“meeting” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “meeting”:

– This let the American carriers reach their meeting point northeast of Midway without being found by the subs.

– The first Kansas state legislature meeting in 1861, passed a bill that would create the state university in Manhattan, Kansas.

– Some laws need to be made by the “Queen-in-Council”, that is at a meeting of the Queen and the Privy Council.

– Ray was interested in filmmaking by meeting French filmmaker Jean Renoir and seeing the Italian movie “Bicycle Thieves” during a visit to London.

– The European Central Bank is responsible for managing the supply of money within the eurozone and political decisions are taken by the “euro group”, which is a meeting of the politicians from each euro country in charge of that country’s economy.

– The Nubra river originating from the Siachen glacier also behaves like the Shyok, before Tirit the SE flowing river takes a NW turn on meeting the river Shyok.

meeting how to use?
meeting how to use?

Example sentences of “meeting”:

– Dmitry arrives late, and the meeting soon becomes a big fight between father and son.

– The news that the Inspector appointed by the Government is looking to conduct the Inquiry at a “breakneck” pace was revealed in a note from the Planning Inspectorate issued ahead of the Pre Inquiry Meeting held on 10 November 2008, when the Inquiry programme and procedures were discussed at a public session.

– Disney’s chief executive officer Robert Iger went on record during the company’s annual stockholder meeting on March 10, 2006 when someone asked about a potential third park being built in Anaheim.

– De Valera was not at this meeting because he had been arrested.

– Hua Guofeng presiding over the meeting wondered what power Xi Zhongxun wanted.

– The Patriarch of Constantinople is the “first among equals”; his power is not absolute, as seen when meeting with other Patriarchs.

– The Committees of Correspondence also called for a meeting of all colonies.

– Hooker was the one who formally presented this material to the Linnean Society meeting in 1858.

– A book was published in 1983 about what people said at a big meeting they had to talk about rational expectations in 1981.

– The Shamrock Summit was a summit summit meeting that took place in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada during March 1985.

– The children sneak inside, meeting Maid Marian and her attendant Lady Kluck.

- Dmitry arrives late, and the meeting soon becomes a big fight between father and son.

- The news that the Inspector appointed by the Government is looking to conduct the Inquiry at a "breakneck" pace was revealed in a note from the Planning Inspectorate issued ahead of the Pre Inquiry Meeting held on 10 November 2008, when the Inquiry programme and procedures were discussed at a public session.
- Disney's chief executive officer Robert Iger went on record during the company's annual stockholder meeting on March 10, 2006 when someone asked about a potential third park being built in Anaheim.

– She rarely attends the yearly meeting of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

– Around noon of August 8, 1973, Kim was attended a meeting with the leader of the Democratic Unification Party held in the Room 2212 of the Hotel Grand Palace in Tokyo.

– The idea for this music started at a meeting between Bach and Frederick II on 7 May 1747.

– He was an athlete like his father, but he became an actor after meeting Emma Thompson, who presented him his future best friend and co-worker Stephen Fry.

– One tale is about foreign ambassadors whom Vlad Ţepeş was meeting at Târgovişte.

– On July 18, 2017, it was reported that Paul’s neighbors in the Beverly Grove neighborhood of Los Angeles were meeting with city council members and police officials regarding whether to file a class-action public nuisance lawsuit against Paul.

– Later in 1924, Griffith began meeting with Knute Rockne, who was a football coach at Notre Dame.

– During the May Revolution of 1810, Canaveris went to a community meeting and voted to dismiss the viceroy.

More in-sentence examples of “meeting”:

– On 7th January, 2015 the Kouachi brothers, hooded and armed with Kalashnikovs, burst into the editorial meeting of the magazine Charlie Hebdo, shooting at the assembled people.

– The competition also resulted her into meeting the legendary Cuban salsa musicsalsa singer Rey Ruiz.

– He joined them in meeting with Indian tribes.

– His wife, Eleanor Roosevelt helped his career by traveling and meeting people when Roosevelt could not.

– On March 6, 2017, after a bad meeting with Governor of IllinoisGovernor Bruce Rauner only days before, in order to help offset the lack of government funding provided.

– The Old South Meeting House was built in 1729 so that Puritans could meet there to pray.

– Its first meeting was in the Palace of Westminster.

– Secretary General Petra Huber and Chef de Mission Julia Voglmayr traveled to South Korea for a meeting with the Chef de Missions of 32 other countries in March 2017, a year before the Games were scheduled to start.

– By 1890 he had decided to stop composing, although he did still write four beautiful works for clarinet after meeting the clarinettist Richard Mühlfeld.

– Leaders of the Democratic Labor Party held an emergency meeting at the party’s Headquarters in George Street In Bridgetown on the morning of Thompson’s death, during which Stuart was chosen as the next Prime Minister.

– While the birthday attack attempts to find two values in the domain of a function that map to the same value in its range, the meet-in-the-middle attack attempts to find a value in each of the ranges and domains of the composition of two functions such that the forward mapping of one through the first function is the same as the inverse image of the other through the second function—quite literally meeting in the middle of the composed function.

– Every Sunday morning, in the Historic Area, in the old stoned streets at the “Largo da Ordem” and the pavement giving access to Garibaldi Square, with the Rosário Church, the Flowers Clock, the Memory Fountain and the Società Giuseppe Garibaldi make the space for the Crafts Fair, an exciting meeting point with live music.

– It is their first meeting in his.

– A corroboree is a ceremonial meeting of Aboriginal Australians.

– It is a large meeting of scouts from across a country or many countries.

– They fall in love after meeting aboard the ship, but it was not good for a rich girl to fall in love with a poor boy in 1912.

– Carter held a tour of Cuba in May 2002 that included meeting with Fidel Castro, July–December 2002.

– The Lion is seen as a coded example of Garland meeting and accepting a gay man without question.

– BAAL’s Annual Meeting happens every September in the UK.

– The Seventh-day Adventist Church, and some others, believe that the custom of meeting for worship on Sunday originated in paganism, specifically Sol Invictus and Mithraism.

– This chance meeting was to play a major role in Pascal’s later career.

– Its discovery was reported and announced by Gábor Marton, Csaba Kiss, and Thomas Müller at the 48th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences on 17 October 2016.

– The company rejected several franchising requests because of concerns about not meeting its standards in its branches.Sui, Cindy.

– In a private meeting with West, Summers allegedly rebuked West for missing too many classes, contributing to grade inflation, neglecting serious scholarship, and spending too much time on his economically profitable projects.

– The octahedron is unique among the Platonic solids in having an even number of faces meeting at each vertex.

– He was elected on 24 January, at a special meeting of the Conference of Rulers.

– Verne continued to study law until 1851, but all the time he was writing and meeting with other authors and artists.

– His constitutional election to the office was completed with the meeting of the Electoral College Electoral College on December 15, 2008, and the subsequent certification of the college’s vote by the Joint Session of the United States Congress on January 8, 2009.

– Members unable to attend in person can also listen to the meeting over the phone or by video streaming where available.

– He then stands up and looks to the earth, commenting that “the Third hasn’t changed”, and that he is looking forward to meeting him.

– She became famous as his eyes and ears, meeting thousands of ordinary people and bringing their concerns to Roosevelt.

– Otis interrupts a barnyard meeting with his wild behavior, His father tells Otis he will never be happy if he just goofs off, and that he should grow up.

– The anime shows the adventures of Ash Ketchum, a ten-year-old Pokémon trainer who has many adventures, meeting many new people and Pokémon.

– In January 1969, Phelps held a meeting at Pennsylvania University to support the research on inflation and employment.

– A turning point for Nijinsky was his meeting Sergei Diaghilev.

– The two teams were meeting in a World Series for the fifth time in nine years.

– The rivalry between Spain national football teamSpain and Italy has been ongoing since their first meeting in 1920.

– Pope John brought together the church’s bishops and cardinals in a meeting called Vatican Council II.

– The Camp David summit of the Group of Eight was the 38th meeting in a series which began in 1976.

– Bayzo, along with Freddie Portelli, Brethren Paul, Mario Perrone, Tony Muscat and Tony Bartolo, were meeting in the fields of St Paul’s Bay areas and singing.

– Because of this, their meeting is called “Qi Xi”.

– At a meeting at Birkbeck, University of LondonBirkbeck College in July 1965, the original idea for BAAL was to study mainly language teaching and machine translation.

– YFest includes an Easter Saturday Street Parade, a three day Vintage Machinery Rally at Wheatlands Museum, four day Golf Tournament, three day Art Show, Easter Saturday Race Meeting and Waterski Spectacular.

– It has been a marketplace and a meeting hall.

– When two people get married, the meeting is about them and the life that they will live together.

– In 1429, Joan of ArcSaint Joan of Arc had a historic meeting with the future Charles VII at Chinon.

– The Youth Olympic Games were created by IOC president Jacques Rogge in 2001 and approved during the 119th meeting of the IOC.

- On 7th January, 2015 the Kouachi brothers, hooded and armed with Kalashnikovs, burst into the editorial meeting of the magazine Charlie Hebdo, shooting at the assembled people.

- The competition also resulted her into meeting the legendary Cuban salsa musicsalsa singer Rey Ruiz.
- He joined them in meeting with Indian tribes.

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