“mind” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mind”:

+ The most important one is to have a clean body and mind for the New Year.

+ Ono, who was also a musician, spoke her mind about how the music sounded, and it took everyone else by surprise.

+ Images are pictures in the mind of objects, people and spaces.

+ In the popular imagination asceticism is considered a sort of perversion but the “askēsis” enjoined by religion functions in order to bring about greater freedom in various areas of one’s life, such as freedom from compulsions and temptations bringing about peacefulness of mind with a concomitant increase in clarity and power of thought.

+ So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that, and watch him suffer.

+ I hope you don’t mind if I talk about another project.

+ At the end of the book, the Ingalls family hears out that the government has not changed its mind and that all the white settlers must leave.

mind - example sentences
mind – example sentences

Example sentences of “mind”:

+ When played back at a frame rate of more than 10–12 frames per second, the human mind sees the series of slightly changing, rapidly playing images as movement.

+ The album title and cover were a spoof on “Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols”.

+ There are no physical objects, but the limitations of our mind that work whenever we feel something through our senses.

+ Long-tailed weasels are good at catching rats and mice, so farmers do not mind having weasels around their farms because they kill these pests.

+ This way of tricking the mind into seeing “movement” is the way that all moving images work, from zoetrope to movies to videogames.

+ This means when the form of the computer in front of someone is also the form that is in their mind, then what they know is true because their mind corresponds to objective reality.

+ This is the part of the mind that a person is not able to know about directly.

+ He explains that he must combine his mind with an organic mind before this happens.

+ Kean displayed the creativeness of his mind by acting in a very different way from John Philip Kemble, an actor for many Shakespearean characters.

+ His reason was a “lack of strength of mind and body” because of his old age.

+ Another common example is the day-dream, where a person’s mind drifts across private thoughts.

+ To me this means that not only don’t you have respect for him but for the process as a whole and to be honest in my mind your “votes” are totally meaningless and should be indented and not even counted in the end.

+ Intellect is the capacity of the mind by which one reasons.

+ However, he did not mind when she chose Will Turner instead, because he wanted her to be happy.

+ But Perugia had no mind simply to serve the papal interests and never accepted papal sovereignty: the city used to exercise a jurisdiction over the members of the clergy.

+ Perhaps god does not like people who accept Pascal’s Wager but god may not mind that atheists doubt.

+ When played back at a frame rate of more than 10–12 frames per second, the human mind sees the series of slightly changing, rapidly playing images as movement.

+ The album title and cover were a spoof on "Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols".
+ There are no physical objects, but the limitations of our mind that work whenever we feel something through our senses.

More in-sentence examples of “mind”:

+ Panpsychists believe that all matter in the universe has some degree of consciousness.In other words the substance of the universe is composed entirely of mind or consciousness.

+ Time out o’ mind the fairies’ coachmakers.

+ Truth, according to Catholic theologians and philosophers consists of “adequatio rei et intellectus”, the correspondence of the mind and reality.

+ When in wolf form, the werewolf does keep the mind of human but will only attack those who angry it or take a member of its pack.

+ The speech, which prompted Morin to wonder if his mind was changed, was seen as the death knell of the “Yes” camp, despite Lévesque’s attempts to cast doubt over Trudeau’s words.

+ Philosophy of mind is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind and how it is linked to the body.

+ In other words, a player can change his mind so long as his own clock is running.

+ Her stories make the human mind a real place where people can go and do things.

+ Based on Plato, Philo argued that everything that exists has always existed as an idea in the mind of God.

+ Baseball Watcher “has withdrawn this page for deletion for the reason:” Article is about an album by a non-existent artist which in my mind makes it unnotable.

+ Later, though, Rommel made up his mind to support the plot.William Shirer 1990.

+ Two years ago the Reavers found a way to manipulate Charles’s powerful brain and through it they maked a psichic attack that killed and injured 6000 persons, their plan succeeded as Charles was indendtify as a threats for the world and the X-Mansion was closed with the survived X-Men’s members escaped, this leaved Charles in a shock status that maked him have Alzheimer forcing his mind to forget all of that but also to having needs of medicins to being mentally sane and to not having psichic attacks.

+ In September 1994, he left Mind Funk to join the Army 2nd Ranger Battalion 2nd Ranger Battalion and the Special Forces, serving tours in Afghanistan and Iraq.

+ By the 1990s, the Federal government had changed its mind on wolves.

+ Hello all, when you have made up your mind on whether to support Matilda or oppose her and vote, please keep in mind that a vote that gives a reason is more helpful to the closing ‘crat that one that does not.

+ The main aim of philosophers working in this area is to determine the nature of the mind and mental states/processes, and how—or even if—minds are affected by and can affect the body.

+ She starts reading the book and then we see what it is through her mind – she suddenly imagines that there is a lot of water coming up, like she is drowning.

+ Reagan was angry of what happened and changed his mind of making peace with the Soviets.

+ Philosophy of mind is one part of philosophy that works with the mind.

+ Does anyone mind if we change :Category:Valois Dynasty to :Category:House of Valois? The Valois were a junior branch of the Capetian Dynasty.

+ The murderer rejoices to see how fear seizes the victim who believes seeing in every shadow of the night the potential murderer, to finally realize that he has lost the perspective of reality and that his mind is playing tricks on him/her.

+ The line up consisted of Stan Ridgway – vocals, harmonica, farfisa organ, compass, polygraph, and new members Joe Berardi – percussion, drums, foley, laugh box, gong, atomic clock, Rick King – guitar, twang wire, tremolo tonic, bees vs moths, maps, Pietra Wexstun – keys, electric piano, C3 organ, tarot cards, mind reading, Jeff Boynton – keys, moog, oberheim, circuit bending and soldering iron, David Sutton – bass, thunder stick, vitalis, casuals, and golf balls, Richard Mazda – Special Guest, guitar, clavinet, SFX, points of discussion, producer-dude of Call Of The West and Mexican Radio, and other strange things.

+ But Rano, Rishi’s mother, dislikes Tanu’s family and brainwashes her husband Raaj’s mind to move to America.

+ By the way, what happened to my “icon” code at MediaWiki:Common.css and MediaWiki:Common.js? The icons look like they’ve taken a 180, but I don’t mind if that’s what you all would rather prefer.

+ His research of this theory -the idea he had- led him to create “talking therapy where he tried to figure out what could cause the mind to do things like this.

+ While the Israelites were crossing the Red Sea, the Pharaoh changed his mind and decided to pursue them with his troops.

+ Panpsychists believe that all matter in the universe has some degree of consciousness.In other words the substance of the universe is composed entirely of mind or consciousness.

+ Time out o’ mind the fairies’ coachmakers.

+ He inserted the Saint Corpse’s heart into his body to manifest his dimension-traveling Stand D4C, using it to transfer his mind to an alternate version and able to summon others from alternate realities, though only he and his counterparts are immune to the universal law where two iterations of the same person cannot be in physical contact with each other.

+ Keep in mind that a ship from the Age of Sail would not need the fields for aircraft or electronic warfare instruments and conversely an aircraft carrier would not need the fields for a sail plan.

+ The TARDIS is alive and has a mind of its own.

+ These teach that salvation and freedom involve a process of changing one’s mind and body.

+ If the student constantly makes contact during free fight, his mind will become wild.

+ In 1776, Louis changed his mind and sacked Turgot.

+ The mental representations can be changed in the mind into new ideas.

+ The word mind gradually grew to mean all conscious thought over the 14th and 15th centuries.

+ She had the powers to move objects with her mind and Astral Projection.

+ Another is his or her thoughts about the accused’s state of mind at the time of the offense.

+ Bill Zehme, “Lost in the Funhouse: The Life and Mind of Andy Kaufman” He was raised in Great Neck, New YorkGreat Neck, Long Island, New York.

+ She refused, but then changed her mind and agreed.

+ Agrippa d’ Aubigné, the Huguenot chronicler, described Jeanne as having “a mind powerful enough to guide the highest affairs”.

+ Bear in mind that facial expressions could not be seen, as performers wore masks, and the audience was at a distance.

+ The role of the mind is something that Freud repeatedly talks about because he believes that the mind is responsible for both conscious and unconscious decisions based on drives and forces.

+ Green tea kept the mind pure and relaxed, an effect caused by the caffeine in the tea.

+ With this in mind I think that each of the twelve RfDs needs re-opening and “resetting” to run for one week and each is discussed by its own merit.

+ Therefore, it would seem that the only practical way to achieve actual immortality is to upload one’s mind into a supercomputer to live in virtual reality.

+ Dualism is when people believe that the mind and body are in some way separate from each other.

+ Not indefinitely, mind you, and only for moving towards creating the stub category named.

+ Would one of the experienced hands mind looking at my draft for the article Shabbat at my sandbox? I’m mainly concerned about “Simple”-ness; I’m comfortable with the content “per se.” I’d appreciate another eye before I publish.

+ He became so angry with the irrespective treating that he walked out of the theatre, but Bhagat Singh didn’t mind and performed the show infront of the citizens of his motherland.

+ The unconscious mind is a term coined by the 18th century German romantic philosopher Friedrich Schelling and later introduced into English by the poet and essayist Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

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