“members” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “members”:

+ This is when the Sozialistische Reichspartei was banned by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and a lot of its members re-joined the Empire Party.

+ In 2019, members of the Caledonian Union, Future with Confidence, the Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front and the National Union for Independence requested another referendum be held.

+ One-half of the members are elected every two years.

+ The band was started in 1991 when the members were students at a university near Tokyo.

+ The members were Samuel Preston, William Brown, James Gregory, and Simon Goldring.

+ There are 150 members of the House of Representatives, each one elected for a three year term.

members example in sentences
members example in sentences

Example sentences of “members”:

+ It was more basal than other members of the Ceratopsia: it was bipedal, and had no horn horns or frill on its head.

+ Many members of the family contain strong alkaloids, and some are very toxic.

+ It was more basal than other members of the Ceratopsia: it was bipedal, and had no horn horns or frill on its head.

+ Many members of the family contain strong alkaloids, and some are very toxic.

+ Arizona is one of the elected members of the Association of American Universities.

+ In the struggle Choate was wounded several times by Gardstein, before being shot five more times by other members of the gang, who also managed to hit Gardstein in the back.

+ There are 124 members of the assembly, who are called Members of Provincial Parliament.

+ The Speaker will say “I name the Honourable Member for X.” In Parliament Members are always called by the name of their electorate.

+ Motörhead’s members changed throughout the band’s career, but Lemmy remained on bass and vocals from their start 1975 until today.

+ In Iran, two bodies, the Supreme Leader and Guardian Council consist of members who are not elected by the people.

+ Johan DeFarfalla began playing bass guitar again for Opeth and these four members recorded their first album, “Orchid”.

+ Most of the important party members were former anti-slavery members of the Whig Party and the Democratic Party.

+ It is the only surviving member of the genus “Sarcoramphus”, although fossil members are known.

+ The senators were patricians, and so members by birth, or men of lesser birth who had notable achievements.

+ Although unsure at first, Fahrenheit first gained great fame around 2005 when all of the members first starred in the series KO One on television in Taiwan.

+ Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park, Lake Forest, and Lake Bluff are thought to be the main members of the North Shore, as all are affluent communities that border the lake just north of Chicago.

+ There are 141 members of Seimas who are elected for 4-year-terms.

+ At its 21st meeting, the CGPM created the category of “associate” for those states not yet members of the BIPM and for economic unions.

+ This software is usually free and is developed by members of the public, or a nonprofit organisation.

+ When a commune was formed, all particpitating members gathered and swore an oath together, in public, they would defend each other in time of trouble.

+ On October 6, 2005, the International Criminal Court said that the arrest warrants had been given for five members of the Lord’s Resistance Army.

More in-sentence examples of “members”:

+ The station was originally not going to be open with the rest of the East West Line in between 1988 and 1989 as there were only private houses surrounding it, but increasing pressure from Members of Parliament and the public forced SMRT to open this station.

+ There were 5 members in this band.

+ He cleared the studio of audience members and then resumed the show.

+ Other members of the mallow family include hollyhocks and hibiscus, used to brighten gardens all over the world.

+ He is elected by synod members at a synodical convention.

+ The service ended with speeches by members of his family, including Jermaine JacksonJermaine, Marlon and daughter Paris who broke into tears and said that “Daddy was the best father anyone could have” and also that “I will miss him” then she left the microphone and turned into Janet Jackson’s arms.

+ Animals such as members of the felidaecat family that mainly eat animals are called carnivores.

+ Boudin is the son of two former Underground members who were put in jail.

+ However family members fail to perceive this and become bewildered at Amloki’s attempts to sabotage the marriage and simply think this to be a manifestation of the apparent dislike which Amloki harbours towards Ratnadeep.

+ The tree trunk on the emblem represents the cross and points to the life of Christ and is a model for the members of Penola Catholic College.

+ The five original members of the band were Axl Rose.

+ Elsewhere in the home, family members may be expected to wear more clothes, casually, especially if guests are present.

+ The candy desk has been a tradition of the United States Senate since 1968, where a United States senator sits at a specific desk near a busy entrance keeps a drawer full of candy for members of the body.

+ The other band members decided not to tour for their third studio EP “Jar of Flies” because of Staley’s condition becoming progressively worse.

+ Six of the Ivy league’s eight schools have both men’s and women’s hockey teams; all six are members of ECAC Hockey.

+ There is also many works by members of the Hudson River School and the American Impressionists to contemporary art.

+ There is now a precise classification for the living members of the subfamily based on genetic research.Wozencraft W.C.

+ However, no SLA members ever used such a weapon.

+ J-Hope currently lives in Seoul with the other members of BTS.

+ Active Members begin at the First Degree.

+ Paul Quinn became the first of the original members to leave the league when it did so in 1929.

+ Kane met with members of the LDS Church at a meeting in Philadelphia in May 1846.

+ Other supporting characters in “Flash” stories include Barry’s wife Iris West, Wally’s wife Linda Park, Bart’s girlfriend Valerie Perez, friendly fellow speedster Max Mercury, and Central City police department members David Singh and Patty Spivot.

+ He also appoints the members of the upper house, the Senate, as well as the members of the Constitutional Court.

+ All community members is welcomed to comment on the nomination.

+ However they still became one of the first members of the new English Premier League when it started in 1992.

+ The Duma members of parliament are chosen similarly by the public every five years.

+ When all the parties get together, the party or coalition with the most members is the government and runs the country.

+ His unfinished and most famous play, “Woyzeck”, was the first literary work in German whose main characters were members of the working class.

+ The skull is similar to that of other members of its family.

+ After announcing her candidacy, Barragán received major endorsements, including EMILY’s List, National Women’s Political Caucus, South Gate Council members Bill De Witt, Maria Davila and Belen Bernal, Carson Commissioner Janice Schaffer, and many of congressional members including Rep.

+ The informal term ‘true fox’ refers to members of the “Vulpes” genus.

+ He was sentenced to 71 years in prison in 2000 for the kidnapping and murder of the alleged ETA members José Antonio Lasa and José Ignacio Zabala in the Antiterrorist Liberation Groups case.

+ The current members of the Schengen Area are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

+ From 1982 to 1996 — and temporarily in 2010 — Matheos and DiBiase remained as the only original members of the band, with Matheos being the only constant member.

+ Five Summit League members have football teams; all play in the Missouri Valley Football Conference.

+ Vessel members are interconnected through perforations in their common walls.

+ PEN stands for the principle of unhampered transmission of thought within each nation and among all nations, and members pledge themselves to oppose any form of suppression of freedom of expression in their country or their community.

+ This is a listing of the thirty-four songs written by members of The Beatles that are heard on the soundtrack, in the order featured in the movie.

+ Previously 100 members were elected for five-year terms in single-seat constituencyconstituencies and 25 members were elected by proportional representation.

+ Afazeli stepped out alongside some coaching staff members after Ali Daei’s dismissal on April 2009.

+ The members are Shirley Manson, Duke Erison, Steve Marker, and Butch Vig.

+ I’m starting to add all current British Members of Parliament here.

+ On 1 May 2004, during Ireland’s six-month presidency of the European Union, Áras an Uachtarain was the Venue for the “European Day of Welcomes” in which ten new members joined the EU.

+ A total of 21 were awarded to members of the all-Japanese American U.S.

+ These are nearly always defeated as members vote to support their party.

+ The members that were elected are part of the 42nd Parliament of Ontario.

+ Nine schools were members at one time or another, but no more than seven played in any season.

+ The stated reason was to give other members some relief from their heavy schedules.

+ Please do not add Remus and Mad-Eye here, they are included in the OOTP members section, their more primary role, so don’t need to be included here as well.

+ The station was originally not going to be open with the rest of the East West Line in between 1988 and 1989 as there were only private houses surrounding it, but increasing pressure from Members of Parliament and the public forced SMRT to open this station.

+ There were 5 members in this band.

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