“meet” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “meet”:

– The engine compartment was modified to fit the engines and a special open exhaust was built just to meet Ferruccio’s demands.

– It needs a bit of work though to meet the standards for VGA here.

– The two commanders began marching south to meet de Grasse’s 27 ships and 3,200 troops.

– It is about eight violent people who, during a blizzard, meet in a inn and learn they may have reasons to fight each other.

– Zero Two and Hiro reincarnate as two children who meet each other.

– The scene uses Vera Lynn’s song “We’ll Meet Again”.

meet use in-sentences
meet use in-sentences

Example sentences of “meet”:

– The council was moved to Bologna in March 1547 with the excuse of avoiding a plague; without any plans to meet again, 17 September 1549.

– MMORPGs, are computer games where many players meet online in one large game world, and go on quests together.

– The son likes to explore and he comes to meet a Jewish boy who lives in the concetration camp.

– Work at the Cowles Foundation gave Phelps the chance to meet with other important economists who were working on growth theory, such as David Cass and Nobel Prize winner Tjalling Koopmans.

– They meet in the Kankakee River west of Channahon, IllinoisChannahon to form the Illinois River, a tributary of the Mississippi River.

– Initially, Gema wanted to reach the top of Teide, although, due to weather conditions, it could not meet this objective.

– Speedily closed as not promoted: By-and-large AJona, additionally doesn’t meet criteria numbers 4, 5 and 6, and possibly 2.

– Gilgamesh attempts to learn the secret of eternal life by undertaking a long and perilous journey to meet the immortal flood hero, Utnapishtim.

– After this, Selena and Chris began to meet secretly and they eloped.

– In the episode, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie meet the, Homer and Marge want to spend a night on the town so they need a babysitter to look after their children.

– I would say that it does not meet for deletion.

– In relation to this Spaliviero phoned Lindström from MRRC telling her to meet a “solicitor” and give him money.

– It is a fun way to meet a large number of new people in a short period of time.

– She wants to meet him again; however, she is a mermaid, and her father, who is the king of the sea, would not let her do so.

- The council was moved to Bologna in March 1547 with the excuse of avoiding a plague; without any plans to meet again, 17 September 1549.

- MMORPGs, are computer games where many players meet online in one large game world, and go on quests together.

More in-sentence examples of “meet”:

– Where The Barclay extends around to meet the Geoffrey Watling City Stand, is the Thorpe Corner infill, “affectionately dubbed ‘The Snakepit’ by supporters”, a term that is even sometimes used in official club reports.

– This template should only be used in articles that meet the criteria for italic titles given in the policy.

– It can be added to articles that meet the requirements listed below, and that have been voted on by the community.

– Stellation is the process of extending the faces or edges of a polyhedron until they meet to form a new polyhedron.

– Davis worked with Perry again in two of his feature films including “Daddy’s Little Girls” in 2007 and “Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns” in 2008.

– On the island, the chipmunks try to find food and they meet a castaway, Zoe.

– The planners hoped to finish it by 1890, when the Diet would meet for the first time.

– This inspired other families with children that had special needs to meet up.

– It is placed where Storgatan, StockholmStorgatan and Narvavägen meet near the Swedish History Museum.

– He wants to meet their friends before he leaves but nobody appears in the airport when he leaves.

– They meet Macbeth, who lies to Banquo and says that he has not thought about the witches’ prophecy.

– They go through the leather/cardboard disc, and meet the copper disc.

– King Henry IV sent 11 knights to meet with Glyndŵr.

– The fighters would likely have been moved to NAS Cecil Field near Jacksonville, Florida if NAS Oceana was not able to meet the conditions.

– They must also meet many other requirements.

– In October of 1754 he and his group came to what is now Alberta from York Factory with a mission to meet the Blackfoot and perhaps trade with them.

– Although “Unity makes strength” meet in various projects on the coat of arms of Bulgaria in the post-liberation years, it officially became part of it only in 1927.

– Age-specific groups meet for religious study including Sunday school programs, fellowship, and other activities.

– There, Alex soon meet the rest of his family and starting to have trouble communicating with them after much of his time at the Central Park Zoo.

– The trio secretly meet Sirius at Hogsmeade, who tells them that Barty Crouch was fanatical about catching dark wizards, often stooping to the same level to punish them.

– This personality disorder is a long-term condition in which people depend on others to meet their emotional and physical needs.

– The male gods meet in a hall called Glaðsheimr, the goddesses in the hall Vingólf.

– Barrymore does reveal that he accidentally found a burned note to Charles Baskerville asking him to meet outside the hall from someone named L.L.

– Lee was able to shift his troops to meet each of McClellan’s attacks.

– When they meet in person, he rejects her advances.

– When players meet enemies in either scripted events or random encounters, they enter a battle mode.

– Most of the films you’ve bantered about meet at least two of these.

– Two popular places where Second Life users meet to practice English are Virtlantis A list of educational projects, which also include some language schools, can be found in the.

– As the hill people lack awareness about the markets, these fruits only meet the requirement of local people.

– The citizens of Athens would meet on a hillside 30 to 40 times a year to discuss how to run the city better.

– To show that Ashcroft could be sued, al-Kidd’s lawyers had to meet a very high burden of proof.

– It needs expanding to meet our current expectations of a comprehensive article, as recently witnessed during the demotion of Avril Lavigne.

– Either way, they would all meet the above “criteria” if we went with the lowest suggested activity time, which is one year.

– On the boat, they meet Bailey Pickett.

– It was Stapleton who persuaded her not to meet with Sir Charles at the last second and also to keep quiet about the note.

– The Cheetahs did however quickly meet up again for a sequel called “The Cheetah Girls 2” and recorded a soundtrack for the movie also.

– Vet projects to ensure they meet the quality benchmark.

– It has mostly cosplay but attendees can also meet anime creators and voice actors.

– People who went disco dancing often had sex with people that they would meet at the disco club.

– Then one day, Lewis’ world was changed when a boy called Wilbur, who has a time-machine, takes Lewis on a trip to the future to meet Wilbur’s family – the Robinsons.

– The river is formed in eastern Kentucky at Beattyville, in Lee County, when the North, Middle and South Forks meet at about 670 feet.

– The lesser black-backed gulls and herring gulls are sufficiently different that they do not normally hybridize; so, it was said, the group of gulls forms a continuum except where the two lineages meet in Europe.

– They meet a famous writer, who is murdered the night they arrive.

– Ferdinand, the King of Navarre, and three of his men meet together and talk about their intellectual plans.

– It can be used for articles which meet at least half the criteria needed, and which are listed on respective peer review page.

– WP:CONTRASTColor contrast should meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0’s AAA level when feasible.

– It doesn’t meet criteria 2, but I believe that can be fixed.

– That is, until they meet their new neighbors, Eddy and Kay Otis.

– The pope asked for the council to meet in 1542, but it did not actually meet until 1545.

- Where The Barclay extends around to meet the Geoffrey Watling City Stand, is the Thorpe Corner infill, "affectionately dubbed 'The Snakepit' by supporters", a term that is even sometimes used in official club reports.

- This template should only be used in articles that meet the criteria for italic titles given in the policy.

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