“might” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “might”:

+ However, because there is “more than one” competing authority, a better word might be “polyarchy”.

+ This tends to change over time within cultures, so people that live in a country at one time in history might consider abnormal what people who live in the same country consider normal years before or years later.

+ He feared that it might inspire similar tragedies.

+ Several species of pigeons and doves are used as food, and probably any might be.

+ Militarism is simply a country that is focusing on increasing their military might through production and concentration of capital resources.

might some ways to use
might some ways to use

Example sentences of “might”:

+ For example, sometimes a person might want to be buried at a far-away place.

+ Hence I can see no reason to doubt that natural selection might be most effective in giving the proper colour to each kind of grouse, and in keeping that colour, when once acquired, true and constant”.

+ As an example, they might use it in a moraine systems, to tell how long a rock has been exposed.

+ People might pay some money for a version, so they can have a CD-ROM or DVD and to help the company to make their versions better.

+ As you might already know, we have a new project, WikiProject Stub Eradication.

+ We do not know who will be around in two years time, the people who currently support or oppose the block might not, the admins who enacted the block might not.

+ It starts with a small drawing of the picture, The artists then makes a large drawing, called a “cartoon”, and works out the right order to paint the picture, because a big picture might take more than a week to paint.

+ For example, sometimes a person might want to be buried at a far-away place.

+ Hence I can see no reason to doubt that natural selection might be most effective in giving the proper colour to each kind of grouse, and in keeping that colour, when once acquired, true and constant".
+ As an example, they might use it in a moraine systems, to tell how long a rock has been exposed.

+ Tolerance might mean toleration, treating everyone the same, even if your opinions are different to each others, or your race, religion, or practices are.

+ Examples for consumer goods might be food or a home appliance.

+ Please keep an eye out for any impersonations, as this might be extremely possible.

+ As long as the pages aren’t breaking policies in any way, then the tag should be enough to let readers know why there might be problems with the page.

+ Parts that might be harmful to any equipment which will use the coal later on, such as the screening for metallic parts inside the mined coal.

More in-sentence examples of “might”:

+ This might also include some further tests or exercises to do.

+ An X-ray testing of the original crew found that Kubasov might have tuberculosis.

+ However, it was realised that the.30-06 cartridge that the gun would fire might be too long.

+ Nixon, recognized that Parks’ arrest might rally local blacks to protest segregated buses.

+ May is likely to have been named after the Roman Godgoddess Maia, though there is a theory that May might have its name from the Latin “Maiores”, meaning “Seniors”.

+ Ebert would respond by saying “Rob Schneider might have made a bad movie.

+ He was afraid the Allies might reinforce Fortress Holland and use the airfields to bomb German cities and troops.

+ The Allies also worried that the Netherlands might allow a German army into Belgium through the southern part of their lands.

+ The central idea is that “a full writing system must be able to represent anything that might be said in spoken language”.

+ This created “the precedent of full succession.” A precedent is a rule or law that might be followed in the future if a similar situation came up again.

+ But because many activists criticize things in society that businesses and rich people support, they might not get the money if they are too critical.

+ A servant might take care of all the bonsai and would learn a lot about how to grow bonsai.

+ Sometimes, a doctor might also place a small mesh tube called a stent into the blood vessel.

+ Your desire for sex might be intact, but you have difficulty or are unable to become aroused or maintain arousal during sexual activity.

+ I might be barking up the wrong tree here, but these usernames “are” identical after all.

+ Depending on how it goes, we might go farther.

+ When gesturing a person might use reserved and minimal movements in a professional setting, whilst they may smile widely and wave about when with friends.

+ Games with nudity and adult content might be marked as Adult Only, which means that only adults can buy the game and play it.

+ It might not be possible to rearrange the function into the form.

+ Articles on scientific topics might also need complex words.

+ For example, education, National Health Servicehealth care, housing, utility companies and public transportation are some industries that might be owned/supported by the government in a social democracy.

+ The care taken over these things might depend on the size of the wiki community, and how clear-cut the case for deletion is.

+ Yellow journalism might include exaggerating facts or spreading rumors.

+ They also think the fungusfungal disease chytridiomycosis might be killing these frogs.

+ Some families might all go off to church together, to a Carol Service, a Midnight Mass, or a Christmas Morning service.

+ Rozga’s suicide, and the idea that it might have been caused by synthetic cannabis, was reported in newspapers and media all over the world.

+ For example, the government might not allow them to refuse to perform a wedding, if the people who want to get married are allowed to by the law.

+ For instance, there might be instruments included that the musicians wish to remove from the mix.

+ If Germany had gained air superiority, Adolf Hitler might have launched Operation Sea Lion, a planned amphibious and airborne invasion of Britain.

+ One approach might be to look at the people who received a Nobel prize for their work, in the last 100 years, and make sure we have at least a stub on all of them.

+ In the second story Widow Bolte, who is still crying, decides she might as well roast the hens.

+ Since individual outcomes might be of little practical use, more complex “events” are used to characterize groups of outcomes.

+ The problem I see is that it is a lot of work, because even if we have a one or two line stub, the city/settlement might be notable.

+ For example, the virus might only change a little bit in about two to three years.

+ The statue might be decorated with relief scenes depicting myths.

+ There is a statement at the end of the book referencing the close of “the first Camp Half-Blood series” indicating that there might be more to follow.

+ He might have an agreement with the bank, so he can borrow money from the bank.

+ For example, only members of one family may be allowed to be elected; or before the monarch dies, they might have his chosen heir elected.

+ If I get a username change on this wiki will it mess up my SUL? I reckon I’ll need Eptalon’s help on this one but an admin might now…

+ Many imitate a particular insect a fish might recognize.

+ If the extra height of the shoes was not explained, someone might think that the person had been measured without shoes on.

+ Garibaldi area could produce floods, lahars,or debris flows that might endanger small communities including Brackendale.

+ Many people also see Christmas as a time to reach out to others that they know might be lonely, and invite them to dinner on Christmas Day.

+ The sign might be a vision and might give a plan to build.

+ There are many ideas about what might have happened.

+ An area might be a whole country, or part of a continent.

+ This strategy might have allowed the prey to recover and be fed upon again later.

+ This might also include some further tests or exercises to do.

+ An X-ray testing of the original crew found that Kubasov might have tuberculosis.

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