“minuet” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “minuet”:

– The quadrille was one example, the minuet another.

– The contradanza supplanted the minuet as the most popular dance until from 1842 on, it gave way to the habanera, a quite different style.

– There were always four movements: a fast movement, a slow one, a Minuet and Trio and a fast Finale.

– The third movement is a minuet and trio in G major.

– The Minuet in G, WoO 10, No.

– In fact, the only example found in 18th century music is a modulation modulation in the first minuet of Franz Krommer’s Concertino in D major, Opus 80.

– Many polonaises are composed in what is called ternary form, or song form, or minuet and trio.

– In 1835, at the age of 75, he danced a minuet at the Opéra with Taglioni.

minuet how to use?
minuet how to use?

Example sentences of “minuet”:

– The third movement can be a minuet or scherzo and a trio.

– If there were four movements the extra one would be a minuet and trio or a scherzo, either before or after the slow movement.

– Often the second minuet would be played by three instruments, so it was called a trio.

– In the Classical music period the minuet and trio were used in symphonysymphonies and sonatas.

– The polite minuet went out of fashion.

– There were German dances called Ländler which were simpler than the minuet and popular amongst ordinary people.

– The third and final movement is a rondo in minuet tempo.

- The third movement can be a minuet or scherzo and a trio.

- If there were four movements the extra one would be a minuet and trio or a scherzo, either before or after the slow movement.

– Jean-Baptiste LullyLully started to put them in his operas, often in pairs: Minuet I, Minuet II, then Minuet I repeated.

– The most popular dances in a suite were: allemande, courante, sarabande, minuet and gigue.

– The middle ones became particularly famous and later composers took ideas from them, for example the slow introductions, and the idea of having a fast scherzo instead of a minuet and trio for one of the middle movements.

– Composers liked the music of the minuet and often wrote them just as pieces of music for a keyboard or other instruments.

– The tempo marking for the Minuet in G is Moderato.

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