“microscopic” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “microscopic”:

+ Oparin outlined a way in which basic organic chemicals might form into microscopic localized systems.

+ Like many microscopic animals, their movement is mainly powered by hydrostatics.

+ A common example of this is a bacterial flagellum, which is essentially a microscopic animal version of a very efficient electric motor.

+ When a material is magnetized, the electrons remain bound to their respective atoms, but behave as if they were orbiting the nucleus in a particular direction, creating a microscopic current.

+ The eyes of a dragon-fly, which can see all round in every direction, are an improvement over the mere microscopic eye-spots of early forms of life”.

+ This mixing is important because it affects the lives of microscopic animals that live at the sea surface, and it also affects how salty it is at the sea surface.

+ This is a way to improve contrast in the microscopic image.

microscopic example in sentences
microscopic example in sentences

Example sentences of “microscopic”:

+ Naturally, through the millions of microscopic spores released by each fertile plant; and attached to vessel hulls and marine farming equipment.

+ In fact, it resembles baleen closely at the microscopic level.
+ Scale bars for microscopic or unusual objects are necessary.

+ Naturally, through the millions of microscopic spores released by each fertile plant; and attached to vessel hulls and marine farming equipment.

+ In fact, it resembles baleen closely at the microscopic level.

+ Scale bars for microscopic or unusual objects are necessary.

+ The Endolithic biome, consisting entirely of microscopic life in rock porositypores and cracks, kilometers beneath the surface, has only recently been discovered and does not fit well into most classification schemes.

+ They are made up of unicellularone or a few cells at most – they are microscopic and usually invisible to the naked eye.

+ Techniques include dissection, microscopic examination of tissues and chemical analysis of fluids.

+ This ability to make macroscopic predictions based on microscopic properties is the main asset of statistical mechanics over thermodynamics.

+ It was during his reign the Brahmin people migrated to the kingdom and the microscopic volume of Vaishnavism proceeded with the worship of the Pheiya as Hindu God Vishnu.

+ The adults are microscopic wormlike animals.

+ He was also the first to record microscopic observations of muscle fibers, bacteria, spermatozoa and blood flow in small blood vessels.

+ They are microscopic organisms that reproduce both sexually and asexually.

+ Some chemical theorists use statistical mechanics to create a link between the microscopic phenomena of the quantum world and the macroscopic bulk properties of systems.

+ The typical earthworm diet is decaying matter, humus, leaf litter, microbial fungi, and other microscopic organisms.

+ The Dutch scientist, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, first described the microscopic appearance of urate crystals in 1679.

+ Some microscopic algae are also in lichens.

+ The glaucophytes are a small group of freshwater microscopic algae.

+ Because microscopic plants and algae don’t grow well under the sea ice because they need the sun, the animals that eat them also spend less time under the ice.

+ The reliability of microscopic use-wear analysis on Monterey chert tools.

More in-sentence examples of “microscopic”:

+ String conjectures that on the microscopic scale, Einstein’s 4D spacetime is a field of Calabi-Yau manifolds, each containing 6 space dimensions curled up, thus not extended into the 3 space dimensions presented to the classical realm.

+ Like many tissues, the vagina has a natural biome, a flora and fauna of microscopic organisms.

+ Using its feet, the bird stirs up the mud, then sucks water through its bill and filters out small shrimp, seeds, blue-green algae, microscopic organisms and molluscs.

+ They consist of many small particles, ranging in size from microscopic to the size of a bus that form clumps that move around Saturn.

+ Shocked quartz is a form of quartz that has a microscopic structure different from normal quartz.

+ Properties such as mechanical, electrical and optical changes when macroscopic system changes to microscopic one which is of utmost importance.

+ An injection used on a polycarbonate plastic leads to the creation of microscopic bumps.

+ After his return he began to concentrate his studies on microscopic organisms, which then were not much studied.

+ Ehrenberg is particularly famous for his investigations of microscopic animals and plants got from earth, freshwater and seawater.

+ Deadly microscopic parasites often live in the saliva.

+ A basidium is a microscopic type of spore-producing cell found on certain fungi.

+ In 1700, Nicolas Andry thought that some of these microscopic organisms caused smallpox and other diseases.

+ The short story described microscopic medical machines.

+ This causes microscopic algae and cyanobacteria to bloom, and then animals eat the phytoplankton.

+ They are an example of iridescence: light reflects through the microscopic scales covering the Morpho’s wings.

+ One method of testing condoms for microscopic holes involves placing the condom being tested over one conducting form with another on the other side of the condom.

+ It provides a framework for relating the microscopic properties of individual atoms and molecules to the macroscopic or bulk properties of materials that can be observed in everyday life, therefore explaining thermodynamics as a natural result of statistics and mechanics at the microscopic level.

+ It is microscopic in size and round in shape.

+ Purkyně was the first to use a microtome to make wafer thin slices of tissue for microscopic examination and was among the first to use an improved version of the compound microscope.

+ Young fish mainly feed on microscopic animals.

+ A virus is a microscopic parasitismparasite that can infect living organisms and cause disease.

+ The microtubules are rigid tubes like microscopic straws which are hollow inside.

+ At high speeds the vehicle would be penetrated by many microscopic particles of matter unless heavily shielded.

+ Many scientists and doctors in history figured out that diseases are caused by microscopic organisms.

+ For instance, chalk was laid down in the Upper Cretaceous period, and consists mainly of the remains of microscopic algae called coccoliths.

+ With her team, she analyzed sand, clay, and volcanic ash, as well as Fossilfossils of diatoms microscopic ostracods.

+ The result is that the more microscopic Ampère’s law, expressed in terms of B and the microscopic current, is sometimes put into the equivalent form below in terms of H and the free current only.

+ Green algae are microscopic protists.

+ He continued until late in life to investigate the microscopic organisms of the deep sea and of various geological formations.

+ Plasmodesma is a microscopic channel across the cell wall of a plant cell.Oparka K.J.

+ It is most commonly spread by the microscopic droplets of mucus and fluid that are sent into the air when the sick person coughs or sneezes.

+ The structure is investigated by dissection, and microscopic examination.

+ Due to the principle of microscopic reversibility, there is a parallel set of “retro” pericyclic reactions, which perform the reverse reaction.

+ When the Perceptionperceived color is obtained after white light passes through microscopic layers of ink or dye allowing some wavelengths of light to reach the eye, but not others.

+ Physicists can also describe the universe on a microscopic scale with quantum mechanics.

+ This is based on based on his drawings and descriptions This sparked new interest in the microscopic world.

+ Autotrophs and heterotrophs come in all sizes, from microscopic to many tonnes from cyanobacteria to giant redwoods, and from viruses to blue whales.

+ The fossil assemblage of nearly 500 species, from microscopic fern spores to large carnivorous dinosaurs, justified it becoming a World Heritage Site in 1979.

+ If one looks at a galaxy, a star is microscopic in comparison with the whole galaxy, even if it is many, many orders of magnitude larger than us.

+ Ramón y Cajal’s investigations of the microscopic structure of the brain were original: he is considered by many to be the father of modern neuroscience.

+ He saw some of the microscopic organisms that cause diseases, but he didn’t know what they were.

+ Also in the eighteenth century, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek discovered the first microscopic organisms with a microscope.

+ For example, GastropodaGastropods use it to graze and scrape diatoms and other microscopic algae off rock surfaces and other substrata.

+ The name “synovial sarcoma” was created early in the 20th century, as some researchers thought that the microscopic similarity of some tumors to synovium.

+ For example, if a Cnidarian hydra, a microscopic animal, is cut in half, two new hydra grow.

+ Most “Hydra” are microscopic in size.

+ Pasteurization is used to kill microscopic organisms in liquids like milk, wine, and beer.

+ String conjectures that on the microscopic scale, Einstein's 4D spacetime is a field of Calabi-Yau manifolds, each containing 6 space dimensions curled up, thus not extended into the 3 space dimensions presented to the classical realm.

+ Like many tissues, the vagina has a natural biome, a flora and fauna of microscopic organisms.

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