“militant” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “militant”:

– At least 950 people are militant right-wing activists.

– It was adopted by militant bands of Free-Staters.

– By 1919, the ANC led a campaign against passes, and in 1929 the ANC supported a militant mineworkers’ strike.

– He used to belong to Al-Murabitun militant group at the time of the Lebanese civil war, he left the Murabitun when this group starts to expand and take bad members in.

– Al-Qaeda confirmed the death on May 6 with posts made on militant websites, vowing to avenge the killing.

militant some example sentences
militant some example sentences

Example sentences of “militant”:

- Instead of just paying out benefits, they became more militant and begun to lobby for better conditions and better pay etc.

- He worked as an Overseas Filipino Worker in Pakistan before taking part in militant activities.

– Instead of just paying out benefits, they became more militant and begun to lobby for better conditions and better pay etc.

– He worked as an Overseas Filipino Worker in Pakistan before taking part in militant activities.

– His father who was an academic who specialized in the Middle East was assassinated by suspected militant nationalists in Beirut where Steve was born.

– The government said, they were associated with National Thowheeth Jamaath, a local militant Islamist group previously known for attacks against Buddhists.

– The National Democratic Front of Bodoland, also known as NDFB or the Bodo Security Force, is an militant group in Assam, India.

– The result was that the experiment of operating as an “open party” was first undertaken in Scotland under the name of Scottish Militant Labour.

– The al-Abbas brigade is a Shia IslamShia militant group in Syria.

– With this proclamation, he also began to step away from the traditional idea of militant Jihad, and redefined it as a “spiritual” battle rather than a physical one.

– He was held hostage by the militant Islamist group al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen until they killed him.

– Before the establishment of the State of Israel, Shamir in the 1930s and 1940s was a member of the Zionist paramilitary organization Irgun, and then a commander of the more militant Lehi.

– The piece moves through a mixture of pastoral and militant themes.

– Hizb-ul-Mujahideen is one of the largest militant groups operating in Jammu and Kashmir from Azad Jammu and Kashmir and stands for the integration of the Disputed Territory and unification of all the Kashmir region with Pakistan.

– Since it borders the Republic of India’s side of the Line of Control, it is the site of infiltration and militant activity.

– Pierre Adrien Simonet was a French militant and senior official.

– He is a member of the Mouvement Militant Mauricien, and becomes its president, the secretary general being Paul Berenger.

– In Uganda, 1.4 million civilians have been displaced by conflicts between Ugandan government forces and the militant Lord’s Resistance Army.

– The term came to be used to describe militant bands nominally associated with the free-state cause.

– As an organisation, it has evolved from the Militant Tendency, who in the early 1980s started to be expelled from the Labour Party, for organising a mass campaign against the Poll Tax.

– They were members of the militant groups Irgun and Lehi Lehi, who fought against Arabs and the British for an independent Israel.

– A militant member of the ‘extremist’ wing within the Indian National Congress, he was twice imprisoned by the British for his nationalist activities.

More in-sentence examples of “militant”:

- Many in these movements call themselves Islamists, which also sometimes describes more militant Islamic groups.

- Ahmed Jibril was co-leader of the militant Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command.

– Many in these movements call themselves Islamists, which also sometimes describes more militant Islamic groups.

– Ahmed Jibril was co-leader of the militant Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command.

– Al-Shabaab is an Islamist militant group based in Somalia.

– He then joined the Amal Movement, a militant group that represents the Shi’a Muslims in Lebanon.

– The general body or workers favoured militant action but Owen preferred a steady, more legalistic approach.

– Bookchin has influenced the thinking of captured Kurdish militant Abdullah Öcalan, who has renounced violence and now wants a peaceful solution to the question of Kurdish autonomy.

– It was led by the Salihiyya Sufi Muslim poet and militant leader Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, also known as Sayyid Mohamed.

– Police believed they were members of the banned militant group Ansarullah Bangla Team.

– The attack was originally blamed on ETA, though it was soon discovered to be the work of militant Islamists linked to al-Qaeda.

– Some ANC members were upset by the actions of the MK, and refused to accept violence as necessary for the ending of Apartheid, but these individuals became a minority as the militant leaders such as Nelson Mandela gained significant popularity.

– Abu Nidal, a militant Palestinian separatist group also known as the Abu Nidal Organization.

– He studied the works of Marx, Mao and Hegel and became a member of the militant group “Revolutionary Combat”.

– With the advent of the First World War, Emmeline and Christabel called an immediate halt to militant suffrage activism in support of the British Government’s stand against the “German Peril”.

– The Unite the Right rally was a militant gathering of alt-right, neo-Nazismneo-Nazi, white nationalist, and far-right groups in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 11 and 12, 2017.

– Valery Dmitrievitch Bolotov was a UkraineUkrainian pro-Russian militant leader.

– The militant approach taken by white supremacist groups has caused them to be watched closely by law enforcement officials.

– The job of the committee was to understand German and Bolshevik links to the militant movement in India, especially in Punjab and Bengal.

– Zulkifli Abdhir is thought to have possibly been killed in a recent PNP operation leading to militant clashes with the Philippine National Police.

– His father was a member of the militant group, the Irish Republican Army.

– Ionas was the only militant communist I know who uses this site and he was recently active with Liberator.

– Anerood Jugnauth founded the Socialist Militant Movement, Gaétan Duval, on the other.

– He is still Prime Minister after the elections of September 2000, then after 3 years, as agreed, ceded his position to his ally of the militant Movement Mauritian, Paul Berenger.

– They became famous for their politically charged, militant messages in their songs.

– They usually have some militant groups that do not fear to use violence.

– It was reportedly formed as the militant wing of the Jamaat-e-Islami, which had advocated complete independence of the State from the nations.

– Even though Richard Nixon declared a war on drugs during the 1970s, Reagan used more militant policies.

– Lebanese Jews became targets to Islamic militant groups since 1984.

– Lewthwaite was an alleged member of the Somalia-based radical Islamic militant group Al-Shabaab.

– On August 16, 2015, Khanzada was killed by a 2015 Attock bombingsuicide attack at his political office in Shadikhan; the militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi has claimed responsibility.

– There, he used the phrase to explain why societies of a militant type would not adopt his theories.

– Recently, the base began hosting a detainment camp for suspected militant combatants collected.

– The one great issue which was not appreciated at the time was the rise of militant German nationalism, which in the next century led to two World Wars.

– Some areas are controlled by armed militant groups.

– There was a debate with the Militant Tendency whether or not to cease working within the Labour Party and the majority of the group decided to do so, although a minority around Ted Grant broke away to form Socialist Appeal.

– Olivier Roy is a French scholar who thinks that this does not express support for al-Qaeda or militant Islam but opposing colonialism and what many Muslims call racism – favourable treatment for Jews especially those living in West Bank settlements, many of whom have American or British passport, and which the United Nations says have no right to live there.

– Saadallah was a former member of the Libyan militant group “Ansar al-Sharia”.

– It was a pro-independence militant activist group in the former state of Jammu and Kashmir.

– Ross was militant of the National Party of Chile.

– On 26 March 2020, Cissé was taken hostage in the Tombouctou Region by Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin, a militant Islamist group.

– The Socialist Party is a smaller organisation than the Militant of the 1980s, but has influence in some trade unions.

– Many anti-corporate and Non-profit organizationnot-for-profit forms of alternative far left political issues such as bigotry, LGBT community issues, feminism, militant atheism, and veganism.

– This is a timeline of events in the Levant by the Jihadist militant group called the Islamic State.

– He became involved in militant MaoismMaoist politics and was first arrested in 1973.

– The Red Army Faction or RAF, was one of postwar West Germany’s most active and prominent militant left-wing groups.

– The Pakistan and terrorismPakistan-based Islamist militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed was responsible for this attack.They also released a video of the attacker, Adil Ahmad Dar.

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