“mesozoic” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mesozoic”:

+ Considerations on the age of the Tiouaren Formation : implications for Gondwanan Mesozoic terrestrial vertebrate faunas.

+ The allotheres was a branch of successful Mesozoic mammals.

+ The Pliosaurs were a group of large subMarine biologymarine plesiosaur reptiles from the Mesozoic era.

+ A recent study of “Chaohusaurus” shows an early example of live birth.Motani, Ryosuke “et al” 2014 Terrestrial origin of viviparity in Mesozoic marine reptiles indicated by early Triassic embryonic fossils.

+ Shellfish were common throughout the Mesozoic period, but this group of shellfish-eaters went extinct at the end of the Triassic.

mesozoic in-sentences
mesozoic in-sentences

Example sentences of “mesozoic”:

+ There were about 310 in 2007, with an increase in quality so that there are “at least 18 Mesozoic mammals nearly complete skeletons”.

+ Most Mesozoic metatherians have been found in North America and Asia.

+ Brain evolution in Mesozoic mammals.

+ The Sauropterygia was a superorder of successful aquatic reptiles that flourished during the Mesozoic era.

+ The event marks the end of the Mesozoic era and the beginning of the Cainozoic era.

+ All through the Mesozoic most small vertebrates were mammals and lizards.

+ The Mesozoic covers the time when life was dominated by large sophisticated reptiles.

+ They are common in some Palaeozoic and Mesozoic stratumstrata, Some black shales contain abundant heavy metals such as molybdenum, uranium, vanadium, and zinc.

+ It is thought – see evolution of colour vision – that mammals lost much of their colour vision capability during the long period in the Mesozoic when they lived as mostly nocturnal animals.

+ To the northeast the fault continues, before becoming obscured by the effects of Mesozoic rifting to the north of Shetland.

+ All the reproductive features of modern conifers had evolved by the end of the Mesozoic era.

+ There were about 310 in 2007, with an increase in quality so that there are "at least 18 Mesozoic mammals nearly complete skeletons".

+ Most Mesozoic metatherians have been found in North America and Asia.
+ Brain evolution in Mesozoic mammals.

+ In contrast, mammals lost much of their colour vision capability during the long period in the Mesozoic when they lived as nocturnal animals.

+ His dissertation, “American Mesozoic Mammalia was the first step in his lifelong interest in the evolution of mammals.

+ They were very common in the Mesozoic era, the age of the dinosaurs, and are still living, but are now much less common.

+ It was during the Mesozoic era that the ancestors of many of the living gastropods evolved.

+ However, a popular theory among believers is that “Nessie” is a plesiosaur, an extinct carnivoremeat-eating aquatic reptile that lived in the Mesozoic era.

+ Their first certain appearance is in the Silurian period, with a big radiation in the Mesozoic era.Levin, Harold.

+ This environment was semi-arid during the Mesozoic Era.

+ This is the strongest evidence that Mesozoic mammals fed on dinosaurs, though there were earlier indications of this.Elzanowski, Andrzej Wellnhofer, Peter.

More in-sentence examples of “mesozoic”:

+ The rocks are a Mesozoic schist basement covered by marine sedimentary rocks.

+ In the Mesozoic period before the continental drift opened the South Atlantic Ocean, the Congo was the upper part of a river about 12,000 km long that flowed west across the parts of Gondwanaland, now called Africa and South America.

+ The soft-bodied Ediacaran biota, the fins of ichthyosaurs, the fur and wing structure of pterosaurs, the feathers on Mesozoic dinosaurs and birds, are all discoveries made on fossils from Lagerstätten.

+ After a crash at the Permianndash;Triassic extinction eventPermian/Triassic boundary, when almost all species went extinct, bryozoans recovered in the later Mesozoic to become as successful as before.

+ The Sundance Sea existed in North America during the mid to late Jurassic period of the Mesozoic Era.

+ Fossils of Mesozoic proto-mammals were very scarce.

+ Many lines living today evolved in the Mesozoic era, taking advantage of the huge supply of food on the sea floor.

+ The Cretaceous/Tertiary extinction event ended the Mesozoic era and started the Cainozoic era.

+ Now sediments of the Tethys Ocean basin and its Mesozoic and early Cenozoic strata sit high above sea level.

+ Before the Mesozoic was the Palaeozoic era.

+ Its discoverers Sample sampled 268 characters from all major Mesozoic mammal clades and principal eutherian families of the Cretaceous period.

+ This happened at the end of the Mesozoic era, and is slowly continuing today.

+ Geologically, the Mesozoic starts with almost all the Earth’s land collected into a supercontinent called Pangaea.

+ Of all the periods in the Mesozoic era, there are the least number of fossils from the Triassic period.

+ The Permian/Triassic extinction event ended the Palaeozoic era and started the Mesozoic era.Benton M.J.

+ The Jurassic is the second and middle geologygeological period in the Mesozoic era and the eighth period in the Phanerozoic eon.

+ It lived during the Upper Cretaceous period, 69.5-68.5million years ago, toward the end of the Mesozoic Era.

+ The remarkable fossils from the Early Cretaceous Jehol biota of China and how they have changed our knowledge of Mesozoic life.

+ Her most important work was on the mammals of the Mesozoic era.

+ During the Mesozoic and Cainozoic they diversified.

+ The Lower Triassic is the oldest epoch of the Mesozoic era.

+ In the Mesozoic era sea-floor predators evolved various new forms which fed on the abundant shellfish.

+ Then, in the early and middle Triassic, there was rapid evolution into the types of aquatic and land tetrapods which dominated the rest of the Mesozoic era.

+ They were the dominant land plants of the Mesozoic era.

+ It is mainly of basalt, and formed before the breakup of Pangaea in the Mesozoic Era.

+ The rocks are a Mesozoic schist basement covered by marine sedimentary rocks.

+ In the Mesozoic period before the continental drift opened the South Atlantic Ocean, the Congo was the upper part of a river about 12,000 km long that flowed west across the parts of Gondwanaland, now called Africa and South America.

+ Pterosaurs were flying reptiles which lived in the Mesozoic era at the same time as the dinosaurs.

+ Pteridosperms declined during the Mesozoic Era and had mostly disappeared by the end of the Cretaceous, though some fossil pteridosperm-like plants seem to have survived into Eocene times in Tasmania.McLoughlin S; R.J.

+ A recent study of the earliest ichthosaur, “Chaohusaurus”, from the Lower Triassic shows an early example of live birth.Motani, Ryosuke “et al” 2014 Terrestrial origin of viviparity in Mesozoic marine reptiles indicated by early Triassic embryonic fossils.

+ Australasia had started to separate from other continents as Gondwana started to break up in the Mesozoic era.

+ The Mesozoic marine revolution transformed the sea-floor fauna.

+ Ichthyosaurs are an extinct order order of marine reptiles from the Mesozoic era.

+ Its presence at the seabed and beneath Palaeozoic and Mesozoic strata west of Shetland has been confirmed by shallow boreholes and hydrocarbon exploration wells.

+ This movie tells us about species of dinosaurs that lived in North America through the ages of the Mesozoic era.

+ It followed the Jurassic period, and is the third and last period of the Mesozoic era.

+ The Mesozoic is known as the Age of Dinosaurs.

+ The first fossil proto-turtles come from Upper Triassic of the Mesozoic era, about 220 million years ago.

+ After the late Mesozoic breakup of Gondwana, South America spent most of the Cainozoic era as an island continent.

+ When it was above land during the Mesozoic era, it had a tropical climate which might have been perfect for creating coal, oil and natural gas.

+ During the Mesozoic there were also a number of vertebrate predators of shellfish: the placodonts, and some ichthyosaurs and mosasaurs had flat shell-crushing teeth.

+ Birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs during the Mesozoic era.

+ The class developed during the late Cambrian and were the most common and varied marine life forms during the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic eras.

+ The Mesozoic is the middle of the three eras that make up the Phanerozoic eon.

+ About 200 million years after this collision and the formation of Pangea, during the middle of the Mesozoic Era, the Atlantic Ocean floor started spreading.

+ Belemnites were numerous during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, and their fossils are abundant in Mesozoic marine rocks, often with their cousins the ammonites.

+ The best supported theory is that the meteorite strike in the Yucatan was the main cause of the extinction at the end of the Mesozoic era.

+ In rocks of the Mesozoic era gastropods are more common as fossils and their shell is often well preserved.

+ To avoid confusion with the Mesozoic continent, this is referred to as Proto-Laurasia.

+ As the Mesozoic progressed, more typically crocodile-like forms evolved.

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