“measured” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “measured”:

– Atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by oxygen and other molecules on a body/point/area at sea level, and is equal to approximately 100000 Newtons or 100Kn.Atmospheric pressures is measured using instruments such as the barometer which uses the principles of pressure and vaccum to measure the atmospheric pressure.

– It is measured in units of time such as seconds, hours, years, or any other measurement of time.

– The amount of fuel used to find specific impulse can be measured in different ways.

– The GMR effect can be measured when a magnet is used to change the flow of electricity.

– The outcome of this can be measured by a UV-visible spectrophotometer.

measured some ways to use
measured some ways to use

Example sentences of “measured”:

- The frequency of the analog circuit is often measured or controlled in analog signal processing.

- Slots for cars are measured out and are painted on the pavement.

– The frequency of the analog circuit is often measured or controlled in analog signal processing.

– Slots for cars are measured out and are painted on the pavement.

– This usage is not consistent, as sometimes the term “channel” refers to an individual measured item, with “parameter” referring to the setup information about that channel.

– The speed of light was first measured in 1676 by the DenmarkDanish astronomer Ole Christensen Roemer.

– The pH has been measured at 8.26.

– Desiccation resistance in insects is generally measured by the change in mass during dry conditions.

– The Planck time is the length of time at which no smaller meaningful length can be validly measured due to the indeterminacy expressed in Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

– When scientists measure salt in water, they usually say they are testing the salinity of the water: salinity is measured in “parts per thousand” or “ppt”.

– Speed is measured through a speed trap covering the final to the finish line, indicating the approximate maximum speed of the vehicle during the run.

– TFT response time is measured as the average time it takes to change the pixels from one shade of grey to another shade of grey.

– The Baud rate is different from the gross bit rate, measured in “bits/second”.

– Most of these entries should be measured in SI units.

– The magnitude that represents this characteristic is the resistance, and it is measured in ohms.

– Intuitively, one may think that the speed of the light from the flashlight as measured on the train should be 2/3 the speed measured on the ground, just like the speed of the baseball was 2/3.

– The power of an automobile is usually measured in Kilowattkilowatts or horsepower.

– It is usually measured as a water surface elevation, expressed in units of length, but represents the energy at the entrance of a piezometer.

– For example, if velocity is measured in meters per second, and if time is measured in seconds, then acceleration is measured in meters per second squared.

More in-sentence examples of “measured”:

- The variable measured is most often the light's intensity but could also, for instance, be the polarization state.

- One unit of mass is measured in grams or kilograms with regard to specific heat.

– The variable measured is most often the light’s intensity but could also, for instance, be the polarization state.

– One unit of mass is measured in grams or kilograms with regard to specific heat.

– Earthquakes 4.5 or higher on the Richter scale can be measured all over the world.

– All participants are timed or have a distance measured and this is their end result.

– When it is measured in cycles or rotations per unit time.

– It is measured by a unit of speed.

– Distances can be measured on a map using dividers,compasses with two spikes.

– Its effect is measured by testing to see if the behavior has been successfully changed.

– Longitude is measured using degrees, the same way an angle ihs.

– Sidereal time is a “time scale based on Earth’s rate of rotation measured relative to the fixed stars”.

– There are two types of viscosity: “fluid dynamicsdynamic viscosity”, measured in pascal kinematic viscosity”, measured in squared.

– The size of the viola is measured from the bottom to the neck of it.

– Races are run from a standing start, in a straight line, over a measured distance, usually a ¼-mile straight track.

– Of the $3.98 trillion daily global turnover, as measured in 2007, trading in London accounted for around $1.36 trillion, or 34.1% of the total., published in December 2007.

– The level of noise is measured in decibels and after this level, the workplace needs to make sure that workers are protected from the noise.

– Word length is measured by counting the letters in each word, or by counting syllables.

– The affect of an earthquake can be measured by a seismometer.

– Peña Nieto also claimed that he halved the murder rate in the State of Mexico during his time as governor, but retracted this claim after “The Economist” showed that the murder rate did not diminish and was being measured in a different way.

– Material damages, measured in millions of Swedish crowns, were reported.

– They also measured the moon’s surface temperature.

– We could give the measured length as 2 metres or 3 cm—depending on the length of the rod under observation.

– Body jewellery is measured in gauges from 20g up to 000g; sizes larger than that are measured in fractions of inches.

– In common language, the weight of something is typically understood to be the value measured at or near the Earth’s surface.

– These units are usually measured in degrees, noted °GL, or °GT.

– Temperature is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

– Plancks constant can now be measured with very high precision.

– Army trucks are measured by how many tons each cargo model can carry.

– Initiative’s ViewerTrack study, which measured 2005 sports audiences, showed the sport’s highest-profile match, the All-Ireland Football Final, to be the most watched event of the nation’s sporting year.

– It was first measured in 1922, but not all maps showed the same height.

– In other words, mass is measured by scalars, just like distances are measured by scalars.

– His scale worked like a seismogram, measured by a particular type of “seismometer” at a distance of 100 kilometers from the earthquake.

– The number of back-and-forth movements in one second is its frequency, measured in Hertz.

– Parts of a car engine are measured to 0.01 of a millimeter and some engine parts fit together very tightly.

– One night Set measured Osiris to make a tomb for him.

– Earthquakes are measured using watching from seismographs.

– The frequency is measured in Hz.

– According to Tolkien, the Shire measured 40 leagues Tolkien takes a league to be 3 miles, see “Unfinished Tales”, The Disaster of the Gladden Fields, Appendix on Númenórean Measure.

– The Soviet Union’s highest mountain was Communism Peak in Tajikistan measured at.

– The speed of a vessel relative to the fluid in which it travels is usually measured in knots.

– Before that, economics was about the king’s personal interests, and the wealth of a nation was measured by the king’s treasury.

– Disc size is measured in imperial or metric units.

– For the other new planet, 581g, the group measured a mass that was 3.1 times the mass of the Earth and an orbit that was 36.6 days long.

– The temperature of the chamber is measured either using a thermometer or thermocouple.

– PAOP and PVR can not be measured directly with echocardiography.

– However, they noticed that no matter who performed the experiments, where the experiments were performed, or what star light was used, the measured speed of light in a vacuum was always the same.

– Bearings can be measured different ways.

– At that time, a body that measured about 5feet, 7inches was buried as the body of Anastasia.

– All roads are measured from this point.

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