings.

+ The labia minora, Latin for “smaller lips” singular: “labium minus “”smaller lip”””, also known as the inner labia, inner lips, vaginal lips or nymphae, ‘.

+ The average for the whole group is between a the average for the sample plus the uncertainty in the mean, and b the average for the sample minus the uncertainty in the mean.

+ Prefix it with a minus sign for BC.

+ From outside Belgium, a caller would dial their international call prefix, then the area code minus the trunk code ‘0’, and finally the local number.

+ Arthur Jensen warns that extrapolating beyond the data leads to results such as an IQ of Plus and minus signsminus 1000 for Aristotle.

+ First, three of these terms are associated with sign ambiguities: the line integral is the net current passing through the surface “S”, meaning the current passing through in one direction, minus the current in the other direction—but either direction could be chosen as positive.

+ A negative number is written by putting a minus sign, “−”, in front of a positive number.

+ Another way of looking at it is to say they are the Viridiplantae minus the algae.

+ A petabecquerel is 10, s for second, dimensionally is it second minus one, i.e.

+ It meant that each country had to have a monetary policy that kept the exchange rate of its currency within a fixed value—plus or minus one percent—in terms of gold.

+ Caldwell also gave the Bobby Roode-Bully Ray match minus two stars.

+ Dates BCE require a minus sign in front of the year.

+ To prevent an error in the conversion to feet, any range values must use a simple minus sign instead of any other dash characters.

+ The temperatures can reach minus 6 degrees Celsius.

+ The second specimen found nearby, and was the head and much of the postcrainal skeleton, minus the tail.

+ If does not apply, a negative difference is indicated with a minus sign.

+ The area of the European Peninsula, comprised of Europe minus Russia, Fennoscandia, and any islands, is roughly 4.4 million square kilometers.

+ This is essentially the same format as a piped link, minus the surrounding brackets.

+ The Temnospondyls are similar or identical to the Labyrinthodonts minus the Lepospondyls.

+ The uncertainty in the mean is estimated as the standard deviation for the sample, divided by the square root of the number of samples minus one.

+ The next year, his next LP, Kärlek minus noll, came out, which featured Swedish-language cover versions of Bob Dylan songs.

+ They are redirected from, where “n” is a number from zero to the total number of VGAs minus one.

+ When no plus or minus sign is given, the main way of seeing it is that a number is positive.

+ This is the mathematical definition of the IEEE rounding mode “toward minus infinite”.

+ Bandwidth is the width of a frequency band; The width is the highest frequency minus the lowest frequency.

+ The minus is that the flying object finds it less easy to dart around.

+ Scientific notation does, however, use a minus sign, so ‘2 BC’ is equal to ‘year −1’.

+ The amount of time the chain stays in a certain state is randomly picked from an exponential distribution, which basically means there’s an average time a chain will stay in some state, plus or minus some random variation.

+ The Gravitygravitational force minus the force of drag equals zero.

+ They are like a mirror image of the positive numbers, except that they are given minus signs so that they are labeled differently from the positive numbers.

+ If the woman is not pregnant, then a minus sign or one line will appear on the stick.

+ Temperature lies from 18 to minus 7 degree centigrade and rainfall is up to 143 mil-liter.

+ Please note that the minus sign character.

+ In arithmetic, the sign of a number is often denoted by placing a plus or minus sign before the number.

+ The first one of these albums was released in 1953, and the last was released in 1965, minus a stereo rerecording of the first album, and the releasing of ‘Songs and More Songs by Tom Lehrer’ in 1996, which put two albums together, including a few more songs.

+ The inaugural report by the Credit Suisse Research Institute defines wealth as the value of financial assets and non-financial assets, minus household debt.

+ The minus sign is a different symbol to the hyphen or any other dash.

+ We therefore call this point minus one.

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