“maybe” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “maybe”:

– A werewolf can maybe be killed with silver bullet but it depends on what type of werewolf.

– Ecclestone himself stating “We’re going to maybe resurrect it for a year, or something like that”.

– What do people think is a good policy for this? Has anyone created a draft yet or maybe multiple people want to? That or we can just talk here about it for now.

– A nomination is when something is picked with other people to maybe with something.

– Being so unsure maybe made participants to conform.

maybe how to use?
maybe how to use?

Example sentences of “maybe”:

– About three feet underneath Durrington Walls, there are remains of about 90 standing stones, maybe from an earlier time.

– But maybe the biggest legacy, or way they have been remembered, of their deaths is the change that happened in the space program: since the Apollo 1 fire, there has never been another fire in an American spacecraft – engineers learned that very painful lesson during the fire in Apollo 1 and have done everything they can to make sure another fire can never happen.

– Looking at it’s revision history, I would like to suggest that this page be semi-protected, or maybe even full protected.

– It looks like we have consensus here maybe to implement a block of some type on the IPs at the very least if not their main account as well.

– Huni established a fortress on the island of Elephantine, and he maybe built pyramid in Meidum.

– I don’t know if this has already been discussed but have we thought of having good/featured lists or topics? If so maybe now as we have grown considerably we could consider these as they wouldn’t make too much more work.

- About three feet underneath Durrington Walls, there are remains of about 90 standing stones, maybe from an earlier time.

- But maybe the biggest legacy, or way they have been remembered, of their deaths is the change that happened in the space program: since the Apollo 1 fire, there has never been another fire in an American spacecraft – engineers learned that very painful lesson during the fire in Apollo 1 and have done everything they can to make sure another fire can never happen.
- Looking at it's revision history, I would like to suggest that this page be semi-protected, or maybe even full protected.

Maybe he guessed that Schumann had syphilis, maybe he knew that he was often drunk.

– You do create hundreds of stubs, but maybe try working on content rather than creating stubs.

– However, I’m thinking of maybe taking it over since Gwib’s retired and “rehabilitating” it.

– Could someone take a look at the mythology section of this article? I think it’s ungrammatical, needs simplifying, and maybe should even be removed.

More in-sentence examples of “maybe”:

- I thought, well, maybe that person is interested in WikiProject Warriors! There's a link here, and you can join if you like.

- We could outline, prehaps, the way we do interwikis, a short summary of Simple English, and maybe a note to say that it is a good place to go if you want to learn English.
- I realise to do it would take me some time and maybe another time when I have time.

– I thought, well, maybe that person is interested in WikiProject Warriors! There’s a link here, and you can join if you like.

– We could outline, prehaps, the way we do interwikis, a short summary of Simple English, and maybe a note to say that it is a good place to go if you want to learn English.

– I realise to do it would take me some time and maybe another time when I have time.

– Therefore, the quantity “m” used in Einstein’s equation is sometimes called the “rest mass.” suggests that mass has a large amount of energy, so maybe we could convert some mass to a more useful form of energy.

– The endocast showed that the brain was indeed small: relative to body size, maybe the smallest among the dinosaurs.

– The reading levels are reasonable, but maybe a little higher than ideal, possibly because of some of the sources used.

– Decreased government spending reduces public and maybe private employment.

– Could we maybe get people to chime off if they think a block is warranted so its a bit more clear.

– I created an account, maybe this will help.

– A bookkeeper is another term for an accountant, but can sometimes means a person who does accounting but maybe doesn’t have as much formal education as an accountant.

– The honor maybe given to a citizen from a foreign country.

Maybe you know something about a subject that is not in the article, maybe you want to fix a spelling mistake.

– He is then imprisoned in the Fire Nation prison where Zuko visits him, stating that maybe prison will set him up in the right path, then demands to know where his mother is.

– So that’s how it’s going to be from now on, I guess: “Do what we say and no one gets hurt.” When’s the next blackout and how long are you going to keep it up? Maybe attach demands to be met next time.

– Again, thank you to all who helped with DYK! I’m sure our new addition to the Main Page will attract more readers to come by and maybe even contribute more often.

– Dmitry and Fyodor agree that maybe Elder Zosima can help stop their fight, and Alyosha, though feeling worried about the meeting, says he will arrange it.

– Several speedskiing records were broken and Ferruccio was very passionate about his Riva as part of his lifestyle and exponent of Italian craft and design, maybe even just as passionate as he was about his Miura.

– In another place, maybe another place in the same electric circuit, there might be an electric potential of 5 joules per coulomb.

– These tools were maybe out of flint.Acheulean hand axes from Kent.

– Or maybe only a category LGBT with people who are known because of their LGBT, but no subcategories like LGBT writers, LGBT politicians or LGBT people by religion and nationality.

– The reason was to make sure that seafood that might be poisoned by the oil would not be sold and maybe make people sick.

– I blocked him on en-wiki, and he came here to tell me something unsavory, which y’all could maybe rev-delete.

– So, maybe that way the “asura”s got a bad name.

– Bedroom furniture includes a bed covered by sheets, a bedspread and maybe a blanket and pillow.

– Also, we are going to do another round of articles soon, does anyone have any requests for article topics? Maybe something about the current unrest in Bangkok…

– At first, Kirby was named Twinkle Popo but Masahiro Sakurai wanted American kids to enjoy it too so He and his team asked Nintendo of America for some names and the name “Kirby,” caught Sakurai’s eye out of maybe hundreds, But Kirby, just happened to be the name of Nintendo of America’s lawyer, John Kirby.

– Lust is a term for a strong desire or wanting, or maybe even needing, often for sexual acts, although it is also commonly used to talk of a “lust for life” or a “lust for power” or for other goals.

– There are crop marks that there must have been a large collection of buildings, maybe a royal palace or at least high status Saxon enclosure.

– Physicists like Erwin Schrödinger suggested that maybe the relationship in position and velocity would just gradually go away somehow.

– But then I thought maybe we weren’t allowing Twinkle right now.

– If that happens, then maybe it would be allowed for people who are very sick and will not recover, but do not want to die.

– The level of risk goes way up making it more likely that they will become sick or maybe even die out in the cold.

– I’m not sure if there is already the Make new page thing, but maybe add the other 2 on the Main Page.

– I will a year long ban at least, maybe longer.

– Even though I’m still new here, I am finding my way around, and would like to make quality edits, in just maybe one week or a day.

– But this is only an average: maybe they travelled faster at some times.

– The last pagans survived maybe even to XIII century.

– Because of this, people in many different times and countries have thought that the Jews were strange, and maybe dangerous.

– For me and maybe a lot of other people, many icons are enigmatic — especially before they are explained or labeled with English.

– They did not move up and down, so maybe they helped gliding.

– If you could atleast admit that you knew creating this one line stubs was just a way to inflate your numbers then maybe going forward might be easier.

– They were two of his female cousins and maybe his later lovers.

– One reviewer said that “…Rodrigo y Gabriela’s secret is maybe quite simple.

– Could an administrator close the discussion from Jan, and maybe some editors/admins/folk comment on the recent one please.

– Here’s a suggestion: Work on one particular article you seem to know much about, and maybe even try to promote it to WP:GA, or even WP:VGA.

– A low-lying area will be a lake or a swamp during hot, wet periods, and maybe a desert or a mudflat during dry periods.

– Or maybe only an administrator can do it? Please delete page Gordan Nikolitsch created in error.

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