“meiosis” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “meiosis”:

+ Just like mitosis, meiosis includes prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.

+ Duplications arise from unequal crossing-over that occurs during meiosis between misaligned homologous chromosomes.

+ Analysis of genetic recombination is facilitated by the ordered arrangement of the products of meiosis in “Neurospora” ascospores.

+ During meiosis the number is reduced to one set of chromosomes.

+ Eukaryotes bother with the more complicated process of meiosis because sexual reproduction such as meiosis confers a selective advantage.

meiosis in sentences?
meiosis in sentences?

Example sentences of “meiosis”:

+ The thing to remember is that in normal sexual reproduction, the father has two sets of chromosomes, and crossing over takes place between the chromatids of each pair during the meiosis which produces the sperm.

+ The ascus is a tube-shaped sac, which contains the sexual spores produced by meiosis and which are called "ascospores".

+ The thing to remember is that in normal sexual reproduction, the father has two sets of chromosomes, and crossing over takes place between the chromatids of each pair during the meiosis which produces the sperm.

+ The ascus is a tube-shaped sac, which contains the sexual spores produced by meiosis and which are called “ascospores”.

+ Mitosis and meiosis are sometimes called the two “nuclear division” processes.

+ Meiosis can be divided into meiosis I and meiosis II.

+ Unlike mitosis, the way normal body cells divide, meiosis results in cells that only have half the usual number of chromosomes, one from each pair.

+ When meiosis occurs, crossing-over produces a genetic fingerprint which differs somewhat from the mother’s.

+ The first division of meiosis is a special kind of cell division called a reduction division because the number of chromosomes is halved.

+ This distance is called a “genetic map unit or a “centimorgan” and is defined as the distance between genes for which one product of meiosis in 100 is recombinant.

+ The “significance of meiosis for reproduction and inheritance”, however, was first described in 1890 by Weismann, who noted that two cell divisions were necessary to transform one diploid cell into four haploid cells if the number of chromosomes had to be maintained.

+ The eukaryote life cycle includes meiosis which divides the chromosome number in half.

+ The second division of meiosis is similar to mitosis.

+ The egg cells may be produced either by meiosis or mitosis.

+ For that reason, meiosis is often called “reduction division”.

+ In humans, there are certain conditions that are caused by meiosis gone wrong.

+ The shuffling of alleles which takes place in meiosis may be the reason why sexual reproduction exists at all.

+ Both of these cells will go through meiosis II.

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