“mechanism” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mechanism”:

+ Her research focused on the mechanism of production and action of interferon, emerging viruses, persistent viral infections, and HIV infection.

+ The S2 mechanism always inverts the molecule’s stereochemistry.

+ The main scientific works are devoted to the problem of the mechanism of action of hormones.

+ In the late 19th century it came to mean the concept that natural selection was the only mechanism of evolution, in contrast to Lamarckism.

+ The primary defense mechanism of millipedes is to roll up into a spiral-shaped circle, protecting their more delicate organs from being hurt by an armor-like skin.

+ The attachment mechanism may work by tension or even merely by suction between the socket and the limb.

+ The mechanism which decides which of several morphs an individual displays is called the “switch”.

+ At first, the light had reflectors but changed to a dioptric mechanism in 1838.

mechanism how to use in sentences
mechanism how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “mechanism”:

+ One of the most important events during bryozoan evolution was the acquisition of a calcareous skeleton and the mechanism of tentacle protrusion.

+ When new parameters are added or modified, the tracking mechanism at the bottom of the template code, implemented using Module:Check for unknown parameters, needs updating as well.

+ However, usually it is done by an internal filling mechanism which creates suction.

+ The mechanism which makes the hammer bounce off the string very quickly is called the “escapement”.

+ An explanation that relies on a natural mechanism that works according to certain rules is usable.

+ The vascular stiffening mechanism in the tongue of the echidna.

+ This mechanism consists of about one hundred bellows, large and small, the smaller ones being called pneumatics of which there are 88, one for each note on the piano.The largest are the foot operated ones,called the bellows.

+ One of the most important events during bryozoan evolution was the acquisition of a calcareous skeleton and the mechanism of tentacle protrusion.

+ When new parameters are added or modified, the tracking mechanism at the bottom of the template code, implemented using Module:Check for unknown parameters, needs updating as well.

+ This is the basic mechanism which changes a population and causes evolution.

+ In 1913, Watson viewed Ivan Pavlov’s conditioned reflex as primarily a physiological mechanism controlling glandular secretions.

+ The Heads of States and Governments stated their firm belief that the absence of two conflicting blocs in no way reduces the need to strengthen the movement as a mechanism for the political coordination of developing countries.

+ Some historians to suggest there was French input into the mechanism of this automaton.

+ The mechanism for addition of a carbene to an alkene is a concerted cycloaddition.

More in-sentence examples of “mechanism”:

+ This adds both the time to replace a failed disk mechanism as well as time to re-build the array i.e.

+ The original clockwork mechanism was much modified, repaired, and neglected until it was replaced in the early 20th century.

+ It was also the first enzyme to have a detailed, specific mechanism suggested for its action.

+ There was also a mechanism to drop a bag filled with pieces of wood and glass balls from the roof and windows.

+ The mechanism is very similar to that used in safes.

+ The abacus, the slide rule, the astrolabe and the Antikythera mechanism are examples of automated calculation machines.

+ Nambu was known for his works to the field of theoretical physics, he was awarded a one-half share of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008 for the discovery in 1960 of the mechanism of Spontaneous symmetry breakingspontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics, related at first to the strong interaction’s chiral symmetry and later to the electroweak interaction and Higgs mechanism.

+ Even if Pasteur didn’t find every detail of this process, he still discovered the main mechanism of how the microbial lactic acid fermentation works.

+ If the reaction mechanism is a very simple one, where A and B hit each other and then go to products through one transition state, then “x”=”a” and “y”=”b”.

+ The mechanism has a trigger pull of 21newtons.

+ Sometimes, the bells are controlled by a clock mechanism or a computer.

+ Cheating on prices is difficult for cartel members to observe, so more successful cartels often agree to fix their market quotas, share verifiable information about those shares, and agree in advance on some mechanism to punish members that exceed their quotas.

+ Unlike Super Audio CD, there is no mechanism for compatibility with standard CD players.

+ The mechanism of apomixis.

+ The mechanism of cell division only works when one sperm alone enters the egg.

+ A stock, also known as a shoulder stock, a buttstock, or simply a butt is a part of a rifle or other firearm, to which the barrel barrel and firing mechanism are attached.

+ Some later sauropterygians like the pliosaurs developed a similar mechanism in their pelvis.Benton M.J.

+ Darwin could not say more because he did no know what the mechanism of heredity was.

+ There are two different types of internal power-transfer mechanism found in most transfer cases.

+ The S1 mechanism therefore dominates in reactions at tertiary alkyl centers and is further observed at secondary alkyl centers in the presence of weak nucleophiles.

+ Base load power plant has the character of slow demand respond, a mechanism to match generation with the load it supplies.

+ This differs from the mechanism used in fish, amphibians and reptiles, because the shape of the sac is being changed rather than pigment being moved in the cell.

+ To do this they have a locking mechanism on the tendons in their feet which stops them from slipping.

+ With the parts found it is not possible to get the mechanism with all displays and dials fully operational.

+ The work led to advances in our knowledge of the mechanism of pain and of reflex action and has inspired a large school of neurophysiologists.

+ The main mechanism causing a thickening of the crust at these sites of continent-continent collision along boundary is thrust faulting.

+ With this structure and other biochemical experiments, MacKinnon and colleagues were able to explain the exact mechanism by which potassium channel selectivity occurs.

+ The chamber containing the solid material is connected to the boiling flask below by a syphoning mechanism seen in the Pythagorean cup, which allows the chamber to fill to a point, at which it will empty its contents and start to fill again and the extracted compounds will accumulate in the boiling flask below.

+ Reduction in the normal levels of surface class I MHC, a mechanism employed by some viruses and certain tumors to evade CTL responses, activates NK cell killing.These inhibitory receptors recognize MHC class I molecules, which could explain why NK cells kill cells with low levels of MHC class I molecules.

+ The disc-detainer mechanism usually does not contain any springs.

+ This is done by a mechanism called polyphenism.

+ With the new system, “sistema cambiario de bandas”, the exchange rates posted by the Central Bank are a “reference” and each authorized financial institution can determine their value independently in hopes that the free market will provide a mechanism to keep them reasonable.

+ The only debate now is whether the main extinction mechanism was the asteroid impact or widespread flood volcanism from the Deccan Traps.

+ In that way, a mechanism in science or technology is an explanation of how something works or might work.

+ Carpenter noticed that the more he studied the mechanism of thought, the more clear it became that it operates largely outside awareness.

+ He is best known for his discoveries with the mechanism and regulation of cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism.

+ The existence of sympatric speciation as a mechanism of speciation was hotly contested.

+ The Class 221 “SuperVoyagers” are similar to the Class 220 “Voyager” units, but they are built with a tilting mechanism offering up to six degrees of tilt to allow faster speeds on curved tracks.

+ Tonegawa is best known for elucidating the genetic mechanism in the adaptive immune system.

+ From this data, it is possible to think about the mechanism of the reaction.

+ This template is used to provide an easy mechanism by which to cite Statistics Canada online documents for census data.

+ The attachment mechanism is a means of securely anchoring the limb in a way that is both comfortable and easy for the user to control.

+ Early models used a flintlock firing mechanism while later models used the percussion cap.

+ There are several proposed explanations for the mechanism which produces such dwarfism.

+ For several decades, critiques cast serious doubt on group selection as a major mechanism of evolution.

+ In other words, it is a mechanism for cross-pollination by air.

+ One of the major features of the Japanese clock is that it has a mechanism for measuring unequal temporal hours.

+ This adds both the time to replace a failed disk mechanism as well as time to re-build the array i.e.

+ The original clockwork mechanism was much modified, repaired, and neglected until it was replaced in the early 20th century.

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